This ensures that a `yarn install` will never modify the lockfile. We always want to use the lockfile from source control.
sudo -u discourse bundle config --local path ./vendor/bundle &&\
sudo -u discourse bundle config --local without test development &&\
sudo -u discourse bundle install --jobs 4 &&\
- sudo -u discourse yarn install --production &&\
+ sudo -u discourse yarn install --production --frozen-lockfile &&\
sudo -u discourse yarn cache clean &&\
bundle exec rake maxminddb:get &&\
find /var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle -name tmp -type d -exec rm -rf {} +
- exec:
cd: $home
- - "[ ! -d 'node_modules' ] || su discourse -c 'yarn install --production && yarn cache clean'"
+ - "[ ! -d 'node_modules' ] || su discourse -c 'yarn install --production --frozen-lockfile && yarn cache clean'"
- exec:
cd: $home