* http://agpl.fsf.org/emailselfdefense.fsf.org/edward/CURRENT/edward.tar.gz
* https://git-tails.immerda.ch/whisperback/tree/whisperBack/encryption.py?h=feature/python3
* http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/python/send_pgp_mime
import sys
import edward_config
+match_types = [('encrypted',
+ '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----.*?-----END PGP MESSAGE-----'),
+ ('pubkey',
+ ('detachedsig',
+ '-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----.*?-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----'),
+ ('clearsign',
+class EddyMsg (object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.multipart = False
+ self.subparts = []
+ self.charset = None
+ self.payload_bytes = None
+ self.payload_pieces = []
+ self.filename = None
+ self.content_type = None
+ self.description_list = None
+class PayloadPiece (object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.piece_type = None
+ self.string = None
+ self.gpg_data = None
def main ():
email_text = sys.stdin.read()
- email_from, email_subject = email_from_subject(email_text)
+ result = parse_pgp_mime(email_text)
- plaintext, fingerprints = email_decode_flatten(email_text, gpgme_ctx, False)
- encrypt_to_key = choose_reply_encryption_key(gpgme_ctx, fingerprints)
+ email_from, email_subject = email_from_subject(email_text)
- reply_message = generate_reply(plaintext, email_from, \
- email_subject, encrypt_to_key,
- gpgme_ctx)
+# plaintext, fingerprints = email_decode_flatten(email_text, gpgme_ctx, False)
+# encrypt_to_key = choose_reply_encryption_key(gpgme_ctx, fingerprints)
+# reply_message = generate_reply(plaintext, email_from, \
+# email_subject, encrypt_to_key,
+# gpgme_ctx)
- print(reply_message)
+ print(flatten_eddy(result))
def get_gpg_context (gnupghome, sign_with_key_fp):
return gpgme_ctx
-def email_decode_flatten (email_text, gpgme_ctx, from_decryption):
- body = ""
- fingerprints = []
+def parse_pgp_mime (email_text):
email_struct = email.parser.Parser().parsestr(email_text)
- for subpart in email_struct.walk():
+ eddy_obj = parse_mime(email_struct)
+ eddy_obj = split_payloads(eddy_obj)
- payload, description, filename, content_type \
- = get_email_subpart_info(subpart)
+ return eddy_obj
- if payload == "":
- continue
- if content_type == "multipart":
- continue
+def parse_mime(msg_struct):
- if content_type == "application/pgp-encrypted":
- if ((description == "PGP/MIME version identification")
- and (payload.strip() != "Version: 1")):
- debug("Warning: unknown " + description
- + ": " + payload.strip())
- # ignore the version number
- continue
+ eddy_obj = EddyMsg()
- if (filename == "encrypted.asc") or (content_type == "pgp/mime"):
- plaintext, more_fps = decrypt_text(payload, gpgme_ctx)
+ if msg_struct.is_multipart() == True:
+ payloads = msg_struct.get_payload()
- body += plaintext
- fingerprints += more_fps
+ eddy_obj.multipart = True
+ eddy_obj.subparts = map(parse_mime, payloads)
+ else:
+ eddy_obj = get_subpart_data(msg_struct)
- elif content_type == "application/pgp-keys":
- fingerprints += add_gpg_keys(payload, gpgme_ctx)
+ return eddy_obj
- # this is ugly. it needs work.
- elif content_type == "text/plain":
- if from_decryption == True:
- body += payload + "\n"
- fingerprints += add_gpg_keys(payload, gpgme_ctx)
+def split_payloads (eddy_obj):
- plaintext, more_fps = verify_clear_signature(payload, gpgme_ctx)
- fingerprints += more_fps
+ if eddy_obj.multipart == True:
+ eddy_obj.subparts = map(split_payloads, eddy_obj.subparts)
- else:
- plaintext, more_fps = decrypt_text(payload, gpgme_ctx)
- body += plaintext
- fingerprints += more_fps
+ else:
+ for (match_type, pattern) in match_types:
- fingerprints += add_gpg_keys(payload, gpgme_ctx)
+ new_pieces_list = []
+ for payload_piece in eddy_obj.payload_pieces:
+ new_pieces_list += scan_and_split(payload_piece,
+ match_type, pattern)
+ eddy_obj.payload_pieces = new_pieces_list
- plaintext, more_fps = verify_clear_signature(payload, gpgme_ctx)
- fingerprints += more_fps
- body += plaintext
+ return eddy_obj
+def scan_and_split (payload_piece, match_type, pattern):
- return body, fingerprints
+ flags = re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
+ matches = re.search("(?P<beginning>.*?)(?P<match>" + pattern +
+ ")(?P<rest>.*)", payload_piece.string, flags=flags)
+ if matches == None:
+ pieces = [payload_piece]
-def email_from_subject (email_text):
+ else:
- email_struct = email.parser.Parser().parsestr(email_text)
+ beginning = PayloadPiece()
+ beginning.string = matches.group('beginning')
+ beginning.piece_type = payload_piece.piece_type
- email_from = email_struct['From']
- email_subject = email_struct['Subject']
+ match = PayloadPiece()
+ match.string = matches.group('match')
+ match.piece_type = match_type
- return email_from, email_subject
+ rest = PayloadPiece()
+ rest.string = matches.group('rest')
+ rest.piece_type = payload_piece.piece_type
+ more_pieces = scan_and_split(rest, match_type, pattern)
-def get_email_subpart_info (part):
+ if more_pieces == None:
+ pieces = [beginning, match, rest]
+ else:
+ pieces = [beginning, match] + more_pieces
- charset = part.get_content_charset()
- payload_bytes = part.get_payload(decode=True)
+ return pieces
- filename = part.get_filename()
- content_type = part.get_content_type()
- description_list = part.get_params(header='content-description')
- if charset == None:
- charset = 'utf-8'
+def get_subpart_data (part):
- if payload_bytes != None:
- payload = payload_bytes.decode(charset)
- else:
- payload = ""
+ obj = EddyMsg()
+ obj.charset = part.get_content_charset()
+ obj.payload_bytes = part.get_payload(decode=True)
+ obj.filename = part.get_filename()
+ obj.content_type = part.get_content_type()
+ obj.description_list = part['content-description']
+ # your guess is as good as a-myy-ee-ine...
+ if obj.charset == None:
+ obj.charset = 'utf-8'
+ if obj.payload_bytes != None:
+ # this belongs in a specific try statement.
+ payload = PayloadPiece()
+ payload.string = obj.payload_bytes.decode(obj.charset)
+ payload.piece_type = 'text'
- if description_list != None:
- description = description_list[0][0]
+ obj.payload_pieces = [payload]
+ return obj
+def flatten_eddy (eddy_obj):
+ if eddy_obj.multipart == True:
+ string = "\n".join(map(flatten_eddy, eddy_obj.subparts))
- description = ""
+ string = flatten_payload_piece(eddy_obj.payload_pieces)
+ return string
- return payload, description, filename, content_type
+def flatten_payload_piece (payload_pieces):
+ string = ""
+ for piece in payload_pieces:
+ string += piece.string
+ return string
+def email_from_subject (email_text):
+ email_struct = email.parser.Parser().parsestr(email_text)
+ email_from = email_struct['From']
+ email_subject = email_struct['Subject']
+ return email_from, email_subject
def add_gpg_keys (text, gpgme_ctx):