Adding Recent Updates item to progress bar for program announcement.
[libreplanet-static.git] / 2016 / program / generated-sessions.html
1<article class="program-day" id="day-1-program">
2 <header class="program-day-header">
3 <hgroup>
4 <h2>
5 Keynotes
6 </h2>
7 </hgroup>
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9 <article class="program-timeslot" id="day-1-timeslot-1">
10 <section class="program-session" id="day-1-timeslot-1-session-1">
11 <header class="program-session-header">
12 <hgroup>
13 <h2>
14 The last lighthouse: Free software in dark times
15 </h2>
16 </hgroup>
17 </header>
18 <span class="program-session-speaker">
19e72829 19 <a href="speakers.html#snowden">
20 Edward Snowden
21 </a>
22 ,
88e29b9d 23 <a href="speakers.html#gillmor">
24 Daniel Kahn Gillmor
25 </a>
26 </span>
27 <p class="program-session-room-details">
28 <button aria-controls="day-1-timeslot-1-session-1-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-1-timeslot-1-session-1-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
29 Details
30 </button>
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32 <div class="collapse in" id="day-1-timeslot-1-session-1-collapse">
33 <p>
34 Join NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden and ACLU Technologist Daniel Kahn Gillmor for a discussion about free software, surveillance, power, and control of the future.
35 </p>
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38 </section>
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40 </article>
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44<article class="program-day" id="day-2-program">
45 <header class="program-day-header">
46 <hgroup>
47 <h2>
48 Sessions
49 </h2>
50 </hgroup>
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52 <article class="program-timeslot" id="day-2-timeslot-1">
53 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-1">
54 <header class="program-session-header">
55 <hgroup>
56 <h2>
57 Advocate for Yourself at Work: Use More Free Software and Keep Contributing to the Community
58 </h2>
59 </hgroup>
60 </header>
61 <span class="program-session-speaker">
19e72829 62 <a href="speakers.html#nicholson">
63 Deb Nicholson
64 </a>
65 ,
66 Open Invention Network and
19e72829 67 <a href="speakers.html#fontana">
68 Richard Fontana
69 </a>
70 ,
71 Red Hat
72 </span>
73 <p class="program-session-room-details">
74 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-1-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-1-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
75 Details
76 </button>
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78 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-1-collapse">
79 <p>
80 Your workplace can exert a lot of control over how much free software you use, what you're allowed to work on in your own time and what kinds of tools you become an expert in. New employees don't always negotiate their contracts to make sure they can continue contributing to free software and current employees aren't always successful at advocating for using free software tools, choosing free software technologies or contributing changes back upstream when they do rely on free software. We'll address what's possible, what your legal department is likely to be concerned about and how to be a smooth negotiator at work. Many companies could benefit tremendously from using Free and Open Source Software, but free software enthusiasts and institutional gatekeepers are coming from very different perspectives. Free software developers and users tend to be most familiar with free software's benefits when compared to proprietary solutions; user freedom, reusing code, public code review for bugs, increased project capacity and cost. The uninitiated may -- unfortunately -- be most familiar with the risks, some real and some perceived. Employers also benefit from having workers who are passionate about their work, are well-connected to the free software community and are constantly learning about new technologies from their peers outside the company, but new employee contracts rarely recognize this unless you ask. Conversations about contracts, choosing new technologies and sharing an employee's work with another entity are high stakes negotiations. With a solid understanding of what worries and motivates the other parties, you can become a savvy advocate for free software at work. This talk will help you gather information, frame the conversation and make the best possible case for using and contributing to free software at work.
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84 </section>
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86 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-2">
87 <header class="program-session-header">
88 <hgroup>
89 <h2>
90 Building new economies for open development and content
91 </h2>
92 </hgroup>
93 </header>
94 <span class="program-session-speaker">
95 <a href="speakers.html#peterson">
96 Paige Peterson
97 </a>
98 ,
99 MaidSoft
100 </span>
101 <p class="program-session-room-details">
102 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-2-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-2-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
103 Details
104 </button>
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106 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-2-collapse">
107 <p>
108 Shifting perspectives on the value of Free/Libre software development and Creative Commons content creation would open up opportunities for individuals working in these fields as we finally see a push towards an economy that makes sense for the Internet. This will be an overview of some platforms creating these new opportunities and ways we can think about how an economy can exist in the digital world beyond the artificial scarcity that comes with keeping code and content locked down or secret. The session should include group discussion about platforms, philosophies and experiences folks working in free/libre software and creative commons content.
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114 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-3">
115 <header class="program-session-header">
116 <hgroup>
117 <h2>
118 Challenges and future growth in libre media and conference video production
119 </h2>
120 </hgroup>
121 </header>
122 <span class="program-session-speaker">
123 <a href="speakers.html#chriss">
124 George Chriss
125 </a>
126 and others,
127 Kat Walsh (moderator)
128 </span>
129 <p class="program-session-room-details">
130 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-3-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-3-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
131 Details
132 </button>
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134 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-3-collapse">
135 <p>
136 An 'intermediate' panel designed to provide a working overview of diversified libre media communities blended with per-project technical development updates, organizational adoption challenges, community-centric user-experience goals and other novel discussions regarding video production both generally and as it relates to conference video production (e.g., session recording and live-streaming).
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142 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-4">
143 <header class="program-session-header">
144 <hgroup>
145 <h2>
146 A community take on the license compliance industry
147 </h2>
148 </hgroup>
149 </header>
150 <span class="program-session-speaker">
151 <a href="speakers.html#zacchiroli">
152 Stefano Zacchiroli
153 </a>
154 ,
337a8e7d 155 Debian,
88e29b9d 156 OSI,
158 </span>
159 <p class="program-session-room-details">
160 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-4-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-4-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
161 Details
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165 <p>
166 The license compliance industry purportedly helps information technology companies and other actors to use publicly available software, and in particular free software, in a way that is compliant with the relevant free software licenses. In this talk we will review why the license compliance industry exists and discuss, from an external point of view, how it operates. We will then highlight some potential ethical issues on the current best practices for license compliance in the industry, and propose community-oriented alternatives that we can build, today, on top of the existing corpus of publicly available free software.
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172 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-5">
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174 <hgroup>
175 <h2>
176 Community technology for solidarity economies
177 </h2>
178 </hgroup>
179 </header>
180 <span class="program-session-speaker">
181 <a href="speakers.html#seeder">
182 Andrew Seeder
183 </a>
184 ,
185 Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative
186 </span>
187 <p class="program-session-room-details">
188 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-5-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-5-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
189 Details
190 </button>
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193 <p>
b9bb0827 194 This strategic action session is for anyone interested in the solidarity economy and asset-based community development. We'll compare notes, network, and outline the ecosystem of services needed to support the operations of community land trusts, worker co-operatives, sharing networks, and other democratic economic initiatives. We'll also explore how open source technology can help activists organize and manage investments, alliances, and information resources. Hopefully both hardware and software solutions will be discussed. I'll facilitate the session and am open to the "unconference" style, where the content of the session is decided by whoever shows up. I'll prepare an overview of the topic, with an emphasis on designing tactics for people without a background in technology. Security, control, and sustainability will be core concepts.
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200 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-6">
201 <header class="program-session-header">
202 <hgroup>
203 <h2>
204 Effective outreach in four steps
205 </h2>
206 </hgroup>
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208 <span class="program-session-speaker">
209 <a href="speakers.html#zhurakhinskaya">
210 Marina Zhurakhinskaya
211 </a>
212 ,
213 Red Hat
214 </span>
215 <p class="program-session-room-details">
216 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-6-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-6-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
217 Details
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220 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-6-collapse">
221 <p>
222 The full potential of free software is to break down the barriers to technology and to participation, and to include users and contributors from a wide range of backgrounds. There are four key steps for making communities diverse and inclusive: creating a welcoming environment, teaching skills, fostering connections, and increasing visibility of contributors from underrepresented backgrounds. Whether you are a prospective contributor wondering what an inclusive community looks like, a project contributor wanting to take concrete steps to improve your project's outreach, or a project leader looking to create a diversity strategy for your community, this talk will have the information you need. Marina will share best practices and inspiring stories from her years of experience in free software diversity outreach in roles including outreach specialist at Red Hat, co-organizer of Outreachy, advisor and director for the Ada Initiative, and outreach lead for GNOME.
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228 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-7">
229 <header class="program-session-header">
230 <hgroup>
231 <h2>
88e29b9d 232 Ending Online Tracking! Privacy Badger and Beyond!
233 </h2>
234 </hgroup>
235 </header>
236 <span class="program-session-speaker">
237 <a href="speakers.html#quintin">
238 Cooper Quintin
239 </a>
240 ,
241 EFF
242 </span>
243 <p class="program-session-room-details">
b9bb0827 244 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-7-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-7-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
245 Details
246 </button>
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b9bb0827 248 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-7-collapse">
337a8e7d 249 <p>
88e29b9d 250 Modern websites incorporate large amounts of third party resources. While these third parties can provide a better browsing experience all too often they abuse their inclusion on sites to be able to track information about your website's visitors. This type of non-consensual tracking must stop.
251 </p>
252 <p>
88e29b9d 253 I'll cover how users can protect themselves while browsing, why some solutions are better than others, and why free software licenses have helped provide a rich ecosystem of non-proprietary tools. From Ad Block Plus, to Firefox's Tracking Protection, to the EFFs Privacy Badger extension I'll discuss how these tools work and how users can protect themselves from online surveillance.
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259 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-8">
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261 <hgroup>
262 <h2>
88e29b9d 263 F as in Freedom
264 </h2>
265 </hgroup>
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267 <span class="program-session-speaker">
268 <a href="speakers.html#blanc">
269 Molly de Blanc
270 </a>
271 </span>
272 <p class="program-session-room-details">
273 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-8-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-8-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
274 Details
275 </button>
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278 <p>
88e29b9d 279 Projects with a significant number of contributors and users will face decisions where they are no longer able to fulfill the needs and desires of all stakeholders. When this happens some people become upset. A subset of those people become so upset they vent their frustrations on Twitter. I have collected tweets that express a negative sentiment towards decisions made within free software communities and by decision makers for free software projects. These were then categorized based on the decision type (e.g. licensing) and outcome (e.g. switching licenses). I hope to create a greater community understanding of decision making processes, develop a discussion about how communities and decision makers can move forward to better balance the wants and needs of stakeholders, and make a few crass jokes that possibly violate the Code of Conduct.
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285 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-9">
286 <header class="program-session-header">
287 <hgroup>
288 <h2>
88e29b9d 289 Free software alternatives to dominant proprietary solutions: A review of French initiatives
290 </h2>
291 </hgroup>
292 </header>
293 <span class="program-session-speaker">
294 <a href="speakers.html#corvellec">
295 Marianne Corvellec
296 </a>
297 ,
298 April and
299 <a href="speakers.html#lous">
300 Jonathan Le Lous
301 </a>
302 ,
303 April
304 </span>
305 <p class="program-session-room-details">
306 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-9-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-9-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
307 Details
308 </button>
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311 <p>
312 <a href="">
313 Project "De-google-ify Internet"
314 </a>
315 aims at offering as many alternative services as possible to those threatening our digital freedoms. Google" is not the only player there, even though it gave the project its name. Google Drive, Google Calendar, Skype, Dropbox, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Doodle, Yahoo Groups, and many others, are extremely convenient services. But they are centralized and make users dependent.
316 </p>
317 <p>
318 Framasoft are resisting this trend. They have come up with a several year roadmap to set up alternative services. These services are thought of as digital commons. They are free, gratis, and open to all. Framasoft is a French not-for-profit whose goal is to decentralize the Internet by promoting self-hosting. They work to empower everyone to install and run their own services. The project already offers more than 15 alternative services and welcomes about 1,000,000 visits per month.
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324 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-10">
325 <header class="program-session-header">
326 <hgroup>
327 <h2>
88e29b9d 328 FSF at 30: history of free software
329 </h2>
330 </hgroup>
331 </header>
332 <span class="program-session-speaker">
333 <a href="speakers.html#lee">
334 Matt Lee
335 </a>
336 ,
337 GNU Project
338 </span>
339 <p class="program-session-room-details">
340 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-10-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-10-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
341 Details
342 </button>
343 </p>
344 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-10-collapse">
345 <p>
88e29b9d 346 A look back at free software history, with a live demonstration of software from the past being used to deliver a presentation in 2016.
347 </p>
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350 </section>
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352 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-11">
353 <header class="program-session-header">
354 <hgroup>
355 <h2>
88e29b9d 356 Getting the academy to support free software and open science
357 </h2>
358 </hgroup>
359 </header>
360 <span class="program-session-speaker">
361 <a href="speakers.html#dexter">
362 Scott Dexter
363 </a>
364 and
365 <a href="speakers.html#misshula">
366 Evan Misshula
367 </a>
368 ,
369 CUNY,
370 and
371 <a href="speakers.html#glass">
372 Erin Glass
373 </a>
374 ,
375 UCSD
376 </span>
377 <p class="program-session-room-details">
378 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-11-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-11-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
379 Details
380 </button>
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382 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-11-collapse">
383 <p>
88e29b9d 384 Academic Institutions and their researchers are some of the biggest beneficiaries of free software development. While individual researchers have contributed greatly to free software, they usually do so outside of the scope of their regular jobs and to the detriment of their academic careers. At CUNY, we have taken steps to change this unacceptable situation. Please come to this session and exchange ideas and strategies for having contribtions to free software valued by the University.
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390 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-12">
391 <header class="program-session-header">
392 <hgroup>
393 <h2>
88e29b9d 394 GNU/Linux and Chill: Free Software on a College Campus
395 </h2>
396 </hgroup>
397 </header>
398 <span class="program-session-speaker">
399 <a href="speakers.html#brown">
400 Michaela R. Brown
401 </a>
402 </span>
403 <p class="program-session-room-details">
404 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-12-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-12-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
405 Details
406 </button>
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408 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-12-collapse">
409 <p>
88e29b9d 410 Being a free software user isn't easy, especially when you're a college student. I spent a year at a school that taught Visual Basic as its primary programming language for freshmen and sophomores, where "Introduction to Programming" was an overview of the Windows OS, and where most of the professors would only accept papers typed in Times New Roman -- and I survived. In this session, I'll give students tips for making it through college while still adhering to the values we hold as free software users -- including alternative fonts, making a GNU/Linux live disk for use on public computers, avoiding the "Netflix and Chill" dilemma, and most importantly, ways to discuss free software with professors and fellow students. After leaving this session, students will feel empowered and able to hold their own as free users in a proprietary campus.
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414 </section>
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416 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-13">
417 <header class="program-session-header">
418 <hgroup>
419 <h2>
88e29b9d 420 Hardware reverse engineering insights from the MAME project: a path towards free firmware
421 </h2>
422 </hgroup>
423 </header>
424 <span class="program-session-speaker">
425 <a href="speakers.html#sanches">
426 Felipe Correa da Silva Sanches
427 </a>
428 ,
429 MAME
430 </span>
431 <p class="program-session-room-details">
b9bb0827 432 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-13-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-13-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
433 Details
434 </button>
435 </p>
b9bb0827 436 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-13-collapse">
337a8e7d 437 <p>
438 The MAME Project's main stated goal is to preserve historical computer hardware. The strategy for achieving that objective is to inspect the devices and then to develop emulators for them. While most hardware is undocumented and relies on proprietary firmware, the MAME development community has nurtured strong reverse engineering practices since its origins back in 1997.
439 </p>
440 <p>
441 The techniques that we need to master in order to develop new emulators include reverse engineering procedures that are also very useful for aiding in the creation of free firmware solutions to replace the non-free blobs used in a broad variety of daily-use devices. These skills are also useful for the development of free drivers for undocumented devices and in the porting of operating systems and BIOSes to new hardware platforms. We need to strengthen a community of skillful hardware reverse engineers so that we can solve the freedom issues denounced by projects such as Linux-Libre and Libreboot.
442 </p>
443 </div>
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337a8e7d 445 </section>
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447 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-14">
448 <header class="program-session-header">
449 <hgroup>
450 <h2>
88e29b9d 451 LittleSis: Mapping the powers that be
452 </h2>
453 </hgroup>
454 </header>
455 <span class="program-session-speaker">
456 <a href="speakers.html#gott">
457 Molly Gott
458 </a>
459 </span>
460 <p class="program-session-room-details">
b9bb0827 461 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-14-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-14-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
462 Details
463 </button>
464 </p>
b9bb0827 465 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-14-collapse">
337a8e7d 466 <p>
88e29b9d 467 LittleSis is a free software, wiki-style database that tracks connections between the world's most powerful people and organizations. In the workshop, participants will be trained in the site's basic functions (e.g. editing profile pages and searching for interlocks between corporations) and advanced functions (e.g using the site's Oligrapher tool to create maps of information stored in the database). We will also share stories about the ways in which LittleSis and power analysis research have been used in movement and organizing contexts, including how activists in St. Louis used LittleSis to map and challenge the local corporate Powers Behind the Police and how activists in Philadelphia are using LittleSis to research the corporate entities behind education privatization. Participants will leave with an understanding of how to use LittleSis, as well as inspiration for how they can start their own movement research teams to map the powers that be in their communities.
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473 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-15">
474 <header class="program-session-header">
475 <hgroup>
476 <h2>
88e29b9d 477 Loomio: Creating a world where anyone, anywhere can participate in decisions that affect them
478 </h2>
479 </hgroup>
480 </header>
481 <span class="program-session-speaker">
482 <a href="speakers.html#kaplan">
483 MJ Kaplan
484 </a>
485 ,
486 Loomio
487 </span>
488 <p class="program-session-room-details">
b9bb0827 489 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-15-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-15-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
490 Details
491 </button>
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337a8e7d 494 <p>
88e29b9d 495 Loomio is free software that we created after experiencing the transformative potential of participatory decision making, and its limitations, during the Occupy movement in New Zealand. Scaling is impossible if people have to be in the same place at the same time so we developed software that allows online groups to be inclusive and fast, enabling deliberative discussion that taps the collective intelligence of the group while moving actively to shared agreement and action. Loomio is free to maximize access and inclusion, knowing that people who are on the margins of power are the least likely to have a voice. This session will engage participants in how Loomio works -- in fact they can sign up ahead of time to inform the session! I'll share lessons and challenges from cases across the 95 countries where citizen activists and workers are experimenting with better, fast platforms to collaborate. Participants will be inspired to use Loomio to support their groups.
496 </p>
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501 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-16">
502 <header class="program-session-header">
503 <hgroup>
504 <h2>
88e29b9d 505 Restore Online Freedom!
506 </h2>
507 </hgroup>
508 </header>
509 <span class="program-session-speaker">
510 <a href="speakers.html#gerwitz">
511 Mike Gerwitz
512 </a>
513 ,
514 GNU Project
515 </span>
516 <p class="program-session-room-details">
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518 Details
519 </button>
520 </p>
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337a8e7d 522 <p>
523 Imagine a world where surveillance is the default and users must opt-in to privacy. Imagine that your every action is logged and analyzed to
524learn how you behave, what your interests are, and what you might do next. Imagine that, even on your fully free operating system,
525proprietary software is automatically downloaded and run not only without your consent, but often without your knowledge. In this world,
526even free software cannot be easily modified, shared, or replaced. In many cases, you might not even be in control of your own
527computing -- your actions and your data might be in control by a remote entity, and only they decide what you are and are not allowed to do.
