upload_limit=None, max_file_size=None,
# If provided we'll do the feed_url update, otherwise ignore
+ """
+ Args:
+ - mg_app: The MediaGoblinApp instantiated for this process
+ - user: the user object this media entry should be associated with
+ - submitted_file: the file-like object that has the
+ being-submitted file data in it (this object should really have
+ a .name attribute which is the filename on disk!)
+ - filename: the *original* filename of this. Not necessarily the
+ one on disk being referenced by submitted_file.
+ - title: title for this media entry
+ - description: description for this media entry
+ - license: license for this media entry
+ - tags_string: comma separated string of tags to be associated
+ with this entry
+ - upload_limit: size in megabytes that's the per-user upload limit
+ - max_file_size: maximum size each file can be that's uploaded
+ - urlgen: if provided, used to do the feed_url update
+ """
if upload_limit and user.uploaded >= upload_limit:
raise UserPastUploadLimit()