import logging
import uuid
+from os.path import splitext
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
from werkzeug.datastructures import FileStorage
+from import convert_to_tag_list_of_dicts
from mediagoblin.db.models import MediaEntry
from mediagoblin.processing import mark_entry_failed
from mediagoblin.processing.task import ProcessMedia
+from mediagoblin.media_types import sniff_media, \
+ InvalidFileType, FileTypeNotSupported
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
return entry
+def submit_media(mg_app, user, submitted_file, filename,
+ title=None, description=None,
+ license=None, tags_string=u""):
+ # If the filename contains non ascii generate a unique name
+ if not all(ord(c) < 128 for c in filename):
+ filename = unicode(uuid.uuid4()) + splitext(filename)[-1]
+ # Sniff the submitted media to determine which
+ # media plugin should handle processing
+ media_type, media_manager = sniff_media(submitted_file)
+ # create entry and save in database
+ entry = new_upload_entry(user)
+ entry.media_type = media_type
+ entry.title = (title or splitext(filename)[0])
+ entry.description = description or ""
+ entry.license = license or None
+ # Process the user's folksonomy "tags"
+ entry.tags = convert_to_tag_list_of_dicts(tags_string)
+ # Generate a slug from the title
+ entry.generate_slug()
+ queue_file = prepare_queue_task(mg_app, entry, filename)
+ with queue_file:
+ queue_file.write(
+ # Get file size and round to 2 decimal places
+ file_size = mg_app.queue_store.get_file_size(
+ entry.queued_media_file) / (1024.0 * 1024)
+ file_size = float('{0:.2f}'.format(file_size))
+ #### We should be throwing an exception here instead...
+ error = False
+ # Check if file size is over the limit
+ if max_file_size and file_size >= max_file_size:
+ submit_form.file.errors.append(
+ _(u'Sorry, the file size is too big.'))
+ error = True
+ # Check if user is over upload limit
+ if upload_limit and (user.uploaded + file_size) >= upload_limit:
+ submit_form.file.errors.append(
+ _('Sorry, uploading this file will put you over your'
+ ' upload limit.'))
+ error = True
+ if not error:
+ ####################################################3
+ user.uploaded = user.uploaded + file_size
+ entry.file_size = file_size
+ # Save now so we have this data before kicking off processing
+ # Pass off to processing
+ #
+ # (... don't change entry after this point to avoid race
+ # conditions with changes to the document via processing code)
+ feed_url = request.urlgen(
+ 'mediagoblin.user_pages.atom_feed',
+ qualified=True, user=request.user.username)
+ run_process_media(entry, feed_url)
+ add_message(request, SUCCESS, _('Woohoo! Submitted!'))
+ add_comment_subscription(request.user, entry)
+ return redirect(request, "mediagoblin.user_pages.user_home",
+ user=user.username)
def prepare_queue_task(app, entry, filename):
Prepare a MediaEntry for the processing queue and get a queue file