--- /dev/null
+.. MediaGoblin Documentation
+ Written in 2020 by MediaGoblin contributors
+ To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
+ copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
+ the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
+ any warranty.
+ You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
+ Dedication along with this software. If not, see
+ <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
+ Upgrading MediaGoblin
+Updating to a new release of MediaGoblin
+*ALWAYS* do backups before upgrading, especially before running migrations! That
+way if something goes wrong, we can fix things!
+And be sure to shut down your current MediaGoblin/Celery processes before
+Upgrade (already on Python 3)
+1. Update to the latest release. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, run:
+ ``git fetch && git checkout -q v0.10.0 && git submodule update``
+2. Remove your existing installation:
+ ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
+3. Install MediaGoblin:
+ ``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make``
+4. Update the database:
+ ``./bin/gmg dbupdate``
+5. Restart MediaGoblin
+Upgrade (upgrading to Python 3)
+1. Refer to the "Dependences" and "Configure PostgreSQL" sections of
+ ":doc:`deploying`" to install the necessary Python 3 dependencies.
+2. Update to the latest release. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, run:
+ ``git fetch && git checkout -q stable && git submodule update``
+3. Remove your existing installation:
+ ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
+4. Install MediaGoblin:
+ ``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make``
+5. Update the database:
+ ``./bin/gmg dbupdate``
+6. Restart MediaGoblin
+Upgrade (remaining on Python 2 - not recommended)
+1. Update to the latest release. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, run:
+ ``git fetch && git checkout -q stable && git submodule update``
+2. Remove your existing installation:
+ ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
+3. Install MediaGoblin:
+ ``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure --without-python3 && make``
+4. Update the database:
+ ``./bin/gmg dbupdate``
+5. Restart MediaGoblin
+Updating your system Python
+Upgrading your operating system or installing a new version of
+Python may break MediaGoblin. This typically occurs because Python virtual
+environment is referring to a copy of Python that no longer exists. To fix this:
+1. In your ``mediagoblin`` directory, remove your existing installation:
+ ``rm -rf bin include lib lib64 node_modules``
+2. Install MediaGoblin:
+ ``./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make``
+3. Update the database:
+ ``./bin/gmg dbupdate``
+4. Restart MediaGoblin