header('Content-Type: text/xml'); $oTemplate->header('Content-Type: application/xml'); // required by IE //FIXME: which anti-cache headers do we want to use? $oTemplate->header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); // $oTemplate->header("Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"); // $oTemplate->header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT"); // $oTemplate->header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // $oTemplate->header("Pragma: no-cache"); /** * Allow plugins to add their own RPC action * or modify behavior of SM core RPC actions... * * A plugin that handles a custom RPC action must * return TRUE to the hook so that it knows that * the action was handled and was not an unknown * action. If the action was not handled, the plugin * should return FALSE to the hook. * * Developer note: the $rpc_action parameter is passed * in an array in case we can think of more parameters * to add in the future. * * Known users of this hook: * empty_folders * */ $temp = array(&$rpc_action); $handled_by_plugin = boolean_hook_function('squirrelmail_rpc', $temp, 1); /** * Go take care of each RPC action (unless plugin already did) * */ if (!$handled_by_plugin) switch (strtolower($rpc_action)) { /** * Delete Messages * */ case 'delete_messages': require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/mailbox_display.php'); require_once(SM_PATH . 'functions/imap.php'); if (!sqGetGlobalVar('delete_ids', $delete_ids, SQ_FORM)) { sm_rpc_return_error(99, _("No deletion ID given")); } $delete_ids = explode(',', $delete_ids); if (!sqGetGlobalVar('mailbox', $mailbox, SQ_FORM)) { sm_rpc_return_error(99, _("No mailbox given")); } if (sqGetGlobalVar('startMessage', $startMessage, SQ_INORDER, 1)) { $startMessage = (int) $startMessage; } sqGetGlobalVar('what', $what, SQ_FORM, 0); if (sqGetGlobalVar('account', $iAccount, SQ_GET, 0)) { $iAccount = (int) $iAccount; } //FIXME: need to grab the bypass trash variable here too! probably other vars... /* FIXME: --- The following code was just experimental/proof-of-concept; the rest of the implementation of this functionality still needs to be done "for real" $oImapMessage = new IMAP_Message(0, $mailbox, $startMessage, $what, $iAccount); foreach ($delete_ids as $id) { $oImapMessage->setUid($id); //FIXME: establish constants for $hide values (the 3 below indicates not to show errors, but to return any error string) $result = $oImapMessage->deleteMessage(3); if ($result !== TRUE) { sm_rpc_return_error(99, $result); } } --- */ sm_rpc_return_success(); //FIXME: Just for testing the line above can be changed to something like this: //sm_rpc_return_success(0, 'Hooray! Message(s) deleted. Refresh your message list and make sure.'); break; /** * Default: error out * */ default: sm_rpc_return_error(2, _("RPC action not understood")); break; } /** * Returns an error message to the RPC caller and exits * * NOTE that this function exits and will never return * * @param int $error_code The error code for the current error condition * @param string $error_text Any error message associated with the error * condition (OPTIONAL; default empty string) * */ function sm_rpc_return_error($error_code, $error_text='') { global $oTemplate; $oTemplate->assign('error_code', $error_code); $oTemplate->assign('error_text', $error_text); $oTemplate->display('rpc_response_error.tpl'); exit; } /** * Returns a standard success result to the RPC caller and exits * * NOTE that this function exits and will never return * * @param int $result_code The result code (OPTIONAL; default 0) * @param string $result_text Any result message (OPTIONAL; default * empty string) * */ function sm_rpc_return_success($result_code=0, $result_text='') { global $oTemplate; $oTemplate->assign('result_code', $result_code); $oTemplate->assign('result_text', $result_text); $oTemplate->display('rpc_response_success.tpl'); exit; }