from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from migrate.changeset.constraint import UniqueConstraint
-from mediagoblin.db.sql.util import RegisterMigration
+from mediagoblin.db.util import RegisterMigration
from mediagoblin.db.sql.models import MediaEntry, Collection, User
+++ /dev/null
-# GNU MediaGoblin -- federated, autonomous media hosting
-# Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 MediaGoblin contributors. See AUTHORS.
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import sys
-from mediagoblin.db.sql.base import Session
-from mediagoblin.db.sql.models import MediaEntry, Tag, MediaTag, Collection
-from import simple_printer
-class MigrationManager(object):
- """
- Migration handling tool.
- Takes information about a database, lets you update the database
- to the latest migrations, etc.
- """
- def __init__(self, name, models, migration_registry, session,
- printer=simple_printer):
- """
- Args:
- - name: identifier of this section of the database
- - session: session we're going to migrate
- - migration_registry: where we should find all migrations to
- run
- """
- = unicode(name)
- self.models = models
- self.session = session
- self.migration_registry = migration_registry
- self._sorted_migrations = None
- self.printer = printer
- # For convenience
- from mediagoblin.db.sql.models import MigrationData
- self.migration_model = MigrationData
- self.migration_table = MigrationData.__table__
- @property
- def sorted_migrations(self):
- """
- Sort migrations if necessary and store in self._sorted_migrations
- """
- if not self._sorted_migrations:
- self._sorted_migrations = sorted(
- self.migration_registry.items(),
- # sort on the key... the migration number
- key=lambda migration_tuple: migration_tuple[0])
- return self._sorted_migrations
- @property
- def migration_data(self):
- """
- Get the migration row associated with this object, if any.
- """
- return self.session.query(
- self.migration_model).filter_by(
- @property
- def latest_migration(self):
- """
- Return a migration number for the latest migration, or 0 if
- there are no migrations.
- """
- if self.sorted_migrations:
- return self.sorted_migrations[-1][0]
- else:
- # If no migrations have been set, we start at 0.
- return 0
- @property
- def database_current_migration(self):
- """
- Return the current migration in the database.
- """
- # If the table doesn't even exist, return None.
- if not self.migration_table.exists(self.session.bind):
- return None
- # Also return None if self.migration_data is None.
- if self.migration_data is None:
- return None
- return self.migration_data.version
- def set_current_migration(self, migration_number=None):
- """
- Set the migration in the database to migration_number
- (or, the latest available)
- """
- self.migration_data.version = migration_number or self.latest_migration
- self.session.commit()
- def migrations_to_run(self):
- """
- Get a list of migrations to run still, if any.
- Note that this will fail if there's no migration record for
- this class!
- """
- assert self.database_current_migration is not None
- db_current_migration = self.database_current_migration
- return [
- (migration_number, migration_func)
- for migration_number, migration_func in self.sorted_migrations
- if migration_number > db_current_migration]
- def init_tables(self):
- """
- Create all tables relative to this package
- """
- # sanity check before we proceed, none of these should be created
- for model in self.models:
- # Maybe in the future just print out a "Yikes!" or something?
- assert not model.__table__.exists(self.session.bind)
- self.migration_model.metadata.create_all(
- self.session.bind,
- tables=[model.__table__ for model in self.models])
- def create_new_migration_record(self):
- """
- Create a new migration record for this migration set
- """
- migration_record = self.migration_model(
- version=self.latest_migration)
- self.session.add(migration_record)
- self.session.commit()
- def dry_run(self):
- """
- Print out a dry run of what we would have upgraded.
- """
- if self.database_current_migration is None:
- self.printer(
- u'~> Woulda initialized: %s\n' % self.name_for_printing())
- return u'inited'
- migrations_to_run = self.migrations_to_run()
- if migrations_to_run:
- self.printer(
- u'~> Woulda updated %s:\n' % self.name_for_printing())
- for migration_number, migration_func in migrations_to_run():
- self.printer(
- u' + Would update %s, "%s"\n' % (
- migration_number, migration_func.func_name))
- return u'migrated'
- def name_for_printing(self):
- if == u'__main__':
- return u"main mediagoblin tables"
- else:
- # TODO: Use the friendlier media manager "human readable" name
- return u'media type "%s"' %
- def init_or_migrate(self):
- """
- Initialize the database or migrate if appropriate.
- Returns information about whether or not we initialized
- ('inited'), migrated ('migrated'), or did nothing (None)
- """
- assure_migrations_table_setup(self.session)
- # Find out what migration number, if any, this database data is at,
- # and what the latest is.
