Merge branch 'master' of
[libreplanet-static.git] / 2019 / assets / img / logo-lp-anim.svg
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5 fill:none;
6 fill-rule:evenodd;
7 stroke:#52ce73;
8 stroke-width:3;
9 stroke-linecap:round;
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11 stroke-miterlimit:4;
12 stroke-opacity:1;
13 stroke-dasharray: 1000;
14 stroke-dashoffset: 1000;
15 animation: dash 3s linear 0s infinite forwards;
16 animation-iteration-count: 1;
17 }
18 #c1 { animation-delay: 500ms; }
19 #c2 { animation-delay: 700ms; }
20 #c3 { animation-delay: 800ms; }
21 #c4 { animation-delay: 1000ms; }
22 #c5 { animation-delay: 1200ms; }
23 #p1, #p2, #p3, #p4, #p5 { animation-delay: 1600ms; }
24 #cc1 { animation-delay: 1800ms; stroke:#d0c658; }
25 #pp1 { animation-delay: 2000ms; }
26 #cc2 { animation-delay: 2100ms; stroke:#d0c658; }
27 #p2a { animation-delay: 2300ms; }
28 #p2b { animation-delay: 2600ms; }
29 #pp2 { animation-delay: 2800ms; }
30 #cc3 { animation-delay: 3000ms; stroke:#d0c658; }
31 #pp3 { animation-delay: 3300ms; }
32 #pp4 { animation-delay: 3400ms; }
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35 from {
36 stroke-dashoffset: 1000;
37 }
38 to {
39 stroke-dashoffset: 0;
40 }
41 }
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44 fill: #ffffff;
45 animation: libre 350ms linear 0s infinite forwards;
46 animation-iteration-count: 1;
47 animation-delay: 4s;
48 }
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51 from {
52 fill:#ffffff;
53 }
54 to {
55 fill:#52ce73;
56 }
57 }
59 #planet {
60 fill: #ffffff;
61 animation: planet 350ms linear 0s infinite forwards;
62 animation-iteration-count: 1;
63 animation-delay: 4s;
64 }
66 @keyframes planet {
67 from {
68 fill:#ffffff;
69 }
70 to {
71 fill:#d0c658;
72 }
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78 id="layer">
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82 d="m 78.079509,120.4985 v 31.54317"
83 class="path" />
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86 class="path"
87 id="pp1" />
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102 class="path"
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110 class="path"
111 id="p5" />
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113 d="m 50.574741,102.08851 h 7.691812 M 78.079506,74.455636 v 8.259831 m 7.408335,-8.259831 V 83.7738 m 0,36.19018 v 9.31817 M 69.61284,119.96398 v 9.31817 m 24.882738,-19.78532 h 10.866812 m -8.750145,-7.40835 h 8.750145 M 94.495578,93.621828 h 10.866812"
114 class="path"
115 id="p3" />
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122 d="m 85.783582,209.67628 0.221234,3.53974 q -2.970851,0.31605 -10.113535,0.31605 -2.180731,0 -3.476528,-1.16938 -1.295797,-1.20098 -1.327402,-3.22369 v -13.2108 q 0.0316,-2.02271 1.327402,-3.19209 1.295797,-1.20098 3.476528,-1.20098 7.142684,0 10.113535,0.31605 l -0.221234,3.57134 h -8.375271 q -0.79012,0 -1.137773,0.37926 -0.347653,0.37926 -0.347653,1.23259 v 3.3185 h 8.69132 v 3.47653 h -8.69132 v 4.20344 q 0,0.88493 0.347653,1.26419 0.347653,0.37925 1.137773,0.37925 z m -17.622144,3.76098 h -5.088372 l -1.64345,-6.66862 q -0.316048,-1.04295 -0.853329,-1.42221 -0.505677,-0.41086 -1.485426,-0.41086 l -3.381713,-0.0316 v 8.5333 h -4.74072 v -21.80731 q 2.939247,-0.28445 8.312062,-0.28445 4.393067,0 6.226145,1.39061 1.833078,1.39061 1.833078,5.05677 