Dedication along with this software. If not, see
-.. GNU MediaGoblin documentation master file, created by
- sphinx-quickstart on Thu Apr 7 20:10:27 2011.
- You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
- contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to GNU MediaGoblin's documentation!
-Table of Contents:
+Part 1: Site Administrator's Guide
+This guide covers installing, configuring, deploying and running a GNU
+MediaGoblin website. It is written for site administrators.
.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- foreword
- about
- deploying
- production-deployments
- configuration
- media-types
- help
- relnotes
- theming
- codebase
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ siteadmin/foreword
+ siteadmin/about
+ siteadmin/deploying
+ siteadmin/production-deployments
+ siteadmin/configuration
+ siteadmin/media-types
+ siteadmin/help
+ siteadmin/relnotes
+ siteadmin/theming
+ siteadmin/plugins
+ siteadmin/codebase
+Part 2: Plugin Writer's Guide
+This guide covers writing new GNU MediaGoblin plugins.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ pluginwriter/foreward
Indices and tables
--- /dev/null
+.. MediaGoblin Documentation
+ Written in 2011, 2012 by MediaGoblin contributors
+ To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
+ copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
+ the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
+ any warranty.
+ You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
+ Dedication along with this software. If not, see
+ <>.
+About the Plugin Writer's Guide
+This guide covers writing plugins for GNU MediaGoblin. It's very much
+a work in progress partially because we just started writing it and
+partially because the plugin API is currently in flux.
+Improving the Plugin Writer's Guide
+There are a few ways---please pick whichever method is convenient for
+1. Write up a bug report in the bug tracker
+2. Tell someone on IRC ``#mediagoblin`` on Freenode.
+3. Write an email to the devel mailing list.
+Information about the bugtracker, IRC and the mailing list is all on
+the `join page`_.
+.. _join page:
+Patches are the most helpful, but even feedback on what you think
+could be improved and how to improve it is also helpful.
-About the MediaGoblin Manual
+About the Site Administrator's Guide
-This is the site administrator manual for MediaGoblin. It covers how
-to set up and configure MediaGoblin and the kind of information that
-someone running MediaGoblin would need to know.
+This is the site administrator manual for GNU MediaGoblin. It covers
+how to set up and configure MediaGoblin and the kind of information
+that someone running MediaGoblin would need to know.
We have other documentation at:
* for our contributor/developer-focused wiki
-Improving the MediaGoblin Manual
+Improving the Site Administrator's Guide
There are a few ways---please pick whichever method is convenient for
elsewhere on the Internet. Once you find a plugin you like, you need
to first install it, then add it to your configuration.
-.. todo:: how do you find plugins on the internet?
+.. todo: how do you find plugins on the internet?
Installing plugins