- migration_number = self.database_current_migration
- # Is this our first time? Is there even a table entry for
- # this identifier?
- # If so:
- # - create all tables
- # - create record in migrations registry
- # - print / inform the user
- # - return 'inited'
- if migration_number is None:
- self.printer(u"-> Initializing %s... " % self.name_for_printing())
- self.init_tables()
- # auto-set at latest migration number
- self.create_new_migration_record()
- self.printer(u"done.\n")
- self.set_current_migration()
- return u'inited'
- # Run migrations, if appropriate.
- migrations_to_run = self.migrations_to_run()
- if migrations_to_run:
- self.printer(
- u'-> Updating %s:\n' % self.name_for_printing())
- for migration_number, migration_func in migrations_to_run:
- self.printer(
- u' + Running migration %s, "%s"... ' % (
- migration_number, migration_func.func_name))
- migration_func(self.session)
- self.set_current_migration(migration_number)
- self.printer('done.\n')
- return u'migrated'
- # Otherwise return None. Well it would do this anyway, but
- # for clarity... ;)
- return None
-class RegisterMigration(object):
- """
- Tool for registering migrations
- Call like:
- @RegisterMigration(33)
- def update_dwarves(database):
- [...]
- This will register your migration with the default migration
- registry. Alternately, to specify a very specific
- migration_registry, you can pass in that as the second argument.
- Note, the number of your migration should NEVER be 0 or less than
- 0. 0 is the default "no migrations" state!
- """
- def __init__(self, migration_number, migration_registry):
- assert migration_number > 0, "Migration number must be > 0!"
- assert migration_number not in migration_registry, \
- "Duplicate migration numbers detected! That's not allowed!"
- self.migration_number = migration_number
- self.migration_registry = migration_registry
- def __call__(self, migration):
- self.migration_registry[self.migration_number] = migration
- return migration
-def assure_migrations_table_setup(db):
- """
- Make sure the migrations table is set up in the database.
- """
- from mediagoblin.db.sql.models import MigrationData
- if not MigrationData.__table__.exists(db.bind):
- MigrationData.metadata.create_all(
- db.bind, tables=[MigrationData.__table__])
-# Random utility functions
-def atomic_update(table, query_dict, update_values):
- table.find(query_dict).update(update_values,
- synchronize_session=False)
- Session.commit()
-def check_media_slug_used(dummy_db, uploader_id, slug, ignore_m_id):
- filt = (MediaEntry.uploader == uploader_id) \
- & (MediaEntry.slug == slug)
- if ignore_m_id is not None:
- filt = filt & ( != ignore_m_id)
- does_exist = Session.query( is not None
- return does_exist
-def media_entries_for_tag_slug(dummy_db, tag_slug):
- return MediaEntry.query \
- .join(MediaEntry.tags_helper) \
- .join(MediaTag.tag_helper) \
- .filter(
- (MediaEntry.state == u'processed')
- & (Tag.slug == tag_slug))
-def clean_orphan_tags(commit=True):
- """Search for unused MediaTags and delete them"""
- q1 = Session.query(Tag).outerjoin(MediaTag).filter(
- for t in q1:
- Session.delete(t)
- # The "let the db do all the work" version:
- # q1 = Session.query(
- # q2 = Session.query(Tag).filter(
- # q2.delete(synchronize_session = False)
- if commit:
- Session.commit()
-def check_collection_slug_used(dummy_db, creator_id, slug, ignore_c_id):
- filt = (Collection.creator == creator_id) \
- & (Collection.slug == slug)
- if ignore_c_id is not None:
- filt = filt & ( != ignore_c_id)
- does_exist = Session.query( is not None
- return does_exist
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- from import setup_connection_and_db_from_config
- db = setup_connection_and_db_from_config({'sql_engine':'sqlite:///mediagoblin.db'})
- clean_orphan_tags()
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+from mediagoblin.db.sql.base import Session
+from mediagoblin.db.sql.models import MediaEntry, Tag, MediaTag, Collection
-#TODO: check now after mongo removal if we can't rip out a layer of abstraction
-from mediagoblin.db.sql.util import atomic_update, check_media_slug_used, \
- media_entries_for_tag_slug, check_collection_slug_used
+from import simple_printer
+class MigrationManager(object):
+ """
+ Migration handling tool.
