commiting uncommited changes on live site
[] / / 20131203 / files / sites / all / modules-old / civicrm / packages / tinymce / jscripts / tiny_mce / plugins / style / readme.txt
1Edit CSS Style plug-in notes
3Unlike WYSIWYG editor functionality that operates only on the selected text,
4typically by inserting new HTML elements with the specified styles.
5This plug-in operates on the HTML blocks surrounding the selected text.
6No new HTML elements are created.
8This plug-in only operates on the surrounding blocks and not the nearest
9parent node. This means that if a block encapsulates a node,
10e.g <p><span>text</span></p>, then only the styles in the block are
11recognized, not those in the span.
13When selecting text that includes multiple blocks at the same level (peers),
14this plug-in accumulates the specified styles in all of the surrounding blocks
15and populates the dialogue checkboxes accordingly. There is no differentiation
16between styles set in all the blocks versus styles set in some of the blocks.
18When the [Update] or [Apply] buttons are pressed, the styles selected in the
19checkboxes are applied to all blocks that surround the selected text.