' . html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', '', 'width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"' ) ."\n" . html_tag( 'tr' ) . "\n" . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left', $color[0] ) . '
' . _("Viewing a Business Card") . ' - '; if (isset($where) && isset($what)) { // from a search echo '' . _("View message") . ''; } else { echo '' . _("View message") . ''; } echo '
'; $message = sqimap_get_message($imapConnection, $passed_id, $mailbox); $entity_vcard = getEntity($message,$passed_ent_id); $vcard = mime_fetch_body ($imapConnection, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id); $vcard = decodeBody($vcard, $entity_vcard->header->encoding); $vcard = explode ("\n",$vcard); foreach ($vcard as $l) { $k = substr($l, 0, strpos($l, ':')); $v = substr($l, strpos($l, ':') + 1); $attributes = explode(';', $k); $k = strtolower(array_shift($attributes)); foreach ($attributes as $attr) { if ($attr == 'quoted-printable') $v = quoted_printable_decode($v); else $k .= ';' . $attr; } $v = str_replace(';', "\n", $v); $vcard_nice[$k] = $v; } if ($vcard_nice['version'] == '2.1') { // get firstname and lastname for sm addressbook $vcard_nice["firstname"] = substr($vcard_nice["n"], strpos($vcard_nice["n"], "\n") + 1, strlen($vcard_nice["n"])); $vcard_nice["lastname"] = substr($vcard_nice["n"], 0, strpos($vcard_nice["n"], "\n")); } else { echo html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', 'vCard Version ' . $vcard_nice['version'] . ' is not supported. Some information might not be converted ' . 'correctly.' , 'center' ) ) . "\n"; } foreach ($vcard_nice as $k => $v) { $v = htmlspecialchars($v); $v = trim($v); $vcard_safe[$k] = trim(nl2br($v)); } $ShowValues = array( 'fn' => _("Name"), 'title' => _("Title"), 'email;internet' => _("Email"), 'url' => _("Web Page"), 'org' => _("Organization / Department"), 'adr' => _("Address"), 'tel;work' => _("Work Phone"), 'tel;home' => _("Home Phone"), 'tel;cell' => _("Cellular Phone"), 'tel;fax' => _("Fax"), 'note' => _("Note")); echo html_tag( 'tr' ) . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) . '
' . html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"' ) . "\n"; if (isset($vcard_safe['email;internet'])) { $vcard_safe['email;internet'] = '' . $vcard_safe['email;internet'] . ''; } if (isset($vcard_safe['url'])) { $vcard_safe['url'] = '' . $vcard_safe['url'] . ''; } foreach ($ShowValues as $k => $v) { if (isset($vcard_safe[$k]) && $vcard_safe[$k]) { echo html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '' . $v . ':', 'right' ) . html_tag( 'td', $vcard_safe[$k], 'left' ) ) . "\n"; } } echo '' . '
' . '' . html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"' ) . "\n"; html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '
' . _("Add to Addressbook") . '
' , 'left', $color[0] ) ) . html_tag( 'tr' ) . html_tag( 'td', '', 'center' ) . '
' . html_tag( 'table', '', 'center', '', 'border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"' ) . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', 'Nickname:' , 'right' ) . html_tag( 'td', '' , 'left' ) ) . html_tag( 'tr' ) . html_tag( 'td', 'Note Field Contains:', 'right' ) . html_tag( 'td', '', 'left' ) . '' . '' . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '' . '' . '' . '' , 'center', '', 'colspan="2"' ) ) . '' . '
' . '' . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '' . _("Download this as a file") . '' , 'center' ) ) . '' . html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', ' ', 'left', $color[4] ) ) , 'center', '', 'border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"' ) . ''; ?>