</div><!-- /.troubleshooting -->
</div><!-- End .main -->
</div><!-- End #step-2a .step -->
- <div id="step-2b" class="step">
- <div class="main">
- <h3><em>Step 2.b</em> Upload your public key to a keyserver</h3>
- <p>In your email program's menu, select OpenPGP → Key Management.</p>
-<p>Right click on your key and select Upload Public Keys to Keyserver. Use the default keyserver in the popup.</p>
-<p class="notes">Now someone who wants to send you an encrypted message can download your public key from the Internet. There are multiple keyservers that you can select from the menu when you upload, but they are all copies of each other, so it doesn't matter which one you use. However, it sometimes takes a few hours for them to match each other when a new key is uploaded.</p>
- <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Troubleshooting ~~~~~~~~~ -->
- <div class="troubleshooting">
- <h4>Troubleshooting</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt>The progress bar never finishes</dt>
- <dd>Close the upload popup, make sure you are on the Internet and try again. If that doesn't work, try again, selecting a different keyserver.</dd>
-<dt>My key doesnt appear in the list</dt>
- <dd>Try checking Show Default Keys.</dd>
- <dt class="feedback">Don't see a solution to your problem?</dt>
- <dd class="feedback">Please let us know on the <a href="https://libreplanet.org/wiki/GPG_guide/Public_Review">feedback page</a>.</dd>
- </dl>
- </div><!-- /.troubleshooting -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~ a div for each step ~~~~~~~~~ -->
<div id="step-2b" class="step">
<div class="main">
</div><!-- /.troubleshooting -->
</div><!-- End .main -->
</div><!-- End #step-2a .step -->
- <div id="step-2b" class="step">
- <div class="main">
- <h3><em>Step 2.b</em> Upload your public key to a keyserver</h3>
- <p>In your email program's menu, select OpenPGP → Key Management.</p>
-<p>Right click on your key and select Upload Public Keys to Keyserver. Use the default keyserver in the popup.</p>
-<p class="notes">Now someone who wants to send you an encrypted message can download your public key from the Internet. There are multiple keyservers that you can select from the menu when you upload, but they are all copies of each other, so it doesn't matter which one you use. However, it sometimes takes a few hours for them to match each other when a new key is uploaded.</p>
- <!-- ~~~~~~~~~ Troubleshooting ~~~~~~~~~ -->
- <div class="troubleshooting">
- <h4>Troubleshooting</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt>The progress bar never finishes</dt>
- <dd>Close the upload popup, make sure you are on the Internet and try again. If that doesn't work, try again, selecting a different keyserver.</dd>
-<dt>My key doesnt appear in the list</dt>
- <dd>Try checking Show Default Keys.</dd>
- <dt class="feedback">Don't see a solution to your problem?</dt>
- <dd class="feedback">Please let us know on the <a href="https://libreplanet.org/wiki/GPG_guide/Public_Review">feedback page</a>.</dd>
- </dl>
- </div><!-- /.troubleshooting -->
<!-- ~~~~~~~~~ a div for each step ~~~~~~~~~ -->
<div id="step-2b" class="step">