528 </p>
529 <p>
530 This may sound dystopian, but this is the world you're living in right now. The Web today is an increasingly hostile, freedom-denying place
531that propagates to nearly every aspect of the average users' lives -- from their PCs to their phones, to their TVs and beyond. But before we can stand up and demand back our freedoms, we must understand what we're being robbed of, how it's being done, and what can (or can't) be done to stop it.
532 </p>
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537 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-17">
538 <header class="program-session-header">
539 <hgroup>
540 <h2>
88e29b9d 541 Scaling your free software system: lessons from a decade of OpenMRS
542 </h2>
543 </hgroup>
544 </header>
545 <span class="program-session-speaker">
546 <a href="speakers.html#gichoya">
547 Judy Gichoya
548 </a>
549 </span>
550 <p class="program-session-room-details">
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552 Details
553 </button>
554 </p>
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556 <p>
557 By sheer luck and opportunity, a group of four doctors in 2004 at a restaurant used napkins to sketch the data model of what they thought would be a simple electronic medical records system.
558 </p>
559 <p>
560 Fast track to today, this simple medical records system is known as OpenMRS (Open Medical Record System), a free medical records system in use in over 42 countries in the world. For example, when Google worked on the ‘Ebola tablet’ under project Buendia, OpenMRS powered it. After the national disaster in Haiti struck, OpenMRS powered the new Mirebalais hospital. Six countries committed to deploy OpenMRS as their national EMR system including Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Nigeria, Philippines and Bangladesh. OpenMRS has never hired developers for the decade of existence, yet every single day people from all over the world come to our platform and ask us how can they get involved?
561 </p>
562 <p>
563 This session shares a decade of running a lean organization to provide free medical records software, what has worked and what threatens our sustainability.
564 </p>
565 </div>
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567 </section>
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569 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-18">
570 <header class="program-session-header">
571 <hgroup>
572 <h2>
573 The Singularity, the Matrix, and the Terminator
574 </h2>
575 </hgroup>
576 </header>
577 <span class="program-session-speaker">
578 <a href="speakers.html#oliva">
579 Alexandre Oliva
580 </a>
581 ,
582 FSF Latin America
583 </span>
584 <p class="program-session-room-details">
585 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-18-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-18-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
586 Details
587 </button>
588 </p>
589 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-18-collapse">
590 <p>
591 In fiction, we have often faced our fear that man-made creatures will become smart enough to subjugate us. As technology evolves, the
592Singularity may seem an inevitable looming future, but such intelligent beings have actually been with us for a very long time. Over many decades, they disabled the checks intended to keep them under our control, and turned most of us into their much-needed servants, who now live in an artificial reality they created to control us, while our planet can hardly support our life much longer. These creatures grew more powerful and smarter with our technological advances, but then they sent their agents back to disable our defenses and the leaders of our resistance, turning many of our tools and much of our infrastructure against us. They vaporized our freedoms, and a dark cloud now covers most of the planet. We still have one card left up our sleeves to tame these creatures, but we need more Neos and Connors to play it successfully. Are you up for it?
593 </p>
594 </div>
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596 </section>
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598 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-19">
599 <header class="program-session-header">
600 <hgroup>
601 <h2>
602 Solving the deployment crisis with GNU Guix
603 </h2>
604 </hgroup>
605 </header>
606 <span class="program-session-speaker">
607 <a href="speakers.html#webber">
608 Christopher Webber
609 </a>
610 ,
611 GNU MediaGoblin and
612 <a href="speakers.html#thompson">
613 David Thompson
614 </a>
615 ,
616 GNU Guix
617 </span>
618 <p class="program-session-room-details">
619 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-19-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-19-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
620 Details
621 </button>
622 </p>
623 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-19-collapse">
624 <p>
625 User freedom is threatened by the growing complexity of current deployment and packaging directions. Running software (especially server/networked software) is becoming too hard for the average user, so many users are turning to the dangerous path of relying on large corporations to do their computing for them. What can GNU do to turn the tide here? Enter GNU Guix and GuixSD! This talk will walk through Guix's unique positioning to provide totally free and reproducible systems. A path will be laid out on how Guix could be used as a foundation for easy to run and maintain computing for everyone, how you can get Guix and GuixSD running, and how to get involved in the most hacking-friendly package manager/distro duo ever!
