Are there things about our instance you want to change? Are there
things about other instances you wish were different? That's
- great--you can run your own instance!
+ great---you can run your own instance!
For more information on deploying your own instance, see
repository in the ``docs/`` directory.
-Who wrote this documentation
+Who wrote this documentation?
In no particular order:
* Matt
-How should I bring up errors in the documentation
+I found an error in the docs---who do I tell?
-There are a few ways--please pick the one most convenient to you!
+There are a few ways---please pick the one most convenient to you!
1. Send an email to Will ``willg at bluesock dot org``.
2. Write up a bug report in the bug tracker at .
What is GNU MediaGoblin
-Three years ago, a number of free software luminaries got together at
-the FSF office to answer the question, "What should software freedom
-look like on the participatory web?" Those thinkers included Richard
-Stallman - founder of the free software movement and instigator of the
-GNU project, Evan Prodromou - the driving force behind, a
-highly sucessful federated micro-blogging service, and FIXME.
+Three years ago (2008), a number of free software luminaries got
+together at the FSF office to answer the question, "What should
+software freedom look like on the participatory web?" Those thinkers
+included Richard Stallman---founder of the free software movement and
+instigator of the GNU project, Evan Prodromou---the driving force
+behind, a highly sucessful federated micro-blogging
+service, and FIXME.
Since that time and have answered the
freedom-loving web-user's need for micro-blogging and music sharing.
See `Get Involved <>`.
-How is this licensed?
+How is GNU MediaGoblin licensed?
-FIXME - write this once we work out the details
+GNU MediaGoblin software is released under an AGPLv3 license.
+See the ``COPYING`` file in the source for details.
Is this an official GNU Project? What does that mean?