' || trim(strtolower($doc[$n])) == '
') { for ($n++; $n < $cntdoc && (trim(strtolower($doc[$n])) != '
') && (trim(strtolower($doc[$n])) != ''); $n++) { if (trim(strtolower($doc[$n])) == '') { $n++; $ary[0] = trim($doc[$n]); } if (trim(strtolower($doc[$n])) == '<description>') { $ary[1] = ''; for ($n++;$n < $cntdoc && (trim(strtolower($doc[$n])) != '</description>'); $n++) { $ary[1] .= $doc[$n]; } } if (trim(strtolower($doc[$n])) == '<summary>') { $ary[2] = ''; for ($n++; $n < $cntdoc && (trim(strtolower($doc[$n])) != '</summary>'); $n++) { $ary[2] .= $doc[$n]; } } } if (isset($ary)) { $ary[3] = $n; } else { $ary[0] = _("ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"); $ary[1] = $ary[0]; $ary[2] = $ary[0]; } return( $ary ); } else if (!trim(strtolower($doc[$n]))) { $ary[0] = ''; $ary[1] = ''; $ary[2] = ''; $ary[3] = $n; } } $ary[0] = _("ERROR: Help files are not in the right format!"); $ary[1] = $ary[0]; $ary[2] = $ary[0]; $ary[3] = $n; return( $ary ); } /**************[ END HELP FUNCTIONS ]******************/ do_hook('help_top', $null); if (!isset($squirrelmail_language)) { $squirrelmail_language = 'en_US'; } if (file_exists("../help/$squirrelmail_language")) { $user_language = $squirrelmail_language; } else if (file_exists('../help/en_US')) { error_box(_("Help is not available in the selected language. It will be displayed in English instead.")); echo '<br />'; $user_language = 'en_US'; } else { error_box( _("Help is not available. Please contact your system administrator for assistance.")); echo '</td></tr></table>'; // Display footer (closes HTML tags) and stop script execution. $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } /* take the chapternumber from the GET-vars, * else see if we can get a relevant chapter from the referer */ $chapter = 0; if ( sqgetGlobalVar('chapter', $temp, SQ_GET) ) { $chapter = (int) $temp; } elseif ( sqgetGlobalVar('HTTP_REFERER', $temp, SQ_SERVER) ) { $ref = strtolower($temp); $contexts = array ( 'src/compose' => 4, 'src/addr' => 5, 'src/folders' => 6, 'src/options' => 7, 'src/right_main' => 2, 'src/read_body' => 3, 'src/search' => 8 ); foreach($contexts as $path => $chap) { if(strpos($ref, $path)) { $chapter = $chap; break; } } } if ( $chapter == 0 || !isset( $helpdir[$chapter-1] ) ) { // Initialise the needed variables. $toc = array(); // Get the chapter numbers, title and decriptions. for ($i=0, $cnt = count($helpdir); $i < $cnt; $i++) { if (file_exists("../help/$user_language/$helpdir[$i]")) { // First try the selected language. $doc = file("../help/$user_language/$helpdir[$i]"); $help_info = get_info($doc, 0); $toc[] = array($i+1, $help_info[0], $help_info[2]); } elseif (file_exists("../help/en_US/$helpdir[$i]")) { // If the selected language can't be found, try English. $doc = file("../help/en_US/$helpdir[$i]"); $help_info = get_info($doc, 0); $toc[] = array($i+1, $help_info[0], _("This chapter is not available in the selected language. It will be displayed in English instead.") . '<br />' . $help_info[2]); } else { // If English can't be found, the chapter went MIA. $toc[] = array($i+1, _("This chapter is missing"), sprintf(_("For some reason, chapter %s is not available."), $i+1)); } } // Provide hook for external help scripts. do_hook('help_chapter', $null); $new_toc = array(); foreach ($toc as $ch) { $a = array(); $a['Chapter'] = $ch[0]; $a['Title'] = $ch[1]; $a['Summary'] = trim($ch[2]); $new_toc[] = $a; } $oTemplate->assign('toc', $new_toc); $oTemplate->display('help_toc.tpl'); } else { // Initialise the needed variables. $display_chapter = TRUE; // Get the chapter. if (file_exists("../help/$user_language/" . $helpdir[$chapter-1])) { // First try the selected language. $doc = file("../help/$user_language/" . $helpdir[$chapter-1]); } elseif (file_exists("../help/en_US/" . $helpdir[$chapter-1])) { // If the selected language can't be found, try English. $doc = file("../help/en_US/" . $helpdir[$chapter-1]); error_box(_("This chapter is not available in the selected language. It will be displayed in English instead.")); echo '<br />'; } else { // If English can't be found, the chapter went MIA. $display_chapter = FALSE; } // Write the chapter. if ($display_chapter) { // If there is a valid chapter, display it. $help_info = get_info($doc, 0); $ch = array(); $ch['Chapter'] = $chapter; $ch['Title'] = $help_info[0]; $ch['Summary'] = isset($help_info[1]) && $help_info[1] ? trim($help_info[1]) : $help_info[2]; $ch['Sections'] = array(); $section = 0; for ($n = $help_info[3], $cnt = count($doc); $n < $cnt; $n++) { $section++; $help_info = get_info($doc, $n); $n = $help_info[3]; $a = array(); $a['SectionNumber'] = $section; $a['SectionTitle'] = $help_info[0]; $a['SectionText'] = isset($help_info[1]) ? trim($help_info[1]) : '';; $ch['Sections'][] = $a; } $oTemplate->assign('chapter_number', $chapter); $oTemplate->assign('chapter_count', count($helpdir)); $oTemplate->assign('chapter_title', $ch['Title']); $oTemplate->assign('chapter_summary', $ch['Summary']); $oTemplate->assign('sections', $ch['Sections']); $oTemplate->assign('error_msg', NULL); } else { // If the help file went MIA, trigger an error message. $oTemplate->assign('chapter_number', $chapter); $oTemplate->assign('chapter_count', count($helpdir)); $oTemplate->assign('chapter_title', ''); $oTemplate->assign('chapter_summary', ''); $oTemplate->assign('sections', array()); $oTemplate->assign('error_msg', sprintf(_("For some reason, chapter %s is not available."), $chapter)); } $oTemplate->display('help_chapter.tpl'); } do_hook('help_bottom', $null); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl');