Initial version of Schedule Page for LP 2016 done.
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1 <!--#include virtual="/server/2016/header.html"-->
3 <title>LibrePlanet 2016 &mdash; Sessions </title>
5 <!--#include virtual="/server/2016/banner.html"-->
6 <!--#include virtual="/server/2016/sidebar.html"-->
8 <h1>Program <small>Sessions</small></h1>
10 <div class="row"> <!-- session row start -->
11 <div class="col-sm-9"> <!-- session column start -->
13 <article id="sat-program" class="program-day"> <!-- sat program start -->
14 <header class="program-day-header">
15 <hgroup>
16 <h2>Saturday, March 19
17 <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
18 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
19 aria-controls="sat-timeslots"
20 href="#sat-timeslots">
21 &#x2193;
22 </a>
23 </h2>
24 </hgroup>
25 </header>
27 <div class="collapse in" id="sat-timeslots"> <!-- sat-timeslots start -->
28 <article id="sat-ts-b0"
29 class="program-timeslot-break"> <!-- sat-ts-b0 start -->
30 <header class="program-timeslot-break-header">
31 <hgroup>
32 <h2>09:00 - 09:45: Registration and Breakfast</h2>
33 </hgroup>
34 </header>
35 </article> <!-- sat-ts-b0 end -->
38 <article id="sat-ts0" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sat-ts0 start -->
39 <header class="program-timeslot-header">
40 <hgroup>
41 <h2>09:45 - 10:45: Opening Keynote: Richard Stallman
42 <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
43 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
44 aria-controls="sat-ts0-sessions"
45 href="#sat-ts0-sessions">
46 &#x2193;
47 </a>
48 </h2>
49 </hgroup>
50 </header>
51 <div class="collapse in"
52 id="sat-ts0-sessions"> <!-- sat-ts0-sessions start -->
53 <section id="sat-ts0-s0" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts0-s0 start -->
54 <header class="program-session-header">
55 <h2>Free software, free hardware, and other things</h2>
56 </header>
57 <a href="#" class="session-speaker">Richard Stallman</a>
59 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
60 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
61 aria-controls="sat-ts0-s0-collapse"
62 data-target="#sat-ts0-s0-collapse">
63 Details
64 </button>
65 <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts0-s0-collapse">
66 <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
68 <p>Preceded by a welcome address from John Sullivan, FSF
69 executive director.</p>
70 </div>
71 </section> <!-- sat-ts0-s0 end -->
72 </div> <!-- sat-ts0-sessions end -->
73 </article> <!-- sat-ts0 end -->
75 <article id="sat-ts1" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sat-ts1 start -->
76 <header class="program-timeslot-header">
77 <hgroup>
78 <h2>10:55 - 11:40: Session Block 1A
79 <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
80 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
81 aria-controls="sat-ts1-sessions"
82 href="#sat-ts1-sessions">
83 &#x2193;
84 </a>
85 </h2>
86 </hgroup>
87 </header>
88 <div class="collapse in"
89 id="sat-ts1-sessions"> <!-- sat-ts1-sessions start -->
90 <section id="sat-ts1-s0" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts1-s0 start -->
91 <header class="program-session-header">
92 <h2>Federation and GNU</h2>
93 </header>
94 <span class="session-speaker">
95 <a href="#">Christopher Webber</a>
96 </span>
97 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
98 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
99 aria-controls="sat-ts1-s0-collapse"
100 data-target="#sat-ts1-s0-collapse">
101 Details
102 </button>
103 <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts1-s0-collapse">
104 <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
105 <p>The effort to re-decentralize the web has been under
106 way for a number of years, but what's really happening
107 under the hood? Various projects like Diaspora, GNU
108 social, GNU MediaGoblin, Friendica Red, and Pump.IO all
109 exist, but not all these projects can talk to each
110 other. How can we fix that? A demo of PyPump will be
111 given, as well as a rundown on the progress of the W3C
112 Social Working Group.</p>
113 </div>
114 </section> <!-- sat-ts1-s0 end -->
116 <section id="sat-ts1-s1" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts1-s1 start -->
117 <header class="program-session-header">
