Fixed libusb01.c (renamed err constants)
[usb-relay-hid.git] / commandline / hiddata.h
1 /* Name: hiddata.h $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
2 * Author: Christian Starkjohann
3 * Creation Date: 2008-04-11
4 * Tabsize: 4
5 * Copyright: (c) 2008 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH
6 * License: GNU GPL v2 (see License.txt), GNU GPL v3 or proprietary (CommercialLicense.txt)
7 */
9 #ifndef __HIDUSB_H_INCLUDED__
10 #define __HIDUSB_H_INCLUDED__
12 /*
13 This module implements an abstraction layer for data transfer over HID feature requests,
14 mainly for use with V-USB based HID custom devices which are not keyboards, mice etc.
15 The implementation uses native HID API on Windows, Apple OS X
16 or libusb on Linux etc.
18 Libraries to link are:
19 on Windows XP+ : -lhid -lsetupapi
20 on Linux or other platforms with libusb 0.1: `libusb-config --libs`
21 on Mac OS 10.9+ : IOKit
22 */
24 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
26 #define USBHID_OK 0 /* no error */
27 #define USBHID_ERR_ACCESS 1 /* access or permissions error */
28 #define USBHID_ERR_IO 2 /* I/O error */
29 #define USBHID_ERR_NOTFOUND 3 /* device not found */
30 #define USBHID_ERR_BAD_ARG 20 /* invalid parameter */
31 #define USBHID_ERR_INTERNAL 23 /* not implemented, not supported... */
32 #define USBHID_ERR_IO_USB 24 /* I/O error at usb layer */
33 #define USBHID_ERR_IO_HID 25 /* I/O error at hid layer */
34 #define USBHID_ERR_UNKNOWN -1 /* whatever */
37 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
39 /* USBDEVHANDLE: Opaque handle representing the USB HID device.
40 */
41 struct usbDevice;
42 typedef struct usbDevice usbDevice_t;
43 typedef struct usbDevice *USBDEVHANDLE;
46 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
48 /* @func usbhidEnumDevices
49 * Enumerates USB HID devices, filtered by USB vendorID and productID.
50 * Each found device is opened and the callback will be called.
51 * The callback can probe the device and close it or keep open.
52 * If the callback returns 0, enumeration stops, else it goes on.
53 * @param usbhidEnumFunc: callback function
54 * @param context: context pointer for the callback
55 * @return 0 if some devices were found or error code otherwise.
56 */
57 int usbhidEnumDevices(int vendorID, int productID, void *context,
58 int (*usbhidEnumFunc)(USBDEVHANDLE usbh, void *ctx));
60 /*
61 * Close USBDEVHANDLE passed by usbhidEnumDevices
62 */
63 void usbhidCloseDevice(USBDEVHANDLE usbh);
65 /*
66 * Read HID vendor and product strings as ASCII null terminated strings
67 * Returns 0 on success, error code if error occured or the buffer is too short
68 * Any non-ascii characters in the strings will be replaced to '?'
69 */
70 int usbhidGetVendorString(USBDEVHANDLE usbh, char *buffer, int len);
71 int usbhidGetProductString(USBDEVHANDLE usbh, char *buffer, int len);
73 /* Send a feature report to the device. The report ID must be
74 * in the first byte of buffer and the length 'len' of the report buffer
75 * includes this report ID. If the device does not specify report IDs,
76 * buffer[0] must be set to 0.
77 * @return: 0 on success, an error code otherwise.
78 */
79 int usbhidSetReport(USBDEVHANDLE usbh, char *buffer, int len);
81 /* Read a feature report from the device.
82 * The requested report ID is passed in 'reportID' parameter and returned
83 * in the 1st byte of the data.
84 * The caller must pass a buffer of the size of the expected report in 'buffer'
85 * including the report id byte, and initialize the variable pointed to by
86 * 'len' to the total size of this buffer. Upon successful return, the report
87 * (prefixed with the report-ID) is in 'buffer' and the actual length of the
88 * report is returned in '*len'.
89 * Returns: 0 on success, an error code otherwise.
90 */
91 int usbhidGetReport(USBDEVHANDLE usbh, int reportID, char *buffer, int *len);
94 /**
95 * Return description of error code
96 * TODO? return error descr. of underlying libusb or hid layer too?
97 */
98 int usbhidStrerror_r( int err, char *buf, int len);
100 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
102 #endif /* __HIDUSB_H_INCLUDED__ */