RUN chown -R www-data:www-data /opt/mediagoblin
WORKDIR /opt/mediagoblin
-RUN mkdir /var/www
+RUN mkdir --mode=g+w /var/www
RUN chown root:www-data /var/www
-RUN chmod g+w /var/www
RUN groupadd --system mediagoblin --gid 1024 && adduser www-data mediagoblin
USER www-data
RUN git clone --depth=1 git:// -b master .
-RUN git submodule init && git submodule update
RUN ./
RUN VIRTUALENV_FLAGS='--system-site-packages' ./configure
# To build this Docker image, run:
-# docker build -t mediagoblin-python3 -f Dockerfile-python3 # or
-# docker build -t mediagoblin-python3 - < Dockerfile-python3 # with no build context
+# docker build -t mediagoblin-python3 -f Dockerfile-debian-python3-sqlite # or
+# docker build -t mediagoblin-python3 - < Dockerfile-debian-python3-sqlite # with no build context
# The "- < Dockerfile" format advises Docker not to include the current
# directory as build context.
# Create /var/www because Bower writes some cache files into /var/www during
# make, failing if it doesn't exist.
-RUN mkdir /var/www
+RUN mkdir --mode=g+w /var/www
RUN chown root:www-data /var/www
-RUN chmod g+w /var/www
# Set up custom group to align with volume permissions for mounted
# "mediagoblin/mediagoblin" and "mediagoblin/user_dev".
# database type. So instead we're doing a git clone. We could potentially use
# `git archive` but this still wouldn't account for the submodules.
RUN git clone --depth=1 git:// -b master .
-RUN git submodule init && git submodule update
RUN ./
RUN VIRTUALENV_FLAGS='--system-site-packages' ./configure --with-python3