\n" . "\n". "\n"; $custom_css = 'none'; displayHtmlHeader( "$org_name - " . _("Login"), $header, FALSE ); echo '' . "\n" . '
' . "\n"; $username_form_name = 'login_username'; $password_form_name = 'secretkey'; do_hook('login_top'); $loginname_value = (sqGetGlobalVar('loginname', $loginname) ? htmlspecialchars($loginname) : ''); /* If they don't have a logo, don't bother.. */ if (isset($org_logo) && $org_logo) { /* Display width and height like good little people */ $width_and_height = ''; if (isset($org_logo_width) && is_numeric($org_logo_width) && $org_logo_width>0) { $width_and_height = " width=\"$org_logo_width\""; } if (isset($org_logo_height) && is_numeric($org_logo_height) && $org_logo_height>0) { $width_and_height .= " height=\"$org_logo_height\""; } } global $shootMyFootOff; if (check_php_version(4,3) and !isset($shootMyFootOff)) { echo '

' . "\n"; echo '

PHP 4.3.x has been detected

' . "\n"; echo '

The SquirrelMail team does not recommend the use of PHP 4.3.x with'; echo ' this software. Please see the SquirrelMail'; echo ' website, or the documentation that came with SquirrelMail for more information.

'; echo '

This warning can be disabled by either downgrading PHP, or inserting'; echo '"$shootMyFootOff = true;" in config/config_local.php.

' . "\n"; echo '

' . "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '
'. ( isset($org_logo) && $org_logo ? '' .
' . "\n" : '' ). ( $hide_sm_attributions ? '' : '' . sprintf (_("SquirrelMail version %s"), $version) . '
' ."\n". ' ' . _("By the SquirrelMail Development Team") . '
' . "\n" ) . html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '' . sprintf (_("%s Login"), $org_name) . "\n", 'center', '#DCDCDC' ) ) . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', "\n" . html_tag( 'table', html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', _("Name:") , 'right', '', 'width="30%"' ) . html_tag( 'td', '' , 'left', '', 'width="*"' ) ) . "\n" . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', _("Password:") , 'right', '', 'width="30%"' ) . html_tag( 'td', '' . "\n" . '' . "\n" . '' . "\n", 'left', '', 'width="*"' ) ) , 'center', '#ffffff', 'border="0" width="100%"' ) , 'left', '#FFFFFF' ) ) . html_tag( 'tr', html_tag( 'td', '
', 'left' ) ), '', '#ffffff', 'border="0" width="350"' ) . '
', 'center' ) ) , '', '#ffffff', 'border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"' ); do_hook('login_form'); echo '
' . "\n"; do_hook('login_bottom'); echo "\n". "\n"; ?>