2020 event page
[libreplanet-static.git] / 2020 / assets / js / stream.js
1 /**
2 * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the JavaScript code in this page.
3 *
4 * IceCast Stream Monitor
5 * Copyright © 2015 David Thompson <davet@gnu.org>
6 *
7 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
8 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License
9 * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
10 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 *
12 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
13 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 * Affero General Public License for more details.
16 *
17 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 * along with this program. If not, see
19 * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 *
21 * @licend The above is the entire license notice for the JavaScript code in this page
22 */
24 if (!Array.prototype.find) {
25 Array.prototype.find = function(predicate) {
26 if (this == null) {
27 throw new TypeError('Array.prototype.find called on null or undefined');
28 }
29 if (typeof predicate !== 'function') {
30 throw new TypeError('predicate must be a function');
31 }
32 var list = Object(this);
33 var length = list.length >>> 0;
34 var thisArg = arguments[1];
35 var value;
37 for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
38 value = list[i];
39 if (predicate.call(thisArg, value, i, list)) {
40 return value;
41 }
42 }
43 return undefined;
44 };
45 }
47 var app = {};
49 app.icecastUrl = "https://live.fsf.org";
51 app.icecastApiUrl = "//live.fsf.org";
53 app.scheduleEvery = function(duration, thunk) {
54 thunk();
55 setTimeout(function() {
56 app.scheduleEvery(duration, thunk);
57 }, duration);
58 };
60 app.nullStats = {
61 listeners: 0,
62 server_name: null,
63 server_description: null
64 };
66 app.publicApi = function(xhr) {
67 xhr.withCredentials = false;
68 };
70 app.streamStats = function(mount) {
71 var statsUrl = app.icecastApiUrl.concat('/status-json.xsl');
73 return m.request({
74 method: "GET",
75 url: statsUrl,
76 config: app.publicApi
77 }).then(function(data) {
78 // Match the end of the listen URL for the mount point.
79 var regexp = new RegExp(mount.concat('$'));
81 if(!data.icestats.source) {
82 return app.nullStats;
83 }
85 // Due to <https://trac.xiph.org/ticket/2174>, we must
86 // explicitly test if icestats.source is an array.
87 if(!(data.icestats.source instanceof Array)) {
88 data.icestats.source = [data.icestats.source];
89 }
91 var stats = data.icestats.source.find(function(source) {
92 return regexp.test(source.listenurl);
93 });
95 return stats || app.nullStats;
96 });
97 };
99 app.validStreamInfo = function(stats) {
100 var name = stats.server_name;
101 var desc = stats.server_description;
103 return name && desc && name !== "Unspecified name" &&
104 desc !== "Unspecified description";
105 };
107 app.mountToStreamUrl = function(mount) {
108 return app.icecastUrl.concat(mount);
109 };
111 app.changeVideoMount = function(video, mount) {
112 // This is quite hacky and doesn't feel like the Mithril way to do
113 // things, but we need to explicitly reload the video when the
114 // source URL changes.
115 video.src = app.mountToStreamUrl(mount) + "?t=" + (new Date() * 1);
116 video.load();
117 video.play();
118 };
120 app.withVideo = function(id, callback) {
121 return function() {
122 var video = document.getElementById(id);
124 if(video) {
125 callback(video);
126 }
127 };
128 };
130 app.streams = [
131 {
132 name: "Room 123",
133 speakerMount: "/stream-123.webm",
134 desktopMount: "/slides-123.webm",
135 speakerSmallMount: "/stream-123-480p.webm",
136 ircChannel: "#libreplanet_room123"
137 }, {
138 name: "Room 144",
139 speakerMount: "/stream-144.webm",
140 desktopMount: "/slides-144.webm",
141 speakerSmallMount: "/stream-144-480p.webm",
142 ircChannel: "#libreplanet_room144"
143 }, {
144 name: "Room 155",
145 speakerMount: "/stream-155.webm",
146 desktopMount: "/slides-155.webm",
147 speakerSmallMount: "/stream-155-480p.webm",
148 ircChannel: "#libreplanet_room155"
149 }
150 ];
152 app.controller = function() {
153 this.stream = m.prop(app.streams[0]);
154 this.stats = m.prop(app.nullStats);
155 this.showDesktop = m.prop(false);
157 // Check stats every 10 seconds.
158 app.scheduleEvery(10000, this.updateStats.bind(this));
159 };
161 app.controller.prototype.updateStats = function() {
162 //this.stats = app.streamStats(this.stream().speakerMount);
163 };
165 app.view = function(ctrl) {
166 var stream = ctrl.stream();
167 var stats = ctrl.stats() || app.nullStats;
168 var showDesktop = ctrl.showDesktop();
170 function renderSpeakerStream() {
171 return m("video.lp-video", {
172 id: "speaker-video",
173 controls: true,
174 autoplay: true,
175 // Sync desktop stream state as best we can.
