_("Do not use Trash")); $trash_folder_values = array_merge($trash_none, $special_folder_values); $optvals[] = array( 'name' => 'trash_folder', 'caption' => _("Trash Folder"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => $trash_folder_values ); $sent_none = array(SMPREF_NONE => _("Do not use Sent")); $sent_folder_values = array_merge($sent_none, $special_folder_values); $optvals[] = array( 'name' => 'sent_folder', 'caption' => _("Sent Folder"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => $sent_folder_values ); $drafts_none = array(SMPREF_NONE => _("Do not use Drafts")); $draft_folder_values = array_merge($draft_none, $special_folder_values); $optvals[] = array( 'name' => 'draft_folder', 'caption' => _("Draft Folder"), 'type' => SMOPT_TYPE_STRLIST, 'refresh' => SMOPT_REFRESH_FOLDERLIST, 'posvals' => $draft_folder_values ); /* Build all these values into an array of SquirrelOptions objects. */ $options = createOptionArray($optvals); /* Print the row for each option. */ foreach ($options as $option) { if ($option->type != SMOPT_TYPE_HIDDEN) { echo "\n"; echo ' \n"; echo ' \n"; echo "\n"; } else { echo $option->createHTMLWidget(); } } // if( $unseen_notify == '' ) // $unseen_notify = '2'; OptionRadio( _("Unseen message notification"), 'unseennotify', array( 1 => _("No notification"), 2 => _("Only INBOX"), 3 => _("All Folders") ), $unseen_notify, '', '', '
' ); OptionRadio( _("Unseen message notification type"), 'unseentype', array( 1 => _("Only unseen"), 2 => _("Unseen and Total") ), $unseen_type, '', '', '
' ); OptionCheck( _("Collapseable folders"), 'collapsefolders', $collapse_folders, _("Enable Collapseable Folders") ); OptionSelect( '' . _("Show Clock on Folders Panel") . ' ' . _("Date format"), 'dateformat', array( '1' => 'MM/DD/YY HH:MM', '2' => 'DD/MM/YY HH:MM', '3' => 'DDD, HH:MM', '4' => 'HH:MM:SS', '5' => 'HH:MM', '6' => _("No Clock") ), $date_format ); OptionSelect( _("Hour format"), 'hourformat', array( '1' => _("24-hour clock"), '2' => _("12-hour clock") ), $hour_format ); echo ''; do_hook("options_folders_inside"); OptionSubmit( 'submit_folder' ); ?>
'; else echo '
'; ?>
' . $option->caption . ":' . $option->createHTMLWidget() . "