localbackend == 0) { plain_error_message(_("No personal address book is defined. Contact administrator.")); exit(); } $current_backend = $abook->localbackend; if (sqgetGlobalVar('new_bnum', $new_backend, SQ_FORM) && array_key_exists($new_backend, $abook->backends)) { $current_backend = (int) $new_backend; } $abook_selection = ' '; $list_backends = array(); if (count($abook->backends) > 1) { foreach($abook->get_backend_list() as $oBackend) { if ($oBackend->listing) { $list_backends[$oBackend->bnum]=$oBackend->sname; } } if (count($list_backends)>1) { $abook_selection = addSelect('new_bnum',$list_backends,$current_backend,true) .addSubmit(_("Change"),'change_abook'); } } $defdata = array(); $formerror = ''; $abortform = false; $showaddrlist = true; $defselected = array(); $form_url = 'addressbook.php'; /* Handle user's actions */ if(sqgetGlobalVar('REQUEST_METHOD', $req_method, SQ_SERVER) && $req_method == 'POST') { // first, validate security token sm_validate_security_token($submitted_token, 3600, TRUE); /************************************************** * Add new address * **************************************************/ if (isset($addaddr)) { if (isset($backend)) { $r = $abook->add($addaddr, $backend); } else { $r = $abook->add($addaddr, $abook->localbackend); } /* Handle error messages */ if (!$r) { /* Remove backend name from error string */ $errstr = $abook->error; $errstr = preg_replace('/^\[.*\] */', '', $errstr); $formerror = $errstr; $showaddrlist = false; $defdata = $addaddr; } } else { /************************************************ * Delete address(es) * ************************************************/ if ((!empty($deladdr)) && sizeof($sel) > 0) { $orig_sel = $sel; sort($sel); /* The selected addresses are identified by "backend_nickname". * * Sort the list and process one backend at the time */ $prevback = -1; $subsel = array(); $delfailed = false; for ($i = 0 ; (($i < sizeof($sel)) && !$delfailed) ; $i++) { list($sbackend, $snick) = explode('_', $sel[$i], 2); /* When we get to a new backend, process addresses in * * previous one. */ if ($prevback != $sbackend && $prevback != -1) { $r = $abook->remove($subsel, $prevback); if (!$r) { $formerror = $abook->error; $i = sizeof($sel); $delfailed = true; break; } $subsel = array(); } /* Queue for processing */ array_push($subsel, $snick); $prevback = $sbackend; } if (!$delfailed) { $r = $abook->remove($subsel, $prevback); if (!$r) { /* Handle errors */ $formerror = $abook->error; $delfailed = true; } } if ($delfailed) { $showaddrlist = true; $defselected = $orig_sel; } /************************************************ * Compose to selected address(es) * ************************************************/ } else if ((!empty($compose_to)) && sizeof($sel) > 0) { $orig_sel = $sel; sort($sel); // The selected addresses are identified by "backend_nickname" $lookup_failed = false; $send_to = ''; for ($i = 0 ; (($i < sizeof($sel)) && !$lookup_failed) ; $i++) { list($sbackend, $snick) = explode('_', $sel[$i], 2); $data = $abook->lookup($snick, $sbackend); if (!$data) { $formerror = $abook->error; $lookup_failed = true; break; } else { $addr = $abook->full_address($data); if (!empty($addr)) $send_to .= $addr . ', '; } } if ($lookup_failed || empty($send_to)) { $showaddrlist = true; $defselected = $sel; // we skipped the page header above for this functionality, so add it here displayPageHeader($color); } // send off to compose screen else { $send_to = trim($send_to, ', '); header('Location: ' . $base_uri . 'src/compose.php?send_to=' . rawurlencode($send_to)); exit; } } else { /*********************************************** * Update/modify address * ***********************************************/ if (!empty($editaddr)) { /* Stage one: Copy data into form */ if (isset($sel) && sizeof($sel) > 0) { if(sizeof($sel) > 1) { $formerror = _("You can only edit one address at the time"); $showaddrlist = true; $defselected = $sel; } else { $abortform = true; list($ebackend, $enick) = explode('_', current($sel), 2); $olddata = $abook->lookup($enick, $ebackend); // Test if $olddata really contains anything and return an error message if it doesn't if (!$olddata) { error_box(nl2br(sm_encode_html_special_chars($abook->error))); } else { /* Display the "new address" form */ echo abook_create_form($form_url, 'editaddr', _("Update address"), _("Update address"), $current_backend, $olddata); echo addHidden('oldnick', $olddata['nickname']). addHidden('backend', $olddata['backend']). addHidden('doedit', '1'). ''; } } } elseif ($doedit == 1) { /* Stage two: Write new data */ $newdata = $editaddr; $r = $abook->modify($oldnick, $newdata, $backend); /* Handle error messages */ if (!$r) { /* Display error */ plain_error_message( nl2br(sm_encode_html_special_chars($abook->error))); /* Display the "new address" form again */ echo abook_create_form($form_url, 'editaddr', _("Update address"), _("Update address"), $current_backend, $newdata); echo addHidden('oldnick', $oldnick). addHidden('backend', $backend). addHidden('doedit', '1'). "\n" . ''; $abortform = true; } } else { /** * $editaddr is set, but $sel (address selection in address listing) * and $doedit (address edit form) are not set. * Assume that user clicked on "Edit address" without selecting any address. */ $formerror = _("Please select address that you want to edit"); $showaddrlist = true; } /* end of edit stage detection */ } /* !empty($editaddr) - Update/modify address */ } /* (!empty($deladdr)) && sizeof($sel) > 0 - Delete address(es) or (!empty($compose_to)) && sizeof($sel) > 0 - Compose to address(es) */ } /* !empty($addaddr['nickname']) - Add new address */ // Some times we end output before forms are printed if($abortform) { //FIXME: use footer.tpl; remove HTML from core echo "\n"; exit(); } } /* =================================================================== * * The following is only executed on a GET request, or on a POST when * * a user is added, or when "delete" or "modify" was successful. * * =================================================================== */ /* Display error messages */ if (!empty($formerror)) { plain_error_message(nl2br(sm_encode_html_special_chars($formerror))); } /* Display the address management part */ $addresses = array(); while (list($k, $backend) = each ($abook->backends)) { $a = array(); $a['BackendID'] = $backend->bnum; $a['BackendSource'] = $backend->sname; $a['BackendWritable'] = $backend->writeable; $a['Addresses'] = array(); // don't do address lookup if we are not viewing that backend // if ($backend->bnum == $current_backend) { $alist = $abook->list_addr($backend->bnum); /* check return (array with data or boolean false) */ if (is_array($alist)) { usort($alist,'alistcmp'); $a['Addresses'] = formatAddressList($alist); $addresses[$backend->bnum] = $a; } else { // list_addr() returns boolean plain_error_message(nl2br(sm_encode_html_special_chars($abook->error))); } } else { $addresses[$backend->bnum] = $a; } } $current_page_args = array( 'abook_sort_order' => $abook_sort_order, 'new_bnum' => $current_backend, 'page_number' => $page_number, ); // note that plugins can add to $current_page_args as well as // filter the address list // $temp = array(&$addresses, &$current_backend, &$page_number, &$current_page_args); do_hook('abook_list_filter', $temp); // NOTE to address book backend authors and plugin authors: if a backend does // pagination (which might be more efficient), it needs to place a key // in every address listing it returns called "paginated", whose value // should evaluate to boolean TRUE. However, if a plugin will also be // used on the hook above to filter the addresses (perhaps by group), then // the backend should be made compatible with the filtering plugin and // should do the actual filtering too. Otherwise, the backend will paginate // before filtering has taken place, the output of which is clearly wrong. // It is proposed that filtering be based on a GET/POST variable called // "abook_groups_X" where X is the current backend number. The value of // this varaible would be an array of possible filter names, which the // plugin and the backend would both know about. The plugin would only // filter based on that value if the backend didn't already do it. The // backend can insert a "grouped" key into all address listings, whose // value evaluates to boolean TRUE, telling the plugin not to do any // filtering itself. For an example of this implementation, see the // Address Book Grouping and Pagination plugin. // if no pagination was done by a plugin or the abook // backend (which is indicated by the presence of a // "paginated" key within all of the address entries // in the list of addresses for the backend currently // being viewed), then we provide default pagination // $total_addresses = 0; if (!$show_all && is_array($addresses[$current_backend]['Addresses']) && empty($addresses[$current_backend]['Addresses'][0]['paginated'])) { // at this point, we assume the current list is // the *full* list // $total_addresses = sizeof($addresses[$current_backend]['Addresses']); // iterate through all the entries, building list of addresses // to keep based on current page // $new_address_list = array(); $total_pages = ceil($total_addresses / $page_size); if ($page_number > $total_pages) $page_number = $total_pages; $page_count = 1; $page_item_count = 0; foreach ($addresses[$current_backend]['Addresses'] as $addr) { $page_item_count++; if ($page_item_count > $page_size) { $page_count++; $page_item_count = 1; } if ($page_count == $page_number) $new_address_list[] = $addr; } $addresses[$current_backend]['Addresses'] = $new_address_list; } if ($showaddrlist) { $oTemplate->assign('show_all', $show_all); $oTemplate->assign('page_number', $page_number); $oTemplate->assign('page_size', $page_size); $oTemplate->assign('total_addresses', $total_addresses); $oTemplate->assign('abook_compact_paginator', $abook_compact_paginator); $oTemplate->assign('abook_page_selector', $abook_page_selector); $oTemplate->assign('current_page_args', $current_page_args); $oTemplate->assign('abook_page_selector_max', $abook_page_selector_max); $oTemplate->assign('addresses', $addresses); $oTemplate->assign('current_backend', $current_backend); $oTemplate->assign('backends', $list_backends); $oTemplate->assign('abook_has_extra_field', $abook->add_extra_field); $oTemplate->assign('compose_new_win', $compose_new_win); $oTemplate->assign('compose_height', $compose_height); $oTemplate->assign('compose_width', $compose_width); $oTemplate->assign('form_action', $form_url); $oTemplate->display('addressbook_list.tpl'); } /* Display the "new address" form */ //FIXME: Remove HTML from here! (echo abook_create_form() is OK, since it is all template based output echo '' . "\n"; echo abook_create_form($form_url, 'addaddr', _("Add to address book"), _("Add address"), $current_backend, $defdata); echo "\n"; /* Hook for extra address book blocks */ do_hook('addressbook_bottom', $null); $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl');