echo "You have less than 5GB of free space on the disk where $safe_folder is located. You will need more space to continue"
df -h $safe_folder
- read -p "Would you like to attempt to recover space by cleaning docker images and containers in the system?(y/N)" -n 1 -r
- echo
- if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
- then
- $docker_path system prune -af
- echo "If the cleanup was successful, you may try again now"
+ if tty >/dev/null; then
+ read -p "Would you like to attempt to recover space by cleaning docker images and containers in the system?(y/N)" -n 1 -r
+ echo
+ if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
+ then
+ $docker_path system prune -af
+ echo "If the cleanup was successful, you may try again now"
+ fi
exit 1