assign('compose_addr_pop', true); $oTemplate->assign('include_abook_name', $includesource); $oTemplate->assign('addresses', formatAddressList($res)); $oTemplate->display('addrbook_search_list.tpl'); } /* ================= End of functions ================= */ /** lets get the global vars we may need */ if (! sqgetGlobalVar('show' , $show)) { $show = ''; } if (! sqgetGlobalVar('query', $query, SQ_POST)) { $query = ''; } if (! sqgetGlobalVar('listall', $listall, SQ_POST)) { unset($listall); } if (! sqgetGlobalVar('backend', $backend, SQ_POST)) { $backend = ''; } displayHtmlHeader(); echo "\n"; /** set correct value of $default_charset */ set_my_charset(); /* Empty search */ if (empty($query) && empty($show) && !isset($listall)) { $oTemplate->assign('note', sm_encode_html_special_chars(_("No persons matching your search were found"))); $oTemplate->display('note.tpl'); # exit; } /* Initialize addressbook, show init errors only in bottom frame */ $showerr=($show=='form' ? false : true); $abook = addressbook_init($showerr); /* Create search form (top frame) */ if ($show == 'form' && ! isset($listall)) { echo "
\n"; $oTemplate->assign('compose_addr_pop', true); $oTemplate->assign('backends', getBackends()); $oTemplate->display('addressbook_search_form.tpl'); echo "
\n"; } else { /** * List addresses (bottom frame) * If listall is set, list all entries in selected backend. * If $show is 'blank' (initial call of address book popup) - list * personal address book. */ if ($show == 'blank' || isset($listall)) { if($backend != -1 || $show == 'blank') { if ($show == 'blank') { $backend = $abook->localbackend; } $res = $abook->list_addr($backend); if(is_array($res)) { usort($res,'alistcmp'); display_result($res, false); } else { plain_error_message(sprintf(_("Unable to list addresses from %s"), $abook->backends[$backend]->sname)); } } else { $res = $abook->list_addr(); usort($res,'alistcmp'); display_result($res, true); } } elseif (!empty($query)) { /* Do the search (listall is not set. query is set.)*/ if($backend == -1) { $res = $abook->s_search($query); } else { $res = $abook->s_search($query, $backend); } if (!is_array($res)) { plain_error_message( _("Your search failed with the following error(s)") .':
'. nl2br(sm_encode_html_special_chars($abook->error)) ); } elseif (sizeof($res) == 0) { $oTemplate->assign('note', _("No persons matching your search were found")); $oTemplate->display('note.tpl'); } else { display_result($res); } } else { /** * listall is not set, query is not set or empty. * User hit search button without entering search expression. */ plain_error_message(_("Nothing to search")); } } $oTemplate->display('footer.tpl');