118 <h2>Dr. Hyde and Mr. Jekyll: advocating for free software in nonfree academic contexts</h2>
119 </header>
120 <span class="session-speaker">
121 <a href="/2015/program/speakers.html#coons">
122 ginger coons
123 </a>
124 </span>
125 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
126 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
127 aria-controls="sat-ts1-s1-collapse"
128 data-target="#sat-ts1-s1-collapse">
129 Details
130 </button>
131 <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts1-s1-collapse">
132 <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-141</span></p>
133 <p>What if the classic horror trope of the good doctor who
134 becomes a monster at night were reversed? Instead of the
135 good Dr. Jekyll transforming into the rampaging Mr. Hyde,
136 advocates of free who work in nonfree environments can
137 feel as if they only get to put on their altruistic
138 persona at night. For academics advocating free software
139 and free culture in particular, libre ethics are often at
140 odds with both administrative structures and expected
141 teaching outcomes. This session explores the struggles of
142 advocating free in both research and teaching.</p>
143 </div>
144 </section> <!-- sat-ts1-s1 end -->
146 <section id="sat-ts1-s2" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts1-s2 start -->
147 <header class="program-session-header">
148 <h2>TAFTA, CETA, TISA: traps and threats to Free Software Everywhere</h2>
149 </header>
150 <span class="session-speaker">
151 <a href="#">
152 Marianne Corvellec</a>,
153 <a href="#">
154 Jonathan Le Lous</a>
155 </span>
156 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
157 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
158 aria-controls="sat-ts1-s2-collapse"
159 data-target="#sat-ts1-s2-collapse">
160 Details
161 </button>
162 <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts1-s2-collapse">
163 <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-155</span></p>
164 <p>TAFTA, CETA, and TISA are far-reaching trade agreements
165 posing major threats to online freedom and creating legal
166 uncertainty for all Internet players. They set forth an
167 ever stronger protection of copyright and patents. They
168 'recycle' the most toxic parts of ACTA, the
169 anti-counterfeiting trade agreement which was rejected in
170 2012. The presentation focuses on the software aspects of
171 TAFTA, CETA, TISA. We will call for action against these
172 global treaty projects and offer alternative proposals,
173 which favour Free Software Everywhere.</p>
174 </div>
175 </section> <!-- sat-ts1-s2 end -->
176 </div> <!-- sat-ts1-sessions end -->
177 </article> <!-- sat-ts1 end -->
179 <article id="sat-ts-b1"
180 class="program-timeslot-break"> <!-- sat-ts-b1 start -->
181 <header class="program-timeslot-break-header">
182 <hgroup>
183 <h2>11:40 - 11:50: Break</h2>
184 </hgroup>
185 </header>
186 </article> <!-- sat-ts-b1 end -->
189 <article id="sat-ts2" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sat-ts2 start -->
190 <header class="program-timeslot-header">
191 <hgroup>
192 <h2>11:50 - 12:35: Session Block 2A
193 <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
194 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
195 aria-controls="sat-ts2-sessions"
196 href="#sat-ts2-sessions">
197 &#x2193;
198 </a>
199 </h2>
200 </hgroup>
201 </header>
203 <div class="collapse in"
204 id="sat-ts2-sessions"> <!-- sat-ts2-sessions start -->
205 <section id="sat-ts2-s0" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts2-s0 start -->
206 <header class="program-session-header">
207 <h2>Let's encrypt!</h2>
208 </header>
209 <span class="session-speaker">
210 <a href="#">Seth Schoen</a>
211 </span>
212 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
213 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
214 aria-controls="sat-ts2-s0-collapse"
215 data-target="#sat-ts2-s0-collapse">
216 Details
217 </button>
218 <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts2-s0-collapse">
219 <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
220 <p>This year a robotic certificate authority will start
221 issuing publicly-trusted certificates, at no charge, by
222 the millions. Called Let's Encrypt, this CA is an
223 initiative of several organizations. Our free software and
224 protocol will let sysadmins run a single command to turn