0,2.40197 -0.979748,3.76097 -0.948144,1.35901 -3.192085,1.64345 v 0.15803 q 2.496779,0.56888 3.09727,3.28689 z M 55.709148,201.2062 h 3.476528 q 1.896288,0 2.591593,-0.6321 0.695306,-0.6637 0.695306,-2.46517 0,-1.80147 -0.695306,-2.43357 -0.663701,-0.6321 -2.591593,-0.6321 l -3.476528,0.0316 z m -12.791054,0.85333 v 0.12642 q 2.433569,0.22123 3.476527,1.67505 1.042959,1.42222 1.042959,4.14023 0,3.2869 -1.675055,4.48788 -1.675054,1.20098 -5.720468,1.20098 -6.068121,0 -9.196996,-0.25283 v -21.80731 q 2.812827,-0.25284 8.185643,-0.25284 4.361462,0 6.036516,1.20098 1.675054,1.16938 1.675054,4.48788 0,2.37036 -0.916539,3.60295 -0.884934,1.20098 -2.907641,1.39061 z m -7.363918,-1.51703 h 3.508132 q 1.769869,0 2.401965,-0.56889 0.663701,-0.56888 0.663701,-2.24394 0,-1.64345 -0.695306,-2.18073 -0.695305,-0.53728 -2.623198,-0.53728 l -3.255294,-0.0316 z m 0,9.51304 h 3.666156 q 1.991103,0 2.686408,-0.56888 0.695306,-0.60049 0.695306,-2.40197 0,-1.9595 -0.726911,-2.6232 -0.72691,-0.6953 -2.781222,-0.72691 h -3.539737 z m -9.164404,3.38172 h -4.803929 v -21.80731 h 4.803929 z M 9.5365138,191.62995 v 16.27647 q 0,0.85333 0.3792576,1.23258 0.4108626,0.37926 1.3274016,0.37926 h 7.490337 l 0.221233,3.66616 q -3.192084,0.34765 -9.2286004,0.34765 -2.5283838,0 -3.7609709,-1.26419 -1.2325871,-1.26419 -1.2325871,-3.38171 v -17.25622 z" style="fill: #ffffff"
123 id="libre" />
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125 d="m 200.16436,194.12263 h -7.11835 v 19.53556 h -2.80904 v -19.53556 h -7.08642 v -2.48983 h 17.01381 z m -18.81026,17.20534 0.12768,2.17061 q -2.93672,0.19153 -9.44857,0.19153 -1.94717,0 -3.09632,-1.02147 -1.11723,-1.05339 -1.14915,-2.80903 v -14.42822 q 0.0319,-1.75565 1.14915,-2.77712 1.14915,-1.05339 3.09632,-1.05339 6.51185,0 9.44857,0.19153 l -0.12768,2.20254 h -8.84208 q -1.91525,0 -1.91525,2.10677 v 4.78813 h 9.51241 v 2.26638 h -9.51241 v 6.03304 q 0,2.1387 1.91525,2.1387 z M 163.13336,191.6328 v 20.90816 q 0,1.11723 -1.08531,1.11723 h -2.74519 q -0.86186,0 -1.24491,-0.89379 l -7.43756,-15.60929 q -1.08531,-2.36214 -1.24491,-2.9048 h -0.51073 q 0.12768,1.27684 0.12768,2.9048 v 16.50308 h -2.80904 v -20.90816 q 0,-1.11723 1.11723,-1.11723 h 2.64943 q 0.86187,0 1.24492,0.89379 l 7.21411,15.22624 q 0.79802,1.56412 1.50028,3.19209 h 0.54265 q -0.0958,-1.72373 -0.0958,-3.35169 V 191.6328 Z m -24.38195,15.13049 h -9.06552 l -2.17061,6.8949 h -2.9048 l 7.08643,-21.25928 q 0.19152,-0.76611 1.05339,-0.76611 h 2.93671 q 0.86187,0 1.05339,0.76611 l 7.08643,21.25928 h -2.9048 z m -0.7661,-2.42599 -2.77711,-8.74631 q -0.28729,-0.82994 -0.54265,-1.78757 h -0.89379 l -0.54265,1.78757 -2.77712,8.74631 z m -23.88967,-12.7045 v 17.55647 q 0,2.10678 2.1387,2.10678 h 7.94829 l 0.12768,2.17061 q -2.77711,0.22345 -8.52286,0.22345 -4.46892,0 -4.46892,-4.14971 V 191.6328 Z M 93.264884,213.65819 V 191.6328 q 2.681351,-0.28728 7.565236,-0.28728 4.02203,0 5.55423,1.46836 1.5322,1.43643 1.5322,5.42654 0,3.99011 -1.50028,5.45846 -1.46836,1.43644 -5.26694,1.43644 -2.617507,0 -5.075412,-0.28729 v 8.81016 z m 2.809034,-10.94885 h 4.724282 q 2.45791,-0.0319 3.35169,-0.92571 0.92571,-0.9257 0.92571,-3.54321 0,-2.61751 -0.92571,-3.54321 -0.9257,-0.92571 -3.35169,-0.92571 -3.479369,0 -4.724282,0.0319 z"
126 style="fill: #ffffff"
127 id="planet" />
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