+ Takes information about a database, lets you update the database
+ to the latest migrations, etc.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, models, migration_registry, session,
+ printer=simple_printer):
+ """
+ Args:
+ - name: identifier of this section of the database
+ - session: session we're going to migrate
+ - migration_registry: where we should find all migrations to
+ run
+ """
+ = unicode(name)
+ self.models = models
+ self.session = session
+ self.migration_registry = migration_registry
+ self._sorted_migrations = None
+ self.printer = printer
+ # For convenience
+ from mediagoblin.db.sql.models import MigrationData
+ self.migration_model = MigrationData
+ self.migration_table = MigrationData.__table__
+ @property
+ def sorted_migrations(self):
+ """
+ Sort migrations if necessary and store in self._sorted_migrations
+ """
+ if not self._sorted_migrations:
+ self._sorted_migrations = sorted(
+ self.migration_registry.items(),
+ # sort on the key... the migration number
+ key=lambda migration_tuple: migration_tuple[0])
+ return self._sorted_migrations
+ @property
+ def migration_data(self):
+ """
+ Get the migration row associated with this object, if any.
+ """
+ return self.session.query(
+ self.migration_model).filter_by(
+ @property
+ def latest_migration(self):
+ """
+ Return a migration number for the latest migration, or 0 if
+ there are no migrations.
+ """
+ if self.sorted_migrations:
+ return self.sorted_migrations[-1][0]
+ else:
+ # If no migrations have been set, we start at 0.
+ return 0
+ @property
+ def database_current_migration(self):
+ """
+ Return the current migration in the database.
+ """
+ # If the table doesn't even exist, return None.
+ if not self.migration_table.exists(self.session.bind):
+ return None
+ # Also return None if self.migration_data is None.
+ if self.migration_data is None:
+ return None
+ return self.migration_data.version
+ def set_current_migration(self, migration_number=None):
+ """
+ Set the migration in the database to migration_number
+ (or, the latest available)
+ """
+ self.migration_data.version = migration_number or self.latest_migration
+ self.session.commit()
+ def migrations_to_run(self):
+ """
+ Get a list of migrations to run still, if any.
+ Note that this will fail if there's no migration record for
+ this class!
+ """
+ assert self.database_current_migration is not None
+ db_current_migration = self.database_current_migration
+ return [
+ (migration_number, migration_func)
+ for migration_number, migration_func in self.sorted_migrations
+ if migration_number > db_current_migration]
+ def init_tables(self):
+ """
+ Create all tables relative to this package
+ """
+ # sanity check before we proceed, none of these should be created
+ for model in self.models:
+ # Maybe in the future just print out a "Yikes!" or something?
+ assert not model.__table__.exists(self.session.bind)
+ self.migration_model.metadata.create_all(
+ self.session.bind,
+ tables=[model.__table__ for model in self.models])
+ def create_new_migration_record(self):
+ """
+ Create a new migration record for this migration set
+ """
+ migration_record = self.migration_model(
+ version=self.latest_migration)
+ self.session.add(migration_record)
+ self.session.commit()
+ def dry_run(self):
+ """
+ Print out a dry run of what we would have upgraded.
+ """
+ if self.database_current_migration is None:
+ self.printer(
+ u'~> Woulda initialized: %s\n' % self.name_for_printing())
+ return u'inited'
+ migrations_to_run = self.migrations_to_run()
+ if migrations_to_run:
+ self.printer(
+ u'~> Woulda updated %s:\n' % self.name_for_printing())
+ for migration_number, migration_func in migrations_to_run():
+ self.printer(
+ u' + Would update %s, "%s"\n' % (
+ migration_number, migration_func.func_name))
+ return u'migrated'
+ def name_for_printing(self):
+ if == u'__main__':
+ return u"main mediagoblin tables"
+ else:
+ # TODO: Use the friendlier media manager "human readable" name
+ return u'media type "%s"' %
+ def init_or_migrate(self):
+ """
+ Initialize the database or migrate if appropriate.
+ Returns information about whether or not we initialized
+ ('inited'), migrated ('migrated'), or did nothing (None)
+ """
+ assure_migrations_table_setup(self.session)
+ # Find out what migration number, if any, this database data is at,
+ # and what the latest is.
+ migration_number = self.database_current_migration
+ # Is this our first time? Is there even a table entry for
+ # this identifier?
