function full_address($row) {
- global $addrsrch_fullname, $datadir, $user;
+ global $addrsrch_fullname, $data_dir, $username;
- if (($prefix = getPref($datadir, $user, 'addrsrch_fullname') or
+ if (($prefix = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'addrsrch_fullname') or
isset($addrsrch_fullname) and $prefix = $addrsrch_fullname)
and $prefix !== 'noprefix') {
$name = ($prefix === 'nickname') ? $row['nickname']
$string = sqimap_find_email($orig_string);
if( $string == '' || $string == ' ' ){
- $string = ' ';
+ $string = ' ';
elseif ( ereg('\((.*)\)', $string, $regs) ) {
if ( ereg('^(.+) \(', $string, $regs) ) {
$string = ereg_replace( ' \(\)$', '', $string );
} else {
- $string = ' ';
+ $string = ' ';
} else {
$string = $regs[1];
function displayPageHeader($color, $mailbox, $xtra='', $session=false) {
global $hide_sm_attributions, $PHP_SELF, $frame_top,
- $compose_new_win, $username, $datadir, $compose_width, $compose_height,
+ $compose_new_win, $compose_width, $compose_height,
$attachemessages, $provider_name, $provider_uri;
if ( !check_php_version(4,1) ) {
/* blatently copied/truncated/modified from the above function */
function compose_Header($color, $mailbox) {
- global $delimiter, $hide_sm_attributions, $base_uri, $PHP_SELF, $frame_top, $compose_new_win;
+ global $delimiter, $hide_sm_attributions, $base_uri, $PHP_SELF,
+ $data_dir, $username, $frame_top, $compose_new_win;
$module = substr( $PHP_SELF, ( strlen( $PHP_SELF ) - strlen( $base_uri ) ) * -1 );
html_tag( 'table', '', '', $color[0], 'width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"' ) .
html_tag( 'tr', "\n".
html_tag( 'th',
- "<a href=\"$self?year=".($year-1)."&month=$month\"><< ".($year-1)."</a>"
+ "<a href=\"$self?year=".($year-1)."&month=$month\"><< ".($year-1)."</a>"
) . "\n".
html_tag( 'th',
- "<a href=\"$self?year=$prev_year&month=$prev_month\">< " .
+ "<a href=\"$self?year=$prev_year&month=$prev_month\">< " .
date_intl( 'M', $prev_date). "</a>"
) . "\n".
html_tag( 'th', date_intl( 'F Y', $act_date ), '', $color[0], 'colspan="3"') .
html_tag( 'th',
- "<a href=\"$self?year=$next_year&month=$next_month\">" .
+ "<a href=\"$self?year=$next_year&month=$next_month\">" .
date_intl( 'M', $next_date) . " ></a>"
) . "\n".
html_tag( 'th',
- "<a href=\"$self?year=".($year+1)."&month=$month\">".($year+1)." >></a>"
+ "<a href=\"$self?year=".($year+1)."&month=$month\">".($year+1)." >></a>"
) . "\n".
html_tag( 'tr',
echo html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', $color[4], 'height="50" valign="top"' ) ."\n".
html_tag( 'div', '', 'right' );
echo(($cdate==$todayis) ? "<font size=-1 color=$color[1]>[ " . _("TODAY") . " ] " : "<font size=-1>");
- echo "<a href=day.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=";
+ echo "<a href=day.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=";
echo(($aday<10) ? "0" : "");
echo "$aday>$aday</a></font></div>";
} else {
html_tag( 'table', '', '', $color[0], 'width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"' ) ."\n" .
html_tag( 'tr',
html_tag( 'th',
- "<a href=\"day.php?year=$prev_year&month=$prev_month&day=$prev_day\">< ".
+ "<a href=\"day.php?year=$prev_year&month=$prev_month&day=$prev_day\">< ".