225 on HTTPS on their servers in about a minute, helping
226 eliminate obstacles to activating encryption for every Web
227 server. I'll describe how it all works and give a demo. We
228 need lots of testing and integration help!</p>
229 </div>
230 </section> <!-- sat-ts2-s0 end -->
233 <section id="sat-ts2-s1" class="program-session"> <!-- sat-ts2-s1 start -->
234 <header class="program-session-header">
235 <h2>Attribution revolution -- turning copyright upside-down</h2>
236 </header>
237 <span class="session-speaker"><a href="#">Jonas Öberg</a></span>
239 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
240 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
241 aria-controls="sat-ts2-s1-collapse"
242 data-target="#sat-ts2-s1-collapse">
243 Details
244 </button>
245 <div class="collapse in" id="sat-ts2-s1-collapse">
246 <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-141</span></p>
247 <p>Reusing works licensed under free licenses seems pretty
248 simple, but it can often be quite time consuming. One image
249 or a few lines of source code might be okay, but keeping
250 track of the license and attribution of a thousand different
251 pieces, or when quoting from massive data sets such as
252 Wikipedia? Whoah! Don’t we have computers to do that for
253 us!? We do, but there’s no widespread support for including
254 licensing or author information when sharing or reusing
255 digital works. This session will discuss how this should
256 work in a free knowledge environment, and could it be that
257 many problems regarding copyright and "piracy" in our
258 digital society could be solved with free software?</p>
260 <p>In order to relate effectively to the digital works we
261 see online, attribution (who made or built something)
262 matters. Proper attribution is the start of being able to
263 explore digital works online in their right context. This
264 talk will focus on the philosophical background of why
265 attribution matters, the benefits that free software can
266 bring to the way we work with pieces of art (lolcats and
267 Shakespeare alike), and where we're heading in the
268 future.</p>
269 </div>
270 </section> <!-- sat-ts2-s1 end -->
271 </div> <!-- sat-ts2-sessions end -->
272 </article> <!-- sat-ts2 end -->
273 </div> <!-- sat-timeslots end -->
274 </article> <!-- sat program end -->
276 <article id="sun-program" class="program-day"> <!-- sun program start -->
277 <header class="program-day-header">
278 <hgroup>
279 <h2>Sunday, March 20
280 <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
281 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
282 aria-controls="sun-timeslots"
283 href="#sun-timeslots">
284 &#x2193;
285 </a>
286 </h2>
287 </hgroup>
288 </header>
289 <div class="collapse in" id="sun-timeslots"> <!-- sun-timeslots start -->
291 <article id="sun-ts-b0"
292 class="program-timeslot-break"> <!-- sun-ts-b0 start -->
293 <header class="program-timeslot-break-header">
294 <hgroup>
295 <h2>09:00 - 09:45: Registration and breakfast</h2>
296 </hgroup>
297 </header>
298 </article> <!-- sun-ts-b0 end -->
300 <article id="sun-ts0" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sun-ts0 start -->
301 <header class="program-timeslot-header">
302 <hgroup>
303 <h2>09:45 - 10:30: Keynote: Benjamin Mako Hill
304 <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
305 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
306 aria-controls="sun-ts0-sessions"
307 href="#sun-ts0-sessions">
308 &#x2193;
309 </a>
310 </h2>
311 </hgroup>
312 </header>
313 <div class="collapse in"
314 id="sun-ts0-sessions"> <!-- sun-ts0-sessions start -->
316 <section id="sun-ts0-s0"
317 class="program-session"> <!-- sun-ts0-s0 start -->
318 <header class="program-session-header">
319 <h2>Access without empowermentg</h2>
320 </header>
321 <a href="#" class="session-speaker">
322 Benjamin Mako Hill</a>
323 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
324 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
325 aria-controls="sun-ts0-s0-collapse"
326 data-target="#sun-ts0-s0-collapse">
327 Details
328 </button>
329 <div class="collapse in" id="sun-ts0-s0-collapse">
330 <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
331 <p>The free software movement has twin goals:
332 promoting access to software through users' freedom to
