/* tclink.c - Library code for the TCLink client API. */ #include "tclink.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #include #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef WIN32 #define strcasecmp(x, y) stricmp(x, y) #else #define closesocket(x) close(x) #endif #define DEFAULT_HOST "pgw1.trustcommerce.com" /* changed from forty second to one hundred second to reflect more complicated * transaction processing logic */ #define TIMEOUT 100 /* seconds */ #define TC_BUFF_MAX 32000 #define TC_LINE_MAX ((PARAM_MAX_LEN * 2) + 2) char tclink_version[] = TCLINK_VERSION; /* TCLINK_VERSION is defined in Makefile */ char tclink_host[] = DEFAULT_HOST; int tclink_port = 443; /*************************************************/ /* Data structures used only within this module. */ /*************************************************/ /* Variables used for transaction data. */ typedef struct param_data { char* name; char* value; struct param_data* next; } param; typedef struct _TCLinkCon { /* Connection data */ int* ip; int num_ips; int sd; /* SSL encryption */ const SSL_METHOD* meth; long ctx_options; SSL_CTX* ctx; SSL* ssl; /* Transaction parameters, sent and received */ param *send_param_list, *send_param_tail; param* recv_param_list; /* Connection status */ int is_error; int pass; time_t start_time; int dns; int (*validate_cert)(int, void*); int full_ssl_close; } TCLinkCon; /************************************* * Internal functions, not exported. * *************************************/ /* Random number from min to max. */ static int number(int min, int max) { time_t t = time(0); return (rand_r((unsigned int*)&t) % (max - min + 1)) + min; } /* Check if path points to a regular file */ int is_regular_file(const char* path) { struct stat st; stat(path, &st); return S_ISREG(st.st_mode); } /* Safe string copy and append functions. */ #define SAFE_COPY(d, s) safe_copy((d), (s), sizeof(d)); #define SAFE_APPEND(d, s) safe_append((d), (s), sizeof(d)); static bool safe_copy(char* dst, const char* src, int size) { int len = (int) strlen(src); if (len < size) strcpy(dst, src); else { strncpy(dst, src, size - 1); dst[size - 1] = 0; } return (len >= size); } static bool safe_append(char* dst, const char* src, int size) { int dlen = (int) strlen(dst); int slen = (int) strlen(src); int avail = size - dlen; if (avail < 1) return true; if (slen < avail) strcpy(dst + dlen, src); else { strncpy(dst + dlen, src, avail - 1); dst[size - 1] = 0; } return (slen >= avail); } /* Add a parameter-value pair to the recieved list. */ static void AddRecvParam(TCLinkCon* c, const char* name, const char* value) { param* p; if (name[0] == 0 || value[0] == 0) return; p = (param*)malloc(sizeof(param)); p->name = strdup(name); p->value = strdup(value); p->next = c->recv_param_list; c->recv_param_list = p; } /* Add a string to the received list. */ static int AddRecvString(TCLinkCon* c, char* string) { char* ptr = strchr(string, '='); if (ptr == NULL) return 0; *ptr = 0; AddRecvParam(c, string, ptr + 1); return 1; } /* Deallocate the send list. */ static void ClearSendList(TCLinkCon* c) { param *p, *next; for (p = c->send_param_list; p; p = next) { next = p->next; free(p->name); free(p->value); free(p); } c->send_param_list = c->send_param_tail = NULL; } /* Deallocate the recv list. */ static void ClearRecvList(TCLinkCon* c) { param *p, *next; for (p = c->recv_param_list; p; p = next) { next = p->next; free(p->name); free(p->value); free(p); } c->recv_param_list = NULL; } void do_SSL_randomize(void) { enum { RAND_VALS = 32 }; int randbuf[RAND_VALS]; char fname[512]; int use_rand_file; time_t t; int i, c; /* if they have a /dev/urandom we can skip this function */ if (RAND_status() != 0) return; t = time(0); RAND_seed((char*)&t, sizeof(time_t)); /* have they specified a random file with RANDFILE environment variable? */ use_rand_file = RAND_file_name(fname, sizeof(fname)) ? 1 : 0; if (use_rand_file) RAND_load_file(fname, 4096); /* stuff it with packets of random numbers until it is satisfied */ for (i = 0; i < 256 && RAND_status() == 0; i++) { for (c = 0; c < RAND_VALS; c++) randbuf[c] = rand_r((unsigned int*)&t); RAND_seed((char*)randbuf, sizeof(int) * RAND_VALS); } } /* Make sure all of the ssl objects are properly initialized. */ static int init_ssl(TCLinkCon* c) { int ret = 1; /* Sanity Check */ if (c == NULL) return 0; /* do some SSL setup */ if (!c->meth) { do_SSL_randomize(); /* handle systems without /dev/urandom */ #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x10100000L c->meth = SSLv23_client_method(); c->ctx_options = SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1; #else c->meth = TLS_client_method(); c->ctx_options = SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1 | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1_1 | SSL_OP_NO_TICKET; #endif } if (!c->ctx) { int val; int is_file; c->ctx = SSL_CTX_new(c->meth); if (!c->ctx) return 0; /* set options */ if (c->ctx_options) SSL_CTX_set_options(c->ctx, c->ctx_options); #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(c->ctx, TLS1_2_VERSION); #endif is_file = is_regular_file(TCLINK_CA_PATH); val = SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations( c->ctx, is_file ? TCLINK_CA_PATH : NULL, is_file ? NULL : TCLINK_CA_PATH); if (!val) return 0; // failed to populate cert store /* turn on certificate chain validation */ SSL_CTX_set_verify(c->ctx, SSL_VERIFY_PEER, NULL); } if (!c->ssl) { c->ssl = SSL_new(c->ctx); if (!c->ssl) { SSL_CTX_free(c->ctx); c->ctx = NULL; return 0; } } return ret; } /* Open a socket to the host_ip specified. Returns the socket's file * descriptor on success (the open attempt is underway) or -1 for failure * (should never happen in practice). Note that this function DOES NOT block * and wait for the connection; you'll need to select() on the socket later to * see if it opened successfully. */ static int BeginConnection(TCLinkCon* c, int host_ip) { struct sockaddr_in sa; int sd; sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sd < 0) return -1; #ifdef WIN32 u_long param = 1; ioctlsocket(sd, FIONBIO, ¶m); #else fcntl(sd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); #endif memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.sin_family = AF_INET; sa.sin_addr.s_addr = host_ip; sa.sin_port = htons(tclink_port); connect(sd, (struct sockaddr*)&sa, sizeof(sa)); return sd; } /* This function is called on a socket file descriptor once the connection has * been established and we're ready to negotiate SSL. If the SSL handshake * fails for some reason (such as the host on the other end not using SSL), it * will return 0 for failure. Success returns 1. */ static int FinishConnection(TCLinkCon* c, int sd) { int ssl_connected, is_error, errcode, res; X509* server_cert; time_t start, remaining; fd_set in, out, err; struct timeval tv; /* check if socket has connected successfully */ int val; socklen_t size = 4; getsockopt(sd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char*)&val, &size); if (val != 0) return 0; if (c->ssl) SSL_clear(c->ssl); ERR_clear_error(); // Call init_ssl to make sure everything is setup properly. if (!init_ssl(c)) return 0; SSL_set_fd(c->ssl, sd); ssl_connected = 0; is_error = 0; start = time(0); while (!ssl_connected && !is_error) { remaining = 5 - (time(0) - start); if (remaining <= 0) { is_error = 1; break; } res = SSL_connect(c->ssl); ssl_connected = ((res == 1) && SSL_is_init_finished(c->ssl)); if (!ssl_connected) { FD_ZERO(&in); FD_SET((unsigned)sd, &in); FD_ZERO(&out); FD_SET((unsigned)sd, &out); FD_ZERO(&err); FD_SET((unsigned)sd, &err); /* the documentation does not suggest that both error types occur at the * same time so the retry logic will consume all the outstanding events we * do not actually use oob data, but if it is sent, it is treated as an * error all the same */ errcode = SSL_get_error(c->ssl, res); switch (errcode) { case SSL_ERROR_NONE: /* no error, we should have a connection, check again */ break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: /* no error, just wait for more data */ tv.tv_sec = remaining; tv.tv_usec = 0; /* posix-2001 says the function will modify the appropriate * descriptors */ if (select(sd + 1, &in, NULL, &err, &tv) < 0 || FD_ISSET((unsigned)sd, &err)) is_error = 1; break; case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: /* no error, just wait for more data */ tv.tv_sec = remaining; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (select(sd + 1, NULL, &out, &err, &tv) < 0 || FD_ISSET((unsigned)sd, &err)) is_error = 1; break; case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: /* peer closed the connection */ case SSL_ERROR_SSL: /* error in SSL handshake */ default: is_error = 1; } } } if (is_error) { return 0; } #ifdef WIN32 u_long param = 0; ioctlsocket(sd, FIONBIO, ¶m); // make the socket blocking again #else fcntl(sd, F_SETFL, 0); /* make the socket blocking again */ #endif /* verify that server certificate is authentic */ server_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(c->ssl); if (!server_cert) { return 0; } if (c->validate_cert && c->validate_cert(0, server_cert) != 0) { X509_free(server_cert); return 0; } X509_free(server_cert); return 1; } /* This function should be called on list of socket file descriptors (sd) to * determine if any have opened successfully. If so, it will return which one * (index into the array). Otherwise it returns -1 if none have successfully * opened. This function will block for a maximum of 3 seconds. As this function * calls FinishConnection(), you shouldn't need to do anything special after it * returns success - the socket is set up and ready for use. */ static int CheckConnection(TCLinkCon* c, int* sd, int num_sd) { fd_set wr_set, err_set; struct timeval tv; int max_sd = -1, i; tv.tv_sec = 3; /* wait 3 seconds for soc->mething to happen */ tv.tv_usec = 0; /* build the fd_sets used for select() */ FD_ZERO(&wr_set); FD_ZERO(&err_set); for (i = 0; i < num_sd; i++) { if (sd[i] < 0) continue; FD_SET(sd[i], &wr_set); FD_SET(sd[i], &err_set); if (sd[i] > max_sd) max_sd = sd[i]; } /* run the select and see what we have waiting for us */ if (select(max_sd + 1, NULL, &wr_set, &err_set, &tv) < 1) return -1; /* I hope this never happens */ for (i = 0; i < num_sd; i++) if (sd[i] >= 0) { if (FD_ISSET(sd[i], &err_set)) { /* error - close the socket and mark it defunct */ close(sd[i]); sd[i] = -1; } else if (FD_ISSET(sd[i], &wr_set)) { /* socket has opened! try to negotiate SSL */ if (FinishConnection(c, sd[i])) { /* socket is ready to go, so return success */ c->sd = sd[i]; return i; } else { /* SSL handshake had errors, close the socket and mark it defunct */ close(sd[i]); sd[i] = -1; // Clear the ssl environment too. if (c->ssl) { SSL_free(c->ssl); c->ssl = NULL; } } } } /* if we get here, nothing much interesting happened during those 3 seconds */ return -1; } /* Open a connection to one of the TrustCommerce gateway servers. */ static int Connect(TCLinkCon* c, int host_hash) { struct hostent default_he; char* addr_list[3]; int addr[2]; unsigned int** gw = NULL; enum { MAX_HOSTS = 32 }; time_t last_connect[MAX_HOSTS]; int sd[MAX_HOSTS]; int num_sd = 0; int host; int i, j, sort, sort_val; for (i = 0; i < MAX_HOSTS; i++) sd[i] = -1; c->sd = -1; c->is_error = 0; srand((unsigned) time(0)); /* These are used as BACKUP ONLY if the DNS if offline. */ addr[0] = inet_addr(""); addr[1] = inet_addr(""); addr_list[0] = (char*)&addr[0]; addr_list[1] = (char*)&addr[1]; addr_list[2] = 0; default_he.h_addr_list = addr_list; /* determine IP addresses of gateway */ if (!c->ip) { #ifndef __APPLE__ int herr = 0; char tmpbuf[4096]; struct hostent tmpres; #endif struct hostent * he = NULL; int ret = -1; #ifdef __APPLE__ he = gethostbyname(tclink_host); if (he) ret = 0; #else ret = gethostbyname_r(tclink_host, &tmpres, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), &he, &herr); if (ret) he = NULL; #endif if (ret == 0 && he != NULL) { c->dns = 1; } else { /* fall back to hardcoded IPs in an emergency */ c->dns = 0; he = &default_he; } for (c->num_ips = 0; he->h_addr_list[c->num_ips]; c->num_ips++) ; c->ip = (int*)malloc(c->num_ips * sizeof(int)); gw = (int unsigned**)he->h_addr_list; /* sort the IP address list before storing it */ for (i = 0; i < c->num_ips; i++) { sort = 0; sort_val = *gw[0]; for (j = 1; j < c->num_ips; j++) if (*gw[j] > (unsigned int)sort_val) { sort = j; sort_val = *gw[j]; } c->ip[i] = sort_val; *gw[sort] = 0; } } if (!init_ssl(c)) return 0; /* This loop works as follows: * Grab the first host. Try to open a connection to it. If there was an * error (host down or unreachable) go to the next one. If nothing has * happened after 3 seconds, open a second socket (the first one is still * open!) and try with the next fail-over host. Continue to do this for a * maximum of MAX_HOSTS sockets, or until our TIMEOUT value runs out. We also * keep track of how recently we tried to connect to a given host, so that we * avoid saturating the machines in a heavy-load situation (which could be * caused by anything from heavy internet lag between the local host and the * TrustCommerce servers, to heavy load on the servers themselves due to half * a million people trying to run credit card transactions in the same half * second - unlikely, but certainly possible.) */ c->start_time = time(0); c->pass = 1; memset(last_connect, 0, MAX_HOSTS * sizeof(time_t)); host = host_hash % c->num_ips; for (; time(0) < (c->start_time + TIMEOUT); c->pass++) { /* retry the first host at least once */ if (c->pass > 2) host += 1; if (host >= c->num_ips) host = 0; /* only connect if we haven't tried this host before, or it's been a little * while (note random modifier to help stagger network traffic) */ if (last_connect[host] == 0 || (time(0) - last_connect[host]) >= number(TIMEOUT / 4, TIMEOUT)) { if (num_sd < MAX_HOSTS) { /* fire up a new connection to this host */ if (c->pass != 1) last_connect[host] = time(0); sd[num_sd] = BeginConnection(c, c->ip[host]); if (sd[num_sd] >= 0) num_sd++; } } /* scan all current sockets and see if we've made a successful connection * somewhere. note that this also includes SSL and all that sort of fun, * so once it returns success, we're all done. */ if (num_sd > 0) { if (CheckConnection(c, sd, num_sd) >= 0) { /* Success: close all other file handles and return */ for (i = 0; i < num_sd; i++) if (sd[i] >= 0 && sd[i] != c->sd) close(sd[i]); return 1; } } usleep(1000); // sleep for 1 millisecond } // We couldn't connect successfully to any endpoint/s. // Close any open sockets to avoid leaks. for (i = 0; i < num_sd; i++) { if (sd[i] >= 0) { close(sd[i]); sd[i] = -1; } } return 0; } /* Send a chunk of data through a connection previously opened with Connect(). */ static int Send(TCLinkCon* c, const char* string) { if (SSL_write(c->ssl, string, (unsigned) strlen(string)) < 0) return 0; return 1; } /* Peel a line off the current input. Note that this DOESN'T necessarily wait * for all input to come in, only up to a "\n". -1 is returned for a network * error, otherwise it returns the length of the line read. If there is not a * complete line pending for read this will block until there is, or an error * occurs. */ static int ReadLine(TCLinkCon* c, char* buffer, char* destbuf) { struct timeval tv; fd_set read; fd_set error; int sel; while (1) /* we wait for a line to come in or an error to occur */ { char* eol = strchr(buffer, '\n'); if (eol != NULL) { /* peel off the line and return it */ *eol++ = 0; safe_copy(destbuf, buffer, TC_LINE_MAX); memmove(buffer, eol, strlen(eol) + 1); return (int) strlen(destbuf); } else { if (c->is_error == 1) return -1; /* do socket work to grab the most recent chunk of incoming data */ FD_ZERO(&read); FD_SET(c->sd, &read); FD_ZERO(&error); FD_SET(c->sd, &error); tv.tv_sec = TIMEOUT; tv.tv_usec = 0; sel = select(c->sd + 1, &read, NULL, &error, &tv); if (sel < 1) c->is_error = 1; else if (FD_ISSET(c->sd, &error)) c->is_error = 1; else if (FD_ISSET(c->sd, &read)) { int buffer_end = (int) strlen(buffer); int size = SSL_read(c->ssl, buffer + buffer_end, TC_BUFF_MAX - 1 - buffer_end); if (size == 0) { int error_type = SSL_get_error(c->ssl, size); switch (error_type) { /* this would never happen in practice */ case SSL_ERROR_NONE: /* this wouldn't happen either because the ssl transport is blocking */ case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: buffer[buffer_end] = 0; break; /* these others should not really happen but if they do, we bail */ /* we would never get any more data and it looks like the callee is * expecting something */ case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_CONNECT: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_ACCEPT: case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_X509_LOOKUP: case SSL_ERROR_SSL: default: c->is_error = 1; break; } } else if (size < 0) c->is_error = 1; else buffer[buffer_end + size] = 0; } } } } /* Closes a connection opened with Connect() and frees memory associated with * it. You ONLY need to Close() connections which opened successfully; those * that don't clean up after themselves before Connect() returns. */ static int Close(TCLinkCon* c) { if (c->ssl) { /* The full shutdown presented here is more for completeness than necessity; * at this point in the application, we have already received the end * trailer (or bust) which is generally accompanied by a close notify * message. If the software chooses to respond to the close notify (per TLS * specification) this would result in at least reading the incoming close * notify and issuing our own. Because this entails an additional round * trip that is not needed (the transaction is done after the accompanying * END), there does not appear to be a benefit to it at all. By default * though, this configuration is enabled and can be disabled by the * integrator for performance reasons. */ if (c->full_ssl_close) { int status = SSL_shutdown(c->ssl); if (status == 0) status = SSL_shutdown(c->ssl); } else SSL_set_shutdown(c->ssl, SSL_SENT_SHUTDOWN | SSL_RECEIVED_SHUTDOWN); } if (c->sd >= 0) { close(c->sd); c->sd = -1; } return 1; } static void stuff_string(char* buf, int* len, int size, const char* add) { int newlen = (int) strlen(add); if ((*len + newlen) >= size) newlen = size - *len - 1; if (newlen < 1) return; strncpy(buf + *len, add, newlen); *len += newlen; buf[*len] = 0; } /********************************************** * API functions exported to the user client. * **********************************************/ TCLinkHandle TCLinkCreate() { extern int TCLinkDefaultValidate(int, void*); TCLinkCon* c = (TCLinkCon*)malloc(sizeof(TCLinkCon)); c->ip = NULL; c->num_ips = 0; c->sd = -1; c->meth = NULL; c->ctx_options = 0; c->ctx = NULL; c->ssl = NULL; c->send_param_list = NULL; c->send_param_tail = NULL; c->recv_param_list = NULL; c->is_error = 0; c->pass = 0; c->start_time = 0; c->dns = -1; c->validate_cert = TCLinkDefaultValidate; c->full_ssl_close = 1; return (TCLinkHandle)c; } int TCLinkSetFullClose(TCLinkHandle handle, int full_ssl_close) { TCLinkCon* c = (TCLinkCon*)handle; int swap = c->full_ssl_close; c->full_ssl_close = full_ssl_close ? 