176 onpause: app.withVideo("desktop-video", function(video) {
177 video.pause();
178 }),
179 onplay: app.withVideo("desktop-video", function(video) {
180 video.play();
181 })
182 // onended: app.withVideo("desktop-video", function(video) {
183 // setTimeout(function() {
184 //
185 // // we probably need to update the video stream GET request with the
186 // // date hack so we get a non-cached version of the video when we
187 // // try to resume.
188 //
189 // // we also probably need to re-try loading the video if it fails to
190 // // load
191 //
192 // video.load();
193 // video.play();
194 // }, 3000);
195 // })
196 }, [
197 m("source", {
198 src: app.mountToStreamUrl(stream.speakerMount) + "?t=" + (new Date() * 1)
199 }),
200 m("p",
201 m("em", [
202 "Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag, ",
203 m("a", { href: "TODO" }, "[ please download ]"),
204 "the video instead"
205 ]))
206 ]);
207 }
209 function renderDesktopStream() {
210 return m("video.lp-video", {
211 id: "desktop-video",
212 controls: true,
213 autoplay: true
214 // onended: app.withVideo("desktop-video", function(video) {
215 // setTimeout(function() {
216 // // we probably need to update the video stream GET request with the
217 // // date hack so we get a non-cached version of the video when we
218 // // try to resume.
219 //
220 // // we also probably need to re-try loading the video if it fails to
221 // // load
222 // video.load();
223 // video.play();
224 // }, 3000);
225 // })
226 }, [
227 m("source", { src: app.mountToStreamUrl(stream.desktopMount) + "?t=" + (new Date() * 1) }),
228 m("p",
229 m("em", [
230 "Your browser does not support the HTML5 video tag, ",
231 m("a", { href: "TODO" }, "[ please download ]"),
232 "the video instead"
233 ]))
234 ]);
235 }
237 function renderToggleDesktopStream() {
238 var action = showDesktop ? "Hide slides stream" : "Show slides stream";
240 return m(".row", [
241 m(".col-sm-offset-4.col-sm-4",
242 m("button.btn.btn-block.btn-default", {
243 onclick: function() {
244 ctrl.showDesktop(!showDesktop);
245 }
246 }, action)
247 )
248 ]);
249 }
251 function renderRoomSelector() {
252 return m(".row",
253 m(".col-sm-offset-1.col-sm-10",
254 m("ol.breadcrumb.text-center", app.streams.map(function(s) {
255 return m("li", {
256 class: s === stream ? "active" : null,
257 onclick: function() {
258 var speakerVideo = document.getElementById("speaker-video");
259 var desktopVideo = document.getElementById("desktop-video");
261 app.changeVideoMount(speakerVideo, s.speakerMount);
263 // Video element doesn't exist when the user
264 // hasn't elected to show it.
265 if(desktopVideo) {
266 app.changeVideoMount(desktopVideo, s.desktopMount);
267 }
269 ctrl.stream(s);
270 ctrl.updateStats();
272 return false;
273 }
274 }, m("a.alt-a", { href: "#" }, s.name));
275 }))));
276 }
278 function renderStats() {
279 var info;
281 if(stats === app.nullStats) {
282 info = m("i", "not broadcasting");
283 } else {
284 info = m("i", "live");
285 }
286 // else if(app.validStreamInfo(stats)) {
287 // info = [
288 // m("strong", stats.server_name),
289 // " — ",
290 // m("i", stats.server_description)
291 // ];
292 // } else {
293 // info = null;
294 // }
296 //return m(".row", [
297 // m(".col-sm-8", info),
298 // m(".col-sm-4.text-right", [
299 // m("strong", stats.listeners),
300 // " watching"
301 // ])
302 //]);
303 return m("span");
304 }
306 return [
307 renderRoomSelector(),
308 m("h2", stream.name),
309 renderStats(),
310 renderSpeakerStream(),
311 showDesktop ? renderDesktopStream() : null,
312 renderToggleDesktopStream(),
313 m("p", "Join the discussion online!"),
314 m("ul", [
315 m("li", [
316 "Conference-wide Freenode IRC channel: ",
317 m("strong", "/join #libreplanet")
318 ]),
319 m("li", [
320 "Freenode IRC channel for ",
321 stream.name,
322 ": ",
323 m("strong", ["/join ", stream.ircChannel])
324 ]),
325 m("li", [
326 "Conference-wide Mumble (voice chat) server: ",
327 m("strong", "mumble.fsf.org")
328 ]),
329 m("li", [
330 "Conference hashtag for ",
331 m("a", { href: "https://fsf.org/twitter" }, "microblogging"),
332 ": ",
333 m("strong", "#libreplanet")
334 ])
335 ]),
336 m("h2", "IRC")
337 ];
338 };
340 m.module(document.getElementById("stream"), app);