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[] / / 20131203 / files / sites / all / modules-new / civicrm / vendor / totten / ca-config / src / CA / Config / Curl.php
4 * Auto-detect list of certificate-authorities for use by HTTPS clients.
5 *
6 * This is designed to provide sane defaults for typical one-way
7 * authentication.
8 */
9class CA_Config_Curl
11 static private $_singleton;
13 /**
14 * Provide a singleton instance to simplify integration. If you prefer
15 * to manage the lifecycle of the config object, then consider using
16 * "probe()" or "new" instead.
17 *
18 * @return CA_Config_Curl
19 */
20 static public function singleton()
21 {
22 if (! self::$_singleton) {
23 global $CA_CONFIG;
24 self::$_singleton = self::probe($CA_CONFIG ? $CA_CONFIG : array());
25 }
26 return self::$_singleton;
27 }
29 /**
30 * Factory fuction which produces a configuration based on a policy and based
31 * on local system resources.
32 *
33 * @param $policy array:
34 * - enable_ssl: bool; default: TRUE
35 * - verify_peer: bool; default: TRUE
36 * - cafile: string, path to aggregated PEM; overrides any system defaults
37 * - fallback_cafile: string, path to aggregated PEM; used on systems which lack default; set FALSE to disable
38 * - fallback_ttl: int, seconds, the max age of the fallback cafile before it's regarded as stale; default: 5 years
39 * @return CA_Config_Curl
40 */
41 static public function probe($policy = array())
42 {
43 if (isset($policy['enable_ssl']) && $policy['enable_ssl'] === FALSE) {
44 return new CA_Config_Curl(FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
45 }
46 $version = curl_version();
47 if (!in_array('https', $version['protocols'])) {
48 return new CA_Config_Curl(FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
49 }
50 if (isset($policy['verify_peer']) && $policy['verify_peer'] === FALSE) {
51 return new CA_Config_Curl(TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
52 }
53 if (isset($policy['cafile'])) {
54 if (file_exists($policy['cafile']) && is_readable($policy['cafile'])) {
55 return new CA_Config_Curl(TRUE, TRUE, $policy['cafile']);
56 } else {
57 throw new Exception("Certificate Authority file is missing. Please contact the system administrator. See also: " . $policy['cafile']);
58 }
59 }
61 if (!isset($policy['fallback_ttl'])) {
62 $policy['fallback_ttl'] = 5 * 364 * 24 * 60 * 60;
63 }
64 if (!isset($policy['fallback_cafile'])) {
65 $policy['fallback_cafile'] = dirname(__FILE__) . '/cacert.pem';
66 }
67 // can't directly detect if system has CA pre-configured; use heuristic based on OS
68 if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
69 // PHP probably doesn't have a default cafile
70 if (empty($policy['fallback_cafile']) || !file_exists($policy['fallback_cafile'])) {
71 throw new Exception("Certificate Authority file is required on Windows. Please contact the system administrator.");
72 } elseif (time() > filemtime($policy['fallback_cafile']) + $policy['fallback_ttl']) {
73 throw new Exception("Certificate Authority file is too old. Please contact the system administrator. See also: " . $policy['fallback_cafile']);
74 } else {
75 return new CA_Config_Curl(TRUE, TRUE, $policy['fallback_cafile']);
76 }
77 } else {
78 // Most PHP builds include a built-in reference to a CA list
79 return new CA_Config_Curl(TRUE, TRUE, NULL);
80 }
81 }
83 public function __construct($enableSSL, $verifyPeer, $caFile)
84 {
85 $this->enableSSL = $enableSSL;
86 $this->verifyPeer = $verifyPeer;
87 $this->caFile = $caFile;
88 }
90 /**
91 * Whether SSL is supported at all
92 *
93 * @return bool
94 */
95 public function isEnableSSL()
96 {
97 return $this->enableSSL;
98 }
100 /**
101 * Whether server certifiates should be verified
102 *
103 * @return bool
104 */
105 public function isVerifyPeer()
106 {
107 return $this->verifyPeer;
108 }
110 /**
111 * Path to a CA file (if available/applicable)
112 *
113 * @return string
114 */
115 public function getCaFile()
116 {
117 return $this->caFile;
118 }
120 /**
121 * Format the CA config in a manner appropriate to curl_setopt_array()
122 *
123 * @return array
124 */
125 public function toCurlOptions()
126 {
127 $options = array();
128 $options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = $this->verifyPeer;
129 $options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST] = $this->verifyPeer ? 2 : 0;
130 if ($this->caFile) {
131 $options[CURLOPT_CAINFO] = $this->caFile;
132 } // else: system default
133 return $options;
134 }