"; echo "\n"; displayPageHeader($color, "None"); $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); $boxes = sqimap_mailbox_list ($imap_stream); $dm = sqimap_get_delimiter($imap_stream); $mailbox = stripslashes($mailbox); if (substr($mailbox, -1) == $dm) $mailbox_no_dm = substr($mailbox, 0, strlen($mailbox) - 1); else $mailbox_no_dm = $mailbox; /** lets see if we CAN move folders to the trash.. otherwise, just delete them **/ for ($i = 0; $i < count($boxes); $i++) { if ($boxes[$i]["unformatted"] == $trash_folder) { $can_move_to_trash = true; for ($j = 0; $j < count($boxes[$i]["flags"]); $j++) { if (strtolower($boxes[$i]["flags"][$j]) == "noinferiors") $can_move_to_trash = false; } } } /** First create the top node in the tree **/ for ($i = 0;$i < count($boxes);$i++) { if (($boxes[$i]["unformatted-dm"] == $mailbox) && (strlen($boxes[$i]["unformatted-dm"]) == strlen($mailbox))) { $foldersTree[0]["value"] = $mailbox; $foldersTree[0]["doIHaveChildren"] = false; continue; } } // Now create the nodes for subfolders of the parent folder // You can tell that it is a subfolder by tacking the mailbox delimiter // on the end of the $mailbox string, and compare to that. $j = 0; for ($i = 0;$i < count($boxes);$i++) { if (substr($boxes[$i]["unformatted"], 0, strlen($mailbox_no_dm . $dm)) == ($mailbox_no_dm . $dm)) { addChildNodeToTree($boxes[$i]["unformatted"], $boxes[$i]["unformatted-dm"], $foldersTree); } } // simpleWalkTreePre(0, $foldersTree); /** Lets start removing the folders and messages **/ if (($move_to_trash == true) && ($can_move_to_trash == true)) { /** if they wish to move messages to the trash **/ walkTreeInPostOrderCreatingFoldersUnderTrash(0, $imap_stream, $foldersTree, $dm, $mailbox); walkTreeInPreOrderDeleteFolders(0, $imap_stream, $foldersTree); } else { /** if they do NOT wish to move messages to the trash (or cannot)**/ walkTreeInPreOrderDeleteFolders(0, $imap_stream, $foldersTree); } /** Log out this session **/ sqimap_logout($imap_stream); echo "

"; echo _("Folder Deleted!"); echo "

"; echo _("The folder has been successfully deleted."); echo "
"; echo _("Click here"); echo " "; echo _("to continue."); echo "
"; echo ""; ?>