1) { $prev = $num-1; $tmp = $index_order[$prev]; $index_order[$prev] = $index_order[$num]; $index_order[$num] = $tmp; } else if ($method == "down" && $num < count($index_order)) { $next = $num++; $tmp = $index_order[$next]; $index_order[$next] = $index_order[$num]; $index_order[$num] = $tmp; } else if ($method == "remove" && $num) { for ($i=1; $i < 8; $i++) { removePref($data_dir, $username, "order$i"); } for ($j=1,$i=1; $i <= count($index_order); $i++) { if ($i != $num) { $new_ary[$j] = $index_order[$i]; $j++; } } $index_order = array(); $index_order = $new_ary; if (count($index_order) < 1) { include "../src/load_prefs.php"; } } else if ($method == "add" && $add) { $index_order[count($index_order)+1] = $add; } if ($method) { for ($i=1; $i <= count($index_order); $i++) { setPref($data_dir, $username, "order$i", $index_order[$i]); } } echo "
"; echo "
\n"; echo _("The index order is the order that the columns are arranged in the message index. You can add, remove, and move columns around to customize them to fit your needs."); echo "

"; if (count($index_order)) { echo "
"; echo "\n"; for ($i=1; $i <= count($index_order); $i++) { $tmp = $index_order[$i]; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "
". _("up") ." | ". _("down") . " | "; // Always show the subject if ($tmp != 4) echo "" . _("remove") . ""; echo " - " . $available[$tmp] . "
\n"; echo "
"; } if (count($index_order) != count($available)) { echo "
"; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; } echo "
" . _("Return to options page") . "
"; ?>