This is the first stage of my project of implenting admin/moderator functiona-
lity. At this point, I have finished all the of basic work with the models! I
still need to do some tightening of their documentation, but they seem to be
working well.
Working with Models
--\ mediagoblin/db/
--| Added in the Report model and table. This model is strictly a parent
----| Added in the CommentReport model which holds information about a report
| filed against a comment. This class inherits from Report.
----| Added in the MediaReport model which holds information about a report f-
| -iled against a media entry. This class inherits from Report.
--| Added in a UserBan model and table. This model is in a one to one relatio-
| -nship with User. This object acts as a marker for whether a user is banned
| or not.
--| Added in a Group model. These objects are in a many-to-many relationship
| with User to explain which privileges a User has.
----| Added in GroupUserAssociation which is a table used to hold this many to
| many relationship between Group & User.
--\ mediagoblin/db/
--| Added in the migrations for all of the additions to models
--| Added UserBan_v0
--| Added Report_v0
----| Added CommentReport_v0
----| Added MediaReport_v0
--| Added Group_v0
----| Added GroupUserAssociation_v0
Working with Templates, Views, and Routing
>>> Reporting a Comment or a MediaEntry
--\ mediagoblin/user_pages/
--| Added in the function file_a_report to allow user to file reports against
| MediaEntries or Comments. Handles GET and POST requests.
--| Added in the function file_a_comment_report which uses file_a_report but
| also catches appropriate information for comment_ids. I may be able to do
| this more eloquently with decorators.
--\ mediagoblin/user_pages/
--| Added in route 'mediagoblin.user_pages.media_home.report_media'
| (linked to address /u/<user>/m/<media>/report/ )
--| Added in route ''mediagoblin.user_pages.media_home.report_comment'
| (linked to address /u/<user>/m/<media>/c/<comment>/report/ )
--\ mediagoblin/templates/mediagoblin/user_pages/report.html
--| I created this file to handle the filing of a report.
--\ mediagoblin/templates/mediagoblin/user_pages/media.html
--| Modified this file to add in links allowing users to report either media
| or comments.
--\ mediagoblin/user_pages/
--| Added in build_report_form which processes data as either a CommentReport or
| a MediaReport depending on which parameters are present
--\ mediagoblin/user_pages/
--| Added in CommentReportForm
--| Added in MediaReportForm
--| note: ReportForm is vestigial to an earlier strategy I used and I'll remove it
| promptly
--\ mediagoblin/
--| Added in 'get_media_comment_by_id' for use in mediagoblin/user_pages/
>>> New Admin Panels
--\ mediagoblin/admin/
--| Added in the function admin_users_panel
--| Added in the function admin_reports_panel
--\ mediagoblin/admin/
--| Added in route 'mediagoblin.admin.users'
| (linked to address '/a/users')
--| Added in route 'mediagoblin.admin.reports'
| (linked to address '/a/reports/')
--\ mediagoblin/templates/admin/user.html
--| Created this file as a template for monitoring users
--\ mediagoblin/templates/admin/report.html
--| Created this file as a template for monitoring reports filed against media or
| comments
13 files changed: