0. Update to the latest release. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, run:
``git fetch && git checkout -q v0.10.0``
-1. Upgrade MediaGoblin:
+1. Remove your existing installation:
+ ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
+2. Upgrade MediaGoblin:
``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make``
-2. Update the database:
- ``./bin/python setup.py develop --upgrade && ./bin/gmg dbupdate``
-3. Restart MediaGoblin
+3. Update the database:
+ ``./bin/gmg dbupdate``
+4. Restart MediaGoblin
**Upgrade (upgrading to Python 3):**
1. Update to the latest release. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, run:
``git fetch && git checkout -q v0.10.0``
2. Remove your existing installation:
- ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64``
+ ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
3. Upgrade MediaGoblin:
``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make``
4. Update the database:
0. Update to the latest release. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, run:
``git fetch && git checkout -q v0.10.0``
-1. Update the database:
- ``./bin/python setup.py develop --upgrade && ./bin/gmg dbupdate``
-2. Restart MediaGoblin
+1. Remove your existing installation:
+ ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
+2. Upgrade MediaGoblin:
+ ``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure --without-python3 && make``
+3. Update the database:
+ ``./bin/gmg dbupdate``
+4. Restart MediaGoblin
For detailed instructions on installing MediaGoblin, see ":doc:`deploying`". If
you have any problems, please drop in to the `#mediagoblin IRC chat