+ # If so:
+ # - create all tables
+ # - create record in migrations registry
+ # - print / inform the user
+ # - return 'inited'
+ if migration_number is None:
+ self.printer(u"-> Initializing %s... " % self.name_for_printing())
+ self.init_tables()
+ # auto-set at latest migration number
+ self.create_new_migration_record()
+ self.printer(u"done.\n")
+ self.set_current_migration()
+ return u'inited'
+ # Run migrations, if appropriate.
+ migrations_to_run = self.migrations_to_run()
+ if migrations_to_run:
+ self.printer(
+ u'-> Updating %s:\n' % self.name_for_printing())
+ for migration_number, migration_func in migrations_to_run:
+ self.printer(
+ u' + Running migration %s, "%s"... ' % (
+ migration_number, migration_func.func_name))
+ migration_func(self.session)
+ self.set_current_migration(migration_number)
+ self.printer('done.\n')
+ return u'migrated'
+ # Otherwise return None. Well it would do this anyway, but
+ # for clarity... ;)
+ return None
+class RegisterMigration(object):
+ """
+ Tool for registering migrations
+ Call like:
+ @RegisterMigration(33)
+ def update_dwarves(database):
+ [...]
+ This will register your migration with the default migration
+ registry. Alternately, to specify a very specific
+ migration_registry, you can pass in that as the second argument.
+ Note, the number of your migration should NEVER be 0 or less than
+ 0. 0 is the default "no migrations" state!
+ """
+ def __init__(self, migration_number, migration_registry):
+ assert migration_number > 0, "Migration number must be > 0!"
+ assert migration_number not in migration_registry, \
+ "Duplicate migration numbers detected! That's not allowed!"
+ self.migration_number = migration_number
+ self.migration_registry = migration_registry
+ def __call__(self, migration):
+ self.migration_registry[self.migration_number] = migration
+ return migration
+def assure_migrations_table_setup(db):
+ """
+ Make sure the migrations table is set up in the database.
+ """
+ from mediagoblin.db.sql.models import MigrationData
+ if not MigrationData.__table__.exists(db.bind):
+ MigrationData.metadata.create_all(
+ db.bind, tables=[MigrationData.__table__])
+# Random utility functions
+def atomic_update(table, query_dict, update_values):
+ table.find(query_dict).update(update_values,
+ synchronize_session=False)
+ Session.commit()
+def check_media_slug_used(dummy_db, uploader_id, slug, ignore_m_id):
+ filt = (MediaEntry.uploader == uploader_id) \
+ & (MediaEntry.slug == slug)
+ if ignore_m_id is not None:
+ filt = filt & ( != ignore_m_id)
+ does_exist = Session.query( is not None
+ return does_exist
+def media_entries_for_tag_slug(dummy_db, tag_slug):
+ return MediaEntry.query \
+ .join(MediaEntry.tags_helper) \
+ .join(MediaTag.tag_helper) \
+ .filter(
+ (MediaEntry.state == u'processed')
+ & (Tag.slug == tag_slug))
+def clean_orphan_tags(commit=True):
+ """Search for unused MediaTags and delete them"""
+ q1 = Session.query(Tag).outerjoin(MediaTag).filter(
+ for t in q1:
+ Session.delete(t)
+ # The "let the db do all the work" version:
+ # q1 = Session.query(
+ # q2 = Session.query(Tag).filter(
+ # q2.delete(synchronize_session = False)
+ if commit:
+ Session.commit()
+def check_collection_slug_used(dummy_db, creator_id, slug, ignore_c_id):
+ filt = (Collection.creator == creator_id) \
+ & (Collection.slug == slug)
+ if ignore_c_id is not None:
+ filt = filt & ( != ignore_c_id)
+ does_exist = Session.query( is not None
+ return does_exist
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from import setup_connection_and_db_from_config
+ db = setup_connection_and_db_from_config({'sql_engine':'sqlite:///mediagoblin.db'})
+ clean_orphan_tags()
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from import setup_connection_and_db_from_config
-from mediagoblin.db.sql.util import MigrationManager
+from mediagoblin.db.util import MigrationManager
from mediagoblin.init import setup_global_and_app_config
from import import_component
Integer, Unicode, Enum, DateTime, ForeignKey)
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
-from mediagoblin.db.sql.util import RegisterMigration
+from mediagoblin.db.util import RegisterMigration
from mediagoblin.db.sql.models import User
from migrate import changeset
from mediagoblin.db.sql.base import GMGTableBase
-from mediagoblin.db.sql.util import MigrationManager, RegisterMigration
+from mediagoblin.db.util import MigrationManager, RegisterMigration
from import CollectingPrinter