_("JavaScript"), '0' => _("HTML") ), $use_javascript_addr_book ); OptionText( _("Number of Messages to Index"), 'shownum', $show_num, 5 ); OptionText( _("Wrap incoming text at"), 'wrapat', $wrap_at, 5 ); OptionText( _("Size of editor window"), 'editorsize', $editor_size, 5 ); OptionSelect( _("Location of buttons when composing"), 'button_new_location', array( 'top' => _("Before headers"), 'between' => _("Between headers and message body"), 'bottom' => _("After message body") ), $location_of_buttons ); OptionSelect( _("Location of folder list"), 'folder_new_location', array( '' => _("Left"), 'right' => _("Right") ), $location_of_bar ); for ($i = 100; $i <= 300; $i += 10) { $res[$i] = $i . _("pixels"); } OptionSelect( _("Width of folder list"), 'leftsize', $res, $left_size ); $minutes_str = _("Minutes"); OptionSelect( _("Auto refresh folder list"), 'leftrefresh', array( 'None' => _("Never"), 30 => '30 '. _("Seconds"), 60 => '1 ' . _("Minute"), 120 => "2 $minutes_str", 180 => "3 $minutes_str", 300 => "5 $minutes_str", 600 => "10 $minutes_str" ), $left_refresh ); OptionRadio( _("Use alternating row colors?"), 'altIndexColors', array( 1 => _("Yes"), 0 => _("No") ), $alt_index_colors ); OptionCheck( _("Show HTML version by default"), 'showhtmldefault', $show_html_default, _("Yes, show me the HTML version of a mail message, if it is available.") ); OptionCheck( _("Include Self"), 'includeselfreplyall', getPref($data_dir, $username, 'include_self_reply_all', FALSE ), _("Don't remove me from the CC addresses when I use \"Reply All\"") ); $psw = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'page_selector_max', 10 ); OptionCheck( _("Page Selector"), 'pageselector', !getPref($data_dir, $username, 'page_selector', FALSE ), _("Show page selector") . "  " . _("pages max") ); echo ''; do_hook('options_display_inside'); OptionSubmit( 'submit_display' ); ?>