parent; } if ($response == 'OK') { array_shift($body_a); $body = implode('', $body_a) . "\r\n"; $localfilename = GenerateRandomString(32, 'FILE', 7); $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename"; $fp = fopen( $full_localfilename, 'w'); fwrite ($fp, $body); fclose($fp); /* dirty relative dir fix */ if (substr($attachment_dir,0,3) == '../') { $attachment_dir = substr($attachment_dir,3); $hashed_attachment_dir = getHashedDir($username, $attachment_dir); } $full_localfilename = "$hashed_attachment_dir/$localfilename"; $composeMessage->initAttachment('message/rfc822','email.txt', $full_localfilename); } return $composeMessage; } /* GLOBALS */ sqgetGlobalVar('username', $username, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('key', $key, SQ_COOKIE); sqgetGlobalVar('onetimepad', $onetimepad, SQ_SESSION); sqgetGlobalVar('mailbox', $mailbox, SQ_GET); sqgetGlobalVar('passed_id', $passed_id, SQ_GET); sqgetGlobalVar('js_web', $js_web, SQ_GET); if (! sqgetGlobalVar('startMessage', $startMessage, SQ_GET) ) { $startMessage = 1; } if (! sqgetGlobalVar('passed_ent_id', $passed_ent_id, SQ_GET) ) { $passed_ent_id = 0; } if (! sqgetGlobalVar('js_web', $js_web, SQ_GET) ) { $js_web = 0; } sqgetGlobalVar('compose_messages', $compose_messages, SQ_SESSION); if(! sqgetGlobalVar('composesession', $composesession, SQ_SESSION) ) { $composesession = 0; sqsession_register($composesession, 'composesession'); } /* END GLOBALS */ // js_web variable is 1 only when link opens web based report page in new window // and in new window menu line or extra javascript code is not needed. if ($js_web) { displayHTMLHeader(_("SpamCop reporting")); echo "\n"; } else { displayPageHeader($color,$mailbox); } $imap_stream = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 0); sqimap_mailbox_select($imap_stream, $mailbox); if ($spamcop_method == 'quick_email' || $spamcop_method == 'thorough_email') { // Use email-based reporting -- save as an attachment $session = "$composesession"+1; $composesession = $session; sqsession_register($composesession,'composesession'); if (!isset($compose_messages)) { $compose_messages = array(); } if (!isset($compose_messages[$session]) || ($compose_messages[$session] == NULL)) { $composeMessage = new Message(); $rfc822_header = new Rfc822Header(); $composeMessage->rfc822_header = $rfc822_header; $composeMessage->reply_rfc822_header = ''; $compose_messages[$session] = $composeMessage; sqsession_register($compose_messages,'compose_messages'); } else { $composeMessage=$compose_messages[$session]; } $message = sqimap_get_message($imap_stream, $passed_id, $mailbox); $composeMessage = getMessage_RFC822_Attachment($message, $composeMessage, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, $imap_stream); $compose_messages[$session] = $composeMessage; sqsession_register($compose_messages, 'compose_messages'); $fn = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'full_name'); $em = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'email_address'); $HowItLooks = $fn . ' '; if ($em != '') $HowItLooks .= '<' . $em . '>'; } echo "

"; echo _("Sending this spam report will give you back a reply with URLs that you can click on to properly report this spam message to the proper authorities. This is a free service. By pressing the \"Send Spam Report\" button, you agree to follow SpamCop's rules/terms of service/etc."); echo "

"; ?>
'; echo '\n"; } else { ?>
"; } ?>
\n"; } else { $spam_message = mime_fetch_body ($imap_stream, $passed_id, $passed_ent_id, 50000); if (strlen($spam_message) == 50000) { $Warning = "\n[truncated by SpamCop]\n"; $spam_message = substr($spam_message, 0, 50000 - strlen($Warning)) . $Warning; } if ($spamcop_type=='member') { $action_url=""; } else { $action_url=""; } if (isset($js_web) && $js_web) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; } ?> \n"; } ?>