'left' ) .
html_tag( 'th', date_intl( _("l, F j Y"), mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year)) ,
'', '', 'width="75%"' ) .
html_tag( 'th',
- "<a href=\"day.php?year=$next_year&month=$next_month&day=$next_day\">".
+ "<a href=\"day.php?year=$next_year&month=$next_month&day=$next_day\">".
date_intl('D',$next_date)." ></a>" ,
'right' )
html_tag( 'td', $ehour . ':' . $eminute, 'left' ) .
html_tag( 'td', ' ', 'left' ) .
html_tag( 'td',
- "<font size=\"-1\"><a href=\"event_create.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day&hour=".substr($calfoo['key'],0,2)."\">".
+ "<font size=\"-1\"><a href=\"event_create.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day&hour=".substr($calfoo['key'],0,2)."\">".
_("ADD") . "</a></font>" ,
'center' ) ,
'', $color[$eo]);
echo"] $calbar[message] " .
html_tag( 'td',
"<font size=\"-1\"><nobr>\n" .
- "<a href=\"event_edit.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day&hour=".substr($calfoo['key'],0,2)."&minute=".substr($calfoo['key'],2,2)."\">".
+ "<a href=\"event_edit.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day&hour=".substr($calfoo['key'],0,2)."&minute=".substr($calfoo['key'],2,2)."\">".
_("EDIT") . "</a> | \n" .
- "<a href=\"event_delete.php?dyear=$year&dmonth=$month&dday=$day&dhour=".substr($calfoo['key'],0,2)."&dminute=".substr($calfoo['key'],2,2)."&year=$year&month=$month&day=$day\">" .
+ "<a href=\"event_delete.php?dyear=$year&dmonth=$month&dday=$day&dhour=".substr($calfoo['key'],0,2)."&dminute=".substr($calfoo['key'],2,2)."&year=$year&month=$month&day=$day\">" .
_("DEL") . '</a>' .
"</nobr></font>\n" ,
'center' );
) .
html_tag( 'tr',
html_tag( 'td',
- "<a href=\"day.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day\">" . _("Day View") . "</a>\n" ,
+ "<a href=\"day.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day\">" . _("Day View") . "</a>\n" ,
'left', $color[4], 'colspan="2"' ) . "\n"
) ,
'', $color[0], 'width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"' ) ."\n";
if (isset($confirmed)){
delete_event("$dmonth$dday$dyear", "$dhour$dminute");
echo '<br><br>' . _("Event deleted!") . "<br>\n";
- echo "<a href=\"day.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day\">" .
+ echo "<a href=\"day.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day\">" .
_("Day View") . "</a>\n";
} else {
) . "\n";
echo html_tag( 'tr',
html_tag( 'td',
- "<a href=\"day.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day\">" .
+ "<a href=\"day.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day\">" .
_("Day View") ."</a>",
'left' )
) . "\n";
html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', '', 'width="100%"' );
displayInternalLink("plugins/calendar/calendar.php?year=$year&month=$month",_("Month View"),"right");
- echo "  \n";
+ echo " \n";
displayInternalLink("plugins/calendar/day.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day",_("Day View"),"right");
- echo "  \n";
+ echo " \n";
// displayInternalLink("plugins/calendar/event_create.php?year=$year&month=$month&day=$day",_("Add Event"),"right");
- // echo "  \n";
+ // echo " \n";
echo '</td></tr>';
function select_option_length($selected) {
$eventlength = array(
- "0" => _("0 min."),
- "15" => _("15 min."),
- "30" => _("35 min."),
- "45" => _("45 min."),
- "60" => _("1 hr."),
- "90" => _("1.5 hr."),
- "120" => _("2 hr."),
- "150" => _("2.5 hr."),
- "180" => _("3 hr."),
- "210" => _("3.5 hr."),
- "240" => _("4 hr."),
- "300" => _("5 hr."),
- "360" => _("6 hr.")
