class MediaProcessor(object):
+ """A particular processor for this media type.
+ While the ProcessingManager handles all types of MediaProcessing
+ possible for a particular media type, a MediaProcessor can be
+ thought of as a *particular* processing action for a media type.
+ For example, you may have separate MediaProcessors for:
+ - initial_processing: the intial processing of a media
+ - gen_thumb: generate a thumbnail
+ - resize: resize an image
+ - transcode: transcode a video
+ ... etc.
+ Some information on producing a new MediaProcessor for your media type:
+ - You *must* supply a name attribute. This must be a class level
+ attribute, and a string. This will be used to determine the
+ subcommand of your process
+ - It's recommended that you supply a class level description
+ attribute.
+ - Supply a media_is_eligible classmethod. This will be used to
+ determine whether or not a media entry is eligible to use this
+ processor type. See the method documentation for details.
+ - To give "./bin/gmg reprocess run" abilities to this media type,
+ supply both gnerate_parser and parser_to_request classmethods.
+ - The process method will be what actually processes your media.
+ """
# You MUST override this in the child MediaProcessor!
name = None
+ # Optional, but will be used in various places to describe the
+ # action this MediaProcessor provides
+ description = None
def __init__(self, manager):
self.manager = manager
- def media_is_eligibile(self, media_entry):
+ def process(self, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Actually process this media entry.
+ """
raise NotImplementedError
- def process(self):
+ @classmethod
+ def media_is_eligibile(self, media_entry):
raise NotImplementedError
+ ###############################
+ # Command line interface things
+ ###############################
+ @classmethod
def generate_parser(self):
raise NotImplementedError
+ @classmethod
+ def parser_to_request(self, parser):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ ##########################################
+ # THE FUTURE: web interface things here :)
+ ##########################################
class ProcessingManager(object):
+ """
+ """
def __init__(self, entry):
self.entry = entry
# May merge these two classes soon....
for processor in self.processors.keys()
if processor.media_is_eligible(self.entry)]
- def process(self, processor):
+ def process(self, directive, request):