If you're upgrading from a previous release, please read it
carefully, or at least skim over it.
+**Do this to upgrade**
+1. Update to the latest release. If checked out from git, run:
+ ``git fetch && git checkout -q v0.7.0 && git submodule update``
+2. Make sure to run
+ ``./bin/python setup.py develop --upgrade && ./bin/gmg dbupdate``
+That's it, probably! If you run into problems, don't hesitate to
+`contact us <http://mediagoblin.org/pages/join.html>`_
+(IRC is often best).
+**New features:**
+- New mobile upload API making use of the
+ `Pump API <https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/blob/master/API.md>`_
+ (which will be the foundation for MediaGoblin's federation)
+- New theme: Sandy 70s Speedboat!
+- Metadata features! We also now have a json-ld context.
+- Many improvements for archival institutions, including metadata
+ support and featuring items on the homepage. With the (new!)
+ archivalook plugin enabled, featuring media is possible.
+ Additionally, metadata about the particular media item will show up
+ in the sidebar.
+ In the future these plugins may be separated, but for now they have
+ come together as part of the same plugin.
+- There is a new gmg subcommand called batchaddmedia that allows for
+ uploading many files at once. This is aimed to be useful for
+ archival institutions and groups where there is an already existing
+ and large set of available media that needs to be included.
+- Speaking of, the call to postgres in the makefile is fixed.
+- We have a new, generic media-page context hook that allows for
+ adding context depending on the type of media.
+- Tired of video thumbnails breaking during processing all the time?
+ Good news, everyone! Video thumbnail generation should not fail
+ frequently anymore. (We think...)
+- You can now set default permissions for new users in the config.
+- bootstrap.sh / gnu configuration stuff still exists, but moves to be
+ experimental-bootstrap.sh so as to not confuse newcomers. There are
+ some problems currently with the autoconf stuff that we need to work
+ out... we still have interest in supporting it, though help is
+ welcome.
+- MediaGoblin now checks whether or not the database is up to date
+ when starting.
+- Switched to `Skeleton <http://www.getskeleton.com/>`_ as a system for
+ graphic design.
+- New gmg subcommands for administrators:
+ - A "deletemedia" command
+ - A "deleteuser" command
+- We now have a blogging media type... it's very experimental,
+ however. Use with caution!
+- We have switched to exifread as an external library for reading EXIF
+ data. It's basically the same thing as before, but packaged
+ separately from MediaGoblin.
+- Many improvements to internationalization. Also (still rudimentary,
+ but existant!) RTL language support!
+**Known issues:**
+ - Webfinger is now json by default; in the spec it should be xml by
+ default. We have done this because of compatibility with the pump
+ API. We are checking with upstream to see if there is a way to
+ resolve this discrepancy.