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28 <p class="text-muted">
29 March 22<sup>nd</sup>-23<sup>rd</sup><br />
30 MIT, Cambridge, MA</p>
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33 <div class="col-sm-6"> <!-- start of signup form -->
34 <form role="form" class="margin-top lp-signup"
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46 <p>Sign up for updates on LibrePlanet 2015!</p>
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94 gratis for members and students!
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113 <li><a href="/2014/program/exhibit_hall.html">Exhibit hall</a></li>
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115 <li><a href="/2014/video/">Watch the video</a></li>
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134 <li><a href="/2014/anti-harassment/">Anti-harassment policy</a></li>
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142 <p class="text-muted text-center">and attend the conference gratis!</p>
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145 <div id="lp-content" class="col-sm-5"> <!-- start of LPC 14 main text -->
146 <h2> One more step! </h2>
147 <p>
148 Thanks for filling out the survey. To process your answers, we need you to confirm your email address by clicking the link in the confirmation email we've just sent you.
149 </p>
151 <div class="alert alert-info margin-top">
152 <p>
153 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-inbox"></span>
154 <strong>Please check your email now for the confirmation link.</strong>
155 </p>
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159 Return to the homepage.
160 </a>
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172 <p class="text-muted text-center">
173 The <a href="">Free Software
174 Foundation</a> is a nonprofit with a worldwide mission to
175 advance software freedom. LibrePlanet 2014 is produced in partnership by the <a href="">Free Software Foundation</a> with the <a href="">Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)</a> at MIT.
176 <a href="">
177 Donate</a>.
178 </p>
180 <p class="text-muted text-center">
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186 This page and its images, logos and videos are licensed under a <br />
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189 Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 US
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191 Copyright &copy; 2013-2014 Free Software Foundation.
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205 Apache 2.0 license</a>.
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