+ '0' => _("0 min."),
+ '15' => _("15 min."),
+ '30' => _("35 min."),
+ '45' => _("45 min."),
+ '60' => _("1 hr."),
+ '90' => _("1.5 hr."),
+ '120' => _("2 hr."),
+ '150' => _("2.5 hr."),
+ '180' => _("3 hr."),
+ '210' => _("3.5 hr."),
+ '240' => _("4 hr."),
+ '300' => _("5 hr."),
+ '360' => _("6 hr.")
while( $bar = each($eventlength)) {
function select_option_minute($selected) {
$eventminute = array(
- "00"=>"00",
- "05"=>"05",
- "10"=>"10",
- "15"=>"15",
- "20"=>"20",
- "25"=>"25",
- "30"=>"30",
- "35"=>"35",
- "40"=>"40",
- "45"=>"45",
- "50"=>"50",
- "55"=>"55"
+ '00'=>'00',
+ '05'=>'05',
+ '10'=>'10',
+ '15'=>'15',
+ '20'=>'20',
+ '25'=>'25',
+ '30'=>'30',
+ '35'=>'35',
+ '40'=>'40',
+ '45'=>'45',
+ '50'=>'50',
+ '55'=>'55'
while ( $bar = each($eventminute)) {
function select_option_priority($selected) {
$eventpriority = array(
- "0" => _("Normal"),
- "1" => _("High"),
+ '0' => _("Normal"),
+ '1' => _("High"),
while( $bar = each($eventpriority)) {
function calendar() {
/* Add Calendar link to upper menu */
- echo "  \n";
+ echo " \n";
if ($spamcop_method == 'web_form') {
?><script language=javascript>
document.write('<a href="../plugins/spamcop/spamcop.php?passed_id=<?PHP
-echo urlencode($passed_id); ?>&js_web=1&mailbox=<?PHP
+echo urlencode($passed_id); ?>&js_web=1&mailbox=<?PHP
echo urlencode($mailbox); ?>" target="_blank">');
document.write("<?PHP echo _("Report as Spam"); ?>");
<a href="../plugins/spamcop/spamcop.php?passed_id=<?PHP
-echo urlencode($passed_id); ?>&mailbox=<?PHP
-echo urlencode($mailbox); ?>&startMessage=<?PHP
+echo urlencode($passed_id); ?>&mailbox=<?PHP
+echo urlencode($mailbox); ?>&startMessage=<?PHP
echo urlencode($startMessage); ?>"><?PHP
echo _("Report as Spam"); ?></a>
} else {
?><a href="../plugins/spamcop/spamcop.php?passed_id=<?PHP
-echo urlencode($passed_id); ?>&mailbox=<?PHP
-echo urlencode($mailbox); ?>&startMessage=<?PHP
+echo urlencode($passed_id); ?>&mailbox=<?PHP
+echo urlencode($mailbox); ?>&startMessage=<?PHP
echo urlencode($startMessage); ?>"><?PHP
echo _("Report as Spam"); ?></a><?PHP
$new_body = $body;
$pos = strpos($new_body,
- '">Download this as a file</A></CENTER><BR></SMALL>');
+ '">'. _("Download this as a file") . '</A></CENTER><BR></SMALL>');
if (is_int($pos)) {
$new_body = substr($new_body, 0, $pos);
global $javascript_on;
$params = '?passed_ent_id=' . $passed_ent_id .
- '&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) .
- '&passed_id=' . $passed_id;
+ '&mailbox=' . urlencode($mailbox) .
+ '&passed_id=' . $passed_id;
$print_text = _("View Printable Version");
$boxcount = count($boxes);
echo '<BR><CENTER><B>' .
_("Search Results") .
- "</B><CENTER><BR>\n";
+ "</B></CENTER><BR>\n";
for ($x=0;$x<$boxcount;$x++) {
if (!in_array('noselect', $boxes[$x]['flags'])) {
$mailbox = $boxes[$x]['unformatted'];