Valid HTML test
[] / / 20131203 / files / sites / all / modules-new / views_bulk_operations / plugins / operation_types /
1 <?php
3 /**
4 * @file
5 * CTools plugin. Provides support for core actions.
6 */
8 $plugin = array(
9 'title' => t('Action'),
10 'list callback' => 'views_bulk_operations_operation_action_list',
11 'handler' => array(
12 'file' => 'action.class.php',
13 'class' => 'ViewsBulkOperationsAction',
14 ),
15 );
17 /**
18 * Returns a prepared list of available actions.
19 *
20 * Actions are fetched by invoking hook_action_info() and by loading
21 * advanced actions from the database.
22 *
23 * @param $operation_id
24 * The full, prefixed operation_id of the operation (in this case, action)
25 * to return, or NULL to return an array with all operations.
26 */
27 function views_bulk_operations_operation_action_list($operation_id = NULL) {
28 $operations = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
30 if (!isset($operations)) {
31 // Combined list of all actions and advanced actions.
32 $actions_list = actions_list() + views_bulk_operations_operation_advanced_action_list();
33 // Actions provided by Drupal that aren't usable in a VBO context.
34 $hidden_actions = array(
35 'system_block_ip_action',
36 'system_goto_action',
37 'system_message_action',
38 );
40 $operations = array();
41 foreach ($actions_list as $key => $action) {
42 // Actions are keyed by callback.
43 // Advanced actions are keyed by aid and store the callback separately.
44 $callback = isset($action['callback']) ? $action['callback'] : $key;
45 // This action needs to be skipped.
46 if (in_array($callback, $hidden_actions)) {
47 continue;
48 }
50 // All operations must be prefixed with the operation type.
51 $new_operation_id = 'action::' . $key;
53 $operations[$new_operation_id] = array(
54 'operation_type' => 'action',
55 'type' => $action['type'],
56 // Keep the unprefixed key around, for internal use.
57 'key' => $key,
58 'callback' => $callback,
59 'label' => isset($action['label']) ? $action['label'] : '',
60 'parameters' => isset($action['parameters']) ? $action['parameters'] : array(),
61 'configurable' => !empty($action['configurable']) || !empty($action['vbo_configurable']),
62 'aggregate' => !empty($action['aggregate']),
63 'behavior' => isset($action['behavior']) ? $action['behavior'] : array(),
64 'permissions' => isset($action['permissions']) ? $action['permissions'] : NULL,
65 'pass rows' => !empty($action['pass rows']),
66 );
67 }
68 }
70 if (isset($operation_id)) {
71 return isset($operations[$operation_id]) ? $operations[$operation_id] : FALSE;
72 }
73 else {
74 return $operations;
75 }
76 }
78 /**
79 * Get a list of advanced actions (created through the Action UI).
80 */
81 function views_bulk_operations_operation_advanced_action_list() {
82 $actions = array();
83 $static_actions = actions_list();
84 $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {actions} WHERE parameters > ''");
85 foreach ($result as $action) {
86 $parameters = unserialize($action->parameters);
87 $actions[$action->aid] = array(
88 'label' => isset($action->label) ? $action->label : '',
89 'callback' => $action->callback,
90 'type' => $action->type,
91 'configurable' => FALSE,
92 'parameters' => $parameters,
93 );
94 foreach (array('aggregate', 'behavior', 'permissions', 'pass rows') as $attribute) {
95 if (isset($static_actions[$action->callback][$attribute])) {
96 $actions[$action->aid][$attribute] = $static_actions[$action->callback][$attribute];
97 }
98 }
99 if (isset($static_actions[$action->callback]['parameters'])) {
100 $actions[$action->aid]['parameters'] = array_merge($actions[$action->aid]['parameters'], $static_actions[$action->callback]['parameters']);
101 }
102 }
103 return $actions;
104 }