# org.fsf.payment.trustcommerce This extension allows CiviCRM users to use TrustCommerce. The extension is licensed under [AGPL-3.0](LICENSE.txt). ## Requirements * PHP 7.0 * CiviCRM 4.7.x ## Installation (Web UI) This extension has not yet been published for installation via the web UI. ## Installation Intall the module in your custom extensions directory. The name of the top level directory unpacked by the tarball should be changed to `org.fsf.payment.trustcommerce`. You will need to add rows to `civicrm_payment_processor_type` in your database. | id | name | title | description | is_active | is_default | user_name_label | password_label | signature_label | subject_label | class_name | url_site_default | url_api_default | url_recur_default | url_button_default | url_site_test_default | url_api_test_default | url_recur_test_default | url_button_test_default | billing_mode | is_recur | payment_type | payment_instrument_id | | 19 | TrustCommerce | TrustCommerce (org.fsf.payment.trustcommerce) | TrustCommerce Payment Processor | 1 | NULL | Vendor ID | Password | | | Payment_TrustCommerce | https://vault.trustcommerce.com/trans/ | | https://vault.trustcommerce.com/trans/ | | https://vault.trustcommerce.com/trans/ | https://vault.trustcommerce.com/trans/ | https://vault.trustcommerce.com/trans/ | | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ## Usage Go to Administer -> System Settings -> Payment Processors and add The TrustCommerce PP. ## Known Issues There are no hooks for installation and uninstallation of plugin, so tables need to be updated manually. If the class names in the `civicrm_payment_processor_type` or `civicrm_payment_processor` tables are incorrect, then they need to be changed to `Payment_TrustCommerce`.