# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
+import uuid
from sqlalchemy import (MetaData, Table, Column, Boolean, SmallInteger,
Integer, Unicode, UnicodeText, DateTime,
- slugs with = (or also : which is now also not allowed) to have those
stripped out (small possibility of breakage here sadly)
- import uuid
def slug_and_user_combo_exists(slug, uploader):
return db.execute(
row, row.slug.replace(u"=", u"-").replace(u":", u"-"))
+@RegisterMigration(10, MIGRATIONS)
+def unique_collections_slug(db):
+ """Add unique constraint to collection slug"""
+ metadata = MetaData(bind=db.bind)
+ collection_table = inspect_table(metadata, "core__collections")
+ existing_slugs = {}
+ slugs_to_change = []
+ for row in db.execute(collection_table.select()):
+ # if duplicate slug, generate a unique slug
+ if row.creator in existing_slugs and row.slug in \
+ existing_slugs[row.creator]:
+ slugs_to_change.append(row.id)
+ else:
+ if not row.creator in existing_slugs:
+ existing_slugs[row.creator] = [row.slug]
+ else:
+ existing_slugs[row.creator].append(row.slug)
+ for row_id in slugs_to_change:
+ new_slug = uuid.uuid4().hex
+ db.execute(collection_table.update().
+ where(collection_table.c.id == row_id).
+ values(slug=new_slug))
+ # sqlite does not like to change the schema when a transaction(update) is
+ # not yet completed
+ db.commit()
+ constraint = UniqueConstraint('creator', 'slug',
+ name='core__collection_creator_slug_key',
+ table=collection_table)
+ constraint.create()
+ db.commit()
title = Column(Unicode, nullable=False)
slug = Column(Unicode)
created = Column(DateTime, nullable=False, default=datetime.datetime.now,
- index=True)
+ index=True)
description = Column(UnicodeText)
creator = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(User.id), nullable=False)
# TODO: No of items in Collection. Badly named, can we migrate to num_items?
cascade="all, delete-orphan"))
+ __table_args__ = (
+ UniqueConstraint('creator', 'slug'),
+ {})
def get_collection_items(self, ascending=False):
#TODO, is this still needed with self.collection_items being available?
order_col = CollectionItem.position