626 </p>
627 </div>
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629 </section>
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631 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-20">
632 <header class="program-session-header">
633 <hgroup>
634 <h2>
635 Taking back our freedom: Free software for sousveillance
636 </h2>
637 </hgroup>
638 </header>
639 <span class="program-session-speaker">
640 <a href="speakers.html#mcgrath">
641 M. C. McGrath
642 </a>
643 </span>
644 <p class="program-session-room-details">
645 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-20-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-20-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
646 Details
647 </button>
648 </p>
649 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-20-collapse">
650 <p>
651 The surveillance state is driven by secrecy. But everything leaves a data trail and the intelligence community itself is no exception -- even the NSA is vulnerable to surveillance. Transparency Toolkit is a free software project that helps anyone investigate surveillance programs.
652 </p>
653 <p>
654 By making tools to help collect and analyze publicly available data like resumes, job listings, social media, and government contracts, we are using free software and open data to track and expose the surveillance state. In this talk, I'll discuss some of the interesting things we've found, how Transparency Toolkit's software works, and how people can use our tools to investigate issues they care about.
655 </p>
656 </div>
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658 </section>
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660 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-21">
661 <header class="program-session-header">
662 <hgroup>
663 <h2>
664 Want to advance free software? Learn to engage and connect with others
665 </h2>
666 </hgroup>
667 </header>
668 <span class="program-session-speaker">
669 <a href="speakers.html#emmanuel">
670 Emmanuel
671 </a>
672 ,
673 Hampshire College
674 </span>
675 <p class="program-session-room-details">
676 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-21-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-21-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
677 Details
678 </button>
679 </p>
680 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-21-collapse">
337a8e7d 681 <p>
682 The free software movement has done well in the last few years, and has even inspired a new generation of activists advocating for software
683freedom. However, in a software-driven society where everything from cars, watches, and even medical devices run on non-free software, the free software community has its work cut out for it. In order to enact significant social change, we need to work with legislators, other
684activists, and local community leaders. Their help is crucial.
685 </p>
686 <p>
687 How do we connect our community to other groups? In order to gain support, the first step we must take is to engage with the public on how
688non-free software can affect their everyday lives negatively. Even the most non-technical person can become engaged with the social and
689technical benefits to free software, if given the chance. This session will discuss how each and every one of us in the free software movement
690can engage with others, promoting the ideals of a society running on free software in a way that each person can personally appreciate.
691 </p>
692 </div>
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337a8e7d 694 </section>
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696 <section class="program-session" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-22">
697 <header class="program-session-header">
698 <hgroup>
699 <h2>
700 Yes, the FCC might ban your operating system
701 </h2>
702 </hgroup>
703 </header>
704 <span class="program-session-speaker">
705 <a href="speakers.html#schultz">
706 Eric Schultz
707 </a>
708 </span>
709 <p class="program-session-room-details">
88e29b9d 710 <button aria-controls="day-2-timeslot-1-session-22-collapse" aria-expanded="false" class="btn btn-default btn-xs" data-target="#day-2-timeslot-1-session-22-collapse" data-toggle="collapse">
711 Details
712 </button>
713 </p>
88e29b9d 714 <div class="collapse in" id="day-2-timeslot-1-session-22-collapse">
715 <p>
716 What could possibly make thousands of free software advocates, ham radio operators, researchers and physicians stand together? One obscure FCC rulemaking proposal on wireless radios. Eric Schultz, one of the leaders of the Save Wifi Initiative, discusses the details of the extreme proposals of FCC to control how you use your devices. You'll learn the history of regulators quietly locking down wireless radios and how it's unintentionally extending to a lockdown of the operating systems of devices. Finally, you'll find out some of the problems with proposed workarounds for the the FCC lock down proposals.
717 </p>
718 </div>
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722 </article>
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