messing around with git. woo.
[libreplanet-static.git] / 2018 / index.html
1 <!--#include virtual="/2018/includes/header.html"-->
3 <title>LibrePlanet 2018</title>
5 <!--#include virtual="/2018/includes/banner.html"-->
6 <!--#include virtual="/2018/includes/sidebar.html"-->
8 <!-- start of carousel -->
9 <div id="lpc-carousel" class="carousel slide">
11 <!-- wrapper for slides -->
12 <ul class="carousel-inner list-unstyled">
14 <li class="item active">
15 <img src=""
16 alt="[ Libreplanet logo, consisting of several stars and connected green planets and the text "LibrePlanet" ]">
17 <<<<<<< HEAD
18 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom" style="background-color: white;"><br></p>
19 </li>
20 <li class="item">
21 <img src="//"
22 alt="[ Hackers at the GNU 30th anniversary hackathon ]">
23 =======
24 </li>
26 <li class="item">
27 <img src="//"
28 alt="[ A photo of people in a room on laptops. They are sitting at desks, with a clean blackboard in the background on one wall, and on the other written on a bloackboard is the text "Installation Feedback." Several of the people have long hair, and one woman's hair is pink and yellow. ]">
29 >>>>>>> master
30 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom"><a href="">Donate to the scholarship fund</a> to help us bring new people to LibrePlanet.
31 </p>
32 </li>
34 <!-- <li class="item">
35 <img src="//"
36 alt="[ Can't come to the conference? Host a LibreLuna viewing party. ]">
37 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom">
38 <a href="">Register your party</a> with the FSF.</p>
39 </li>
41 <li class="item">
42 <a href=""><img src=""
43 alt="[ The LibrePlanet shirt. The shirt is red with the text 'Roots of Freedom' and a design in tan. ]">
44 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom" style="background-color: white;"><br></p></a>
45 </li>
47 </ul> -->
49 <!-- CAROUSEL FEATURES THAT HAVE BEEN COMMENTED OUT. Their formatting might not be quite right, but reusing them is much faster than making them from scratch.
50 <li class="item">
51 <img src="//"
52 alt="[ Hackers at the GNU 30th anniversary hackathon ]">
53 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom"><a href="">Donate to the scholarship fund</a> to help us bring new people to LibrePlanet.
54 </p>
55 </li>
57 <li class="item">
58 <img src=""
59 alt="[ Sumana Harihareswara speaking at a podium at LibrePlanet 2016. Between her and the camera is a table strewn with cables and computer equipment. ]"></img>
60 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom">
61 Explore a wealth of <a href="">session videos and slides</a> from LibrePlanet 2016.</p>
62 </li>
64 <li class="item ">
65 <img src="//"
66 alt="[ Crypto panel at the FSF 30th Anniversary User Freedom Summit ]"></img>
67 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom">
68 <a href="">Join the discussion list now</a> and meet the people you'll spend time with at LibrePlanet.</p>
69 </li>
71 <li class="item">
72 <a href="streaming"><img src="//"
73 alt="[ A globe. ]"></a>
74 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom">Wherever you are, we invite you to participate in LibrePlanet via livestream</a>.
75 </li>
78 <li class="item">
79 <img src="//"
80 alt="[ Aleph Objects' Lulzbot 3D printer ]">
81 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom">
82 <a href="">
83 Apply for an exhibition table</a> for your free software business or project.
84 </p>
85 </li>
87 <li class="item">
88 <img src="//" alt="[ The Friday open house before the conference ]">
89 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom">Thanks for making LibrePlanet 2016 great! <a href="">Read the recap</a>.</p>
90 </li>
93 <li class="item">
94 <img src="//"
95 alt="[ Apply for a scholarship ]">
96 <p class="lead carousel-caption-tl"> <a href="scholarships">Apply for a travel scholarship</a> by November 30th or <a href="">donate to the scholarship fund</a> to help us bring new people to LibrePlanet.
97 </p>
98 </li>
100 <li class="item ">
101 <img src="//"
102 alt="[ Crypto panel at the FSF 30th Anniversary User Freedom Summit ]">
103 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom">
104 <a href="">Join the discussion list now</a> and meet the people you'll spend time with at LibrePlanet.</p>
105 </li>
109 <li class="item">
110 <img src="//"
111 alt="[ Apply for a scholarship ]">
112 <p class="lead carousel-caption-tl"> <a href="scholarships">Apply for a travel scholarship</a> by November 30th or <a href="">donate to the scholarship fund</a> to help us bring new people to LibrePlanet.