333 share, and empowering users by giving them control
334 over their technology. For all our movement's success,
335 we have been much more successful at the former. I
336 will use data from free software and from several
337 related movements to explain why promoting empowerment
338 is systematically more difficult than promoting access
339 and I will explore how our movement might address the
340 second challenge in the future.</p>
341 </div>
342 </section> <!-- sun-ts0-s0 end -->
343 </div> <!-- sun-ts0-sessions end -->
344 </article> <!-- sun-ts0 end -->
347 <article id="sun-ts-b1"
348 class="program-timeslot-break"> <!-- sun-ts-b1 start -->
349 <header class="program-timeslot-break-header">
350 <hgroup>
351 <h2>10:30 - 10:40: Break</h2>
352 </hgroup>
353 </header>
354 </article> <!-- sun-ts-b1 end -->
357 <article id="sun-ts1" class="program-timeslot"> <!-- sun-ts1 start -->
358 <header class="program-timeslot-header">
359 <hgroup>
360 <h2>10:40 - 11:25: Session Block 1B
361 <a class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
362 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
363 aria-controls="sun-ts1-sessions"
364 href="#sun-ts1-sessions">
365 &#x2193;
366 </a>
367 </h2>
368 </hgroup>
369 </header>
370 <div class="collapse in"
371 id="sun-ts1-sessions"> <!-- sun-ts1-sessions start -->
373 <section id="sun-ts1-s0"
374 class="program-session"> <!-- sun-ts1-s0 start -->
375 <header class="program-session-header">
376 <h2>Fork and ignore: fighting a GPL violation by coding instead</h2>
377 </header>
378 <span class="session-speaker">
379 <a href="#">Bradley Kuhn</a>
380 </span>
381 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
382 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
383 aria-controls="sun-ts1-s0-collapse"
384 data-target="#sun-ts1-s0-collapse">
385 Details
386 </button>
387 <div class="collapse in" id="sun-ts1-s0-collapse">
388 <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-123</span></p>
389 <p>Typically, GPL enforcement activity involves
390 copyright infringement actions which compel license
391 violators to correct errors in their GPL compliance,
392 defending the policy goals of the GPL: the rights of
393 developers and users to copy, share, modify and
394 redistribute.</p>
395 <p>While traditional enforcement is often undeniably
396 necessary for embedded electronics products, novel
397 approaches to GPL violations are often possible and
398 even superior for more traditional software
399 distributions.</p>
400 <p>Recently, Software Freedom Conservancy engaged in
401 an enforcement action whereby, rather than fight the
402 violator in court, we instead provided resources and
403 assistance to a vetted GPL-compliant fork of a
404 violating codebase.</p>
405 <p>This talk discusses which scenarios make this
406 remedy optimal and the lessons learned. The talk
407 includes some licensing and technical content about
408 vetting the licensing information of codebases.</p>
409 </div>
410 </section> <!-- sun-ts1-s0 end -->
413 <section id="sun-ts1-s1"
414 class="program-session"> <!-- sun-ts1-s1 start -->
415 <header class="program-session-header">
416 <h2>Who did this? Just wait until your father gets home</h2>
417 </header>
418 <span class="session-speaker">
419 <a href="#">Ken Starks</a>
420 </span>
421 <button class="btn btn-default btn-xs" role="button"
422 data-toggle="collapse" aria-expanded="false"
423 aria-controls="sun-ts1-s1-collapse"
424 data-target="#sun-ts1-s1-collapse">
425 Details
426 </button>
427 <div class="collapse in" id="sun-ts1-s1-collapse">
428 <p><span class="label label-default">Room 32-141</span></p>
429 <p>What's going on in here? Computer parts laying all
430 over the place... screws and ribbon cables scattered
431 cross heaven's half acre. And who left this power
432 supply in the refrigerator? Is that your dad's new
433 impact drive? Don't you dare let me get up in the
434 middle of the night and step on that motherboard in my
435 bare feet. Just what in the name of Michael Dell is
436 going on here?</p>
437 </div>
438 </section> <!-- sun-ts1-s1 end -->
440 </div> <!-- sun-ts1-sessions end -->
441 </article> <!-- sun-ts1 end -->
445 </div> <!-- sun-timeslots end -->
446 </article>
448 </div> <!-- session column end -->
449 </div> <!-- session row end -->
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