+++ /dev/null
-# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
-# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-from mediagoblin import mg_globals
-from mediagoblin.db.open import setup_connection_and_db_from_config
-from mediagoblin.gmg_commands import util as commands_util
-from mediagoblin.storage.filestorage import BasicFileStorage
-from mediagoblin.init import setup_storage, setup_global_and_app_config
-import shutil
-import tarfile
-import tempfile
-import subprocess
-import os.path
-import os
-import sys
-import logging
-from contextlib import closing
-_log = logging.getLogger('gmg.import_export')
-def import_export_parse_setup(subparser):
- # TODO: Add default
- subparser.add_argument(
- 'tar_file')
- subparser.add_argument(
- '--mongodump_path', default='mongodump',
- help='mongodump binary')
- subparser.add_argument(
- '--mongorestore_path', default='mongorestore',
- help='mongorestore binary')
- subparser.add_argument(
- '--cache_path',
- help='Temporary directory where files will be temporarily dumped')
-def _import_media(db, args):
- '''
- Import media files
- Must be called after _import_database()
- '''
- _log.info('-> Importing media...')
- media_cache = BasicFileStorage(
- args._cache_path['media'])
- # TODO: Add import of queue files
- queue_cache = BasicFileStorage(args._cache_path['queue'])
- for entry in db.MediaEntry.query.filter_by():
- for name, path in entry.media_files.items():
- _log.info('Importing: {0} - {1}'.format(
- entry.title.encode('ascii', 'replace'),
- name))
- media_file = mg_globals.public_store.get_file(path, mode='wb')
- media_file.write(
- media_cache.get_file(path, mode='rb').read())
- _log.info('...Media imported')
-def _import_database(db, args):
- '''
- Restore mongo database from ___.bson files
- '''
- _log.info('-> Importing database...')
- p = subprocess.Popen([
- args.mongorestore_path,
- '-d', db.name,
- os.path.join(args._cache_path['database'], db.name)])
- p.wait()
- _log.info('...Database imported')
-def env_import(args):
- '''
- Restore mongo database and media files from a tar archive
- '''
- if not args.cache_path:
- args.cache_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- setup_global_and_app_config(args.conf_file)
- # Creates mg_globals.public_store and mg_globals.queue_store
- setup_storage()
- global_config, app_config = setup_global_and_app_config(args.conf_file)
- db = setup_connection_and_db_from_config(
- app_config)
- tf = tarfile.open(
- args.tar_file,
- mode='r|gz')
- tf.extractall(args.cache_path)
- args.cache_path = os.path.join(
- args.cache_path, 'mediagoblin-data')
- args = _setup_paths(args)
- # Import database from extracted data
- _import_database(db, args)
- _import_media(db, args)
- _clean(args)
-def _setup_paths(args):
- '''
- Populate ``args`` variable with cache subpaths
- '''
- args._cache_path = dict()
- PATH_MAP = {
- 'media': 'media',
- 'queue': 'queue',
- 'database': 'database'}
- for key, val in PATH_MAP.items():
- args._cache_path[key] = os.path.join(args.cache_path, val)
- return args
-def _create_archive(args):
- '''
- Create the tar archive
- '''
- _log.info('-> Compressing to archive')
- tf = tarfile.open(
- args.tar_file,
- mode='w|gz')
- with closing(tf):
- tf.add(args.cache_path, 'mediagoblin-data/')
- _log.info('...Archiving done')
-def _clean(args):
- '''
- Remove cache directory
- '''
- shutil.rmtree(args.cache_path)
-def _export_check(args):
- '''
- Run security checks for export command
- '''
- if os.path.exists(args.tar_file):
- overwrite = raw_input(
- 'The output file already exists. '
- 'Are you **SURE** you want to overwrite it? '
- '(yes/no)> ')
- if not overwrite == 'yes':
- print 'Aborting.'
- return False
- return True
-def _export_database(db, args):
- _log.info('-> Exporting database...')
- p = subprocess.Popen([
- args.mongodump_path,
- '-d', db.name,
- '-o', args._cache_path['database']])
- p.wait()
- _log.info('...Database exported')
-def _export_media(db, args):
- _log.info('-> Exporting media...')
- media_cache = BasicFileStorage(
- args._cache_path['media'])
- # TODO: Add export of queue files
- queue_cache = BasicFileStorage(args._cache_path['queue'])
- for entry in db.MediaEntry.query.filter_by():
- for name, path in entry.media_files.items():
- _log.info(u'Exporting {0} - {1}'.format(
- entry.title,
- name))
- try:
- mc_file = media_cache.get_file(path, mode='wb')
- mc_file.write(
- mg_globals.public_store.get_file(path, mode='rb').read())
- except Exception as e:
- _log.error('Failed: {0}'.format(e))
- _log.info('...Media exported')
-def env_export(args):
- '''
- Export database and media files to a tar archive
- '''
- commands_util.check_unrecognized_args(args)
- if args.cache_path:
- if os.path.exists(args.cache_path):
- _log.error('The cache directory must not exist '
- 'before you run this script')
- _log.error('Cache directory: {0}'.format(args.cache_path))
- return False
- else:
- args.cache_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- args = _setup_paths(args)
- if not _export_check(args):
- _log.error('Checks did not pass, exiting')
- sys.exit(0)
- globa_config, app_config = setup_global_and_app_config(args.conf_file)
- setup_storage()
- db = setup_connection_and_db_from_config(app_config)
- _export_database(db, args)
- _export_media(db, args)
- _create_archive(args)
- _clean(args)