113 </p>
114 </li>
116 <li class="item">
117 <img src="//"
118 alt="[ Open house at LibrePlanet 2015 ]">
119 <p class="carousel-caption-bottom"> <a href="">Join the Free Software Foundation</a> and get gratis conference admission and other perks.
120 </p>
121 </li>
123 <li class="item">
124 <img src="//"
125 alt="[ Karen Sandler, Mako Hill and Richard Stallman speaking at previous LibrePlanets ]">
126 <p class="carousel-caption-bl">
127 <a href="">Karen Sandler</a>, <a href="">Benjamin Mako Hill</a>, and<br><a href="">Richard Stallman</a> announced as keynote speakers.
128 </p>
129 </li>
131 <li class="item">
132 <img src="//" alt="[ A presentation at LibrePlanet 2013]">
133 <p class="carousel-caption-center">
134 Volunteers keep LibrePlanet spinning <br>(and get great perks as well).<br>
135 <a href="">Join us today.</a>
136 </p>
137 </li>
139 <li class="item">
140 <img src="//"
141 alt="[ Apply for a scholarship ]">
142 <p class="lead carousel-caption-tl"> <a href="scholarships">Apply for a travel scholarship</a> by November 30th or <a href="">donate to the scholarship fund</a> to help us bring new people to LibrePlanet.
143 </p>
144 </li>
146 <li class="item active">
147 <img src="//"
148 alt="[MIT's Stata Center]">
149 <p class="carousel-caption-tl">
150 LibrePlanet has something for everyone<br>
151 <a class="btn btn-default btn-carousel" href="">View the complete program</a></p>
152 </li>
154 <li class="item">
155 <img src="//"
156 alt="[ LibrePlanet 2013 discussion ]">
157 <p class="lead carousel-caption-bl">
158 We're collecting suggestions for<br>LibrePlanet 2014
160 <a class="btn btn-default"
161 href="">
162 Share your ideas
163 </a>
165 </p>
166 </li>
168 <li class="item active">
169 <img src="//"
170 alt="[ Keynote speakers]">
171 <p class="carousel-caption-tl">
172 <a class="btn btn-default btn-carousel" href="">
173 Get excited for our keynote speakers!
174 </a></p>
175 </li>
176 -->
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182 <a class="left carousel-control" href="#lpc-carousel" data-slide="prev">
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185 <a class="right carousel-control" href="#lpc-carousel" data-slide="next">
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188 </div>
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193 <div class="row">
194 <!--<div class="col-md-6">
195 <div class="panel panel-primary margin-top">
196 <div class="panel-heading">
197 <h3 class="panel-title">Help improve the conference!</h3>
198 </div>
199 <div class="panel-body">
200 <p>If you attended LibrePlanet 2018, please fill out our <a href="">feedback survey</a> so we can make the conference even better next year!</p></div>
201 </div>
202 </div>-->
203 <!-- This is an SSI include for the media status box we use after the conference. To make it work, remove this comment and comment *in* the #include line.
204 <div class="col-md-12">
205 #include virtual="/2018/includes/media-status.html"
206 </div>-->
207 </div>
209 <!-- // next year's site available
210 <div class="alert alert-success margin-top">
211 <p style="text-align:center; font-size:large"><strong>The <a href="" style="text-decoration:underline; text-color:inherited">LibrePlanet 2018 site</a> is now available!</strong></p></div>
212 -->
214 <!-- end of notification area -->
216 <p class="lead">LibrePlanet is an annual conference hosted by the <a href="">Free Software Foundation</a> for free software enthusiasts and anyone who cares about the intersection of technology and social justice. For the past ten years, LibrePlanet has brought together software developers, law and policy experts, activists, students and computer users to learn skills, celebrate free software accomplishments, and face challenges to software freedom. Newcomers are always welcome, and LibrePlanet 2018 will feature programming for all ages and experience levels.</p>
218 <!--Theme paragraph.-->
220 <!-- <p>This year's theme is <em>The Roots of Freedom</em>. Many talks will explore the historical roots of free software, including the Four Freedoms, copyleft through the GNU General Public License, and the rights to security and privacy. Others will focus on the movement that roots free software, and the contributions of its members to activism, the arts, education, entrepreneurship, and innovation.</p>-->
222 <!--<p>FSF members and students attend LibrePlanet at no cost! <a href="">Become a member now</a>. Registration opens soon - sign up above to receive updates.</p>-->
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