Merge branch 'stable' of ssh:// into stable
[libreplanet-static.git] / 2020 / includes / home-content.mdwn
1LibrePlanet is an annual conference hosted by the [Free Software
2Foundation]( for free software enthusiasts and
3anyone who cares about the intersection of technology and social
4justice. LibrePlanet brings together software developers, law and policy
5experts, activists, students, and computer users to learn skills,
6celebrate free software accomplishments, and face challenges to software
7freedom. Newcomers are always welcome, and LibrePlanet 2020 will feature
8programming for all ages and experience levels. The theme for
9LibrePlanet 2020 is **"Free the Future"**.
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8ce4b5e1 11Many picture the future of software bringing about a dystopian world
12because of the daily encroachments on user rights. Even in our own
13homes, we are not shielded from technology companies listening to
14every word we say through their [proprietary "smart" personal
15assistants][4]. The thirst for user data gleaned through nonfree
16software and unethical network services like Amazon and Facebook seems
17to be unquenchable, and they require strong resistance.
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21Surveillance developments are becoming more and more unsettling
22because of the use of [facial recognition by state and county
23agencies][5]. The [FBI is planning to actively monitor our social
24media activity][6] in the name of "safety." Can free software help
25defend our rights?
30Education also needs our attention. The recent introduction of
31Pearson's "Netflix of textbooks" model inhibits students' rights to
32education by digitally constraining their learning environment. With
33our 2019 [International Day Against Digital Restrictions Management
34(DRM)][7], we are exposing our rapidly diminishing authority over our
35technology, as exemplified by Pearson. Steps like these set a
36dangerous precedent for all readers, no matter their age or location.
40These are just some of the many examples that come to mind when
41contemplating the direction technology is taking us. For each new
42convenience that we gain, it seems we lose even more in the process,
43exchanging intangible but vital rights to freedom and privacy for the
44latest new gadget. But there is resistance, and it doesn't have to be
45this way. The free software community has continuously defied the
46pressure to use nonfree software and provided a means of escape. We
47are in the unique position to offer solutions to these problems by
48combining our technical abilities and educational skills with our
49ethical dedication to envision a future free from the clutches of
50nonfree software and network services that mistreat their users. In
51short, 2020 will be the year we **"Free the Future."**