1 : 0; return swap; } void TCLinkSetValidateCallback(TCLinkHandle handle, int (*validate_cert)(int, void*)) { TCLinkCon* c = (TCLinkCon*)handle; if (validate_cert == NULL) { extern int TCLinkDefaultValidate(int, void*); c->validate_cert = TCLinkDefaultValidate; } else c->validate_cert = validate_cert; } void TCLinkPushParam(TCLinkHandle handle, const char* name, const char* value) { param* p; char* ch; TCLinkCon* c = (TCLinkCon*)handle; if (name && value) { p = (param*)malloc(sizeof(param)); p->name = strdup(name); p->value = strdup(value); p->next = NULL; if (c->send_param_tail) c->send_param_tail->next = p; else c->send_param_list = p; c->send_param_tail = p; /* remove newlines and equals signs from the parameter name */ for (ch = p->name; *ch; ch++) if (*ch == '=' || *ch == '\n') *ch = ' '; /* remove newlines from the value */ for (ch = p->value; *ch; ch++) if (*ch == '\n') *ch = ' '; } } void TCLinkSend(TCLinkHandle handle) { param *p, *next; char buf[TC_BUFF_MAX], destbuf[TC_LINE_MAX]; const int BUF2_LEN = 2048; char buf2[BUF2_LEN]; int host_hash = 1; int retval = 0; bool full = false; TCLinkCon* c = (TCLinkCon*)handle; ClearRecvList(c); /* build most of the string we will send to the processor */ sprintf(buf, "BEGIN\nversion=%s\n", tclink_version); for (p = c->send_param_list; p; p = next) { next = p->next; full = full || SAFE_COPY(buf2, p->name); full = full || SAFE_APPEND(buf2, "="); full = full || SAFE_APPEND(buf2, p->value); full = full || SAFE_APPEND(buf2, "\n"); full = full || SAFE_APPEND(buf, buf2); if (!full && !strcasecmp(p->name, "custid")) { host_hash = atoi(p->value); host_hash = (host_hash / 100) + (host_hash % 100); } free(p->name); free(p->value); free(p); } c->send_param_list = c->send_param_tail = NULL; /* try to make the connection */ if (!full && !Connect(c, host_hash)) { Close(c); /* clean up any memory Connect() may have left lying around */ AddRecvParam(c, "status", "error"); AddRecvParam(c, "errortype", "cantconnect"); return; } if (!full) { /* append some data about the connection */ snprintf( buf2, BUF2_LEN, "pass=%d\ntime=%ld\n", c->pass, time(0) - c->start_time); full = full || SAFE_APPEND(buf, buf2); if (c->dns != 1) SAFE_APPEND(buf, "dns=n\n"); full = full || SAFE_APPEND(buf, "END\n"); } if (full) { Close(c); AddRecvParam(c, "status", "baddata"); AddRecvParam(c, "error", "badlength"); AddRecvParam(c, "offenders", "request"); return; } /* send the data */ if (Send(c, buf)) { int state = 0; buf[0] = destbuf[0] = 0; /* recycle buf */ c->is_error = 0; while (1) { int len = ReadLine(c, buf, destbuf); if (len == 0) continue; if (len < 0) break; if (strcasecmp(destbuf, "BEGIN") == 0) { if (state != 0) { state = -1; break; } state = 1; } else if (strcasecmp(destbuf, "END") == 0) { state = (state != 1) ? -1 : 2; break; } else { if (state != 1 || !AddRecvString(c, destbuf)) { state = -1; break; } } } if (state == 2) retval = 1; } Close(c); if (!retval) { ClearRecvList(c); AddRecvParam(c, "status", "error"); AddRecvParam(c, "errortype", "linkfailure"); } } char* TCLinkGetResponse(TCLinkHandle handle, const char* name, char* value) { param* p; TCLinkCon* c = (TCLinkCon*)handle; for (p = c->recv_param_list; p; p = p->next) if (strcasecmp(name, p->name) == 0) { safe_copy(value, p->value, PARAM_MAX_LEN); return value; } return NULL; } char* TCLinkGetEntireResponse(TCLinkHandle handle, char* buf, int size) { param* p; int len = 0; TCLinkCon* c = (TCLinkCon*)handle; for (p = c->recv_param_list; p; p = p->next) { stuff_string(buf, &len, size, p->name); stuff_string(buf, &len, size, "="); stuff_string(buf, &len, size, p->value); stuff_string(buf, &len, size, "\n"); } return buf; } void TCLinkDestroy(TCLinkHandle handle) { TCLinkCon* c = (TCLinkCon*)handle; if (!c) return; ClearSendList(c); ClearRecvList(c); Close(c); if (c->ip) free(c->ip); if (c->ssl) { SSL_free(c->ssl); c->ssl = NULL; } if (c->ctx) { SSL_CTX_free(c->ctx); c->ctx = NULL; } free(c); } char* TCLinkGetVersion(char* buf) { strcpy(buf, tclink_version); return buf; }