or empty string) * @var string */ var $timestamp = ''; /** * Capabilities (POP3EXT capa) * @var array */ var $capabilities = array(); /** * Error message buffer * @var string */ var $error = ''; /** * Response buffer * * Variable is used to store last positive POP server response * checked in check_response() method. Used internally to handle * mixed single and multiline command responses. * @var string */ var $response = ''; /** * Constructor function * * parameter array keys * 'host' - required string, address of server. ip or fqn * 'port' - optional integer, port of server. * 'tls' - optional integer, connection type * 'timeout' - optional integer, connection timeout * 'auth' - optional integer, used authentication mechanism. * See description of class properties * @param array $aParams connection params */ function mail_fetch($aParams=array()) { // hostname if (isset($aParams['host'])) { $this->host = $aParams['host']; } else { return $this->set_error('Server name is not set'); } // tls if (isset($aParams['tls'])) { $this->tls = (int) $aParams['tls']; } // port if (isset($aParams['port'])) { $this->port = (int) $aParams['port']; } // set default ports if ($this->port == 0) { if ($this->tls===1) { // pops $this->port = 995; } else { // pop3 $this->port = 110; } } // timeout if (isset($aParams['timeout'])) { $this->timeout = (int) $aParams['timeout']; } // authentication mech if (isset($aParams['auth'])) { $this->auth = (int) $aParams['auth']; } // open connection $this->open(); } // Generic methods to handle connection and login operations. /** * Opens pop connection * * Command handles TLS and STLS connection differences and fills capabilities * array with RFC2449 CAPA data. * @return boolean */ function open() { if ($this->conn) { return true; } if ($this->tls===1) { if (! $this->check_php_version(4,3) || ! extension_loaded('openssl')) { return $this->set_error('Used PHP version does not support functions required for POP TLS.'); } $target = 'tls://' . $this->host; } else { $target = $this->host; } $this->conn = @fsockopen($target, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); if (!$this->conn) { $error = sprintf('Error %d: ',$errno) . $errstr; return $this->set_error($error); } // read greeting $this->greeting = trim(fgets($this->conn)); // check greeting for errors and extract timestamp if (preg_match('/^-ERR (.+)/',$this->greeting,$matches)) { return $this->set_error($matches[1],true); } elseif (preg_match('/^\+OK.+(<.+>)/',$this->greeting,$matches)) { $this->timestamp = $matches[1]; } /** * fill capability only when connection uses some non-rfc1939 * authentication type (currently unsupported) or STARTTLS. * Command is not part of rfc1939 and we don't have to use it * in simple POP connection. */ if ($this->auth > 3 || $this->tls===2) { $this->command_capa(); } // STARTTLS support if ($this->tls===2) { return $this->command_stls(); } return true; } /** * Reads first response line and checks it for errors * @return boolean true = success, false = failure, check error buffer */ function check_response() { $line = fgets($this->conn); if (preg_match('/^-ERR (.+)/',$line,$matches)) { return $this->set_error($matches[1]); } elseif (preg_match('/^\+OK/',$line)) { $this->response = trim($line); return true; } else { $this->response = trim($line); return $this->set_error('Unknown response'); } } /** * Standard SquirrelMail function copied to class in order to make class * independent from SquirrelMail. */ function check_php_version ($a = '0', $b = '0', $c = '0') { return version_compare ( PHP_VERSION, "$a.$b.$c", 'ge' ); } /** * Generic login wrapper * * Connection is not closed on login error (unless POP server drops * connection) * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return boolean */ function login($username,$password) { $ret = false; // RFC1939 APOP authentication if (! $ret && $this->auth & 2) { // clean error buffer $this->error = ''; // APOP login $ret = $this->command_apop($username,$password); } // RFC1939 USER authentication if (! $ret && $this->auth & 1) { // clean error buffer $this->error = ''; // Default to USER/PASS login if (! $this->command_user($username)) { // error is already in error buffer $ret = false; } else { $ret = $this->command_pass($password); } } return $ret; } /** * Sets error in error buffer and returns boolean false * @param string $error Error message * @param boolean $close_conn Do we have to close connection * @return boolean false */ function set_error($error,$close_conn=false) { $this->error = $error; if ($close_conn) { $this->command_quit(); } return false; } // POP (rfc 1939) commands /** * Gets mailbox status * array with 'count' and 'size' keys * @return mixed array or boolean false */ function command_stat() { fwrite($this->conn,"STAT\r\n"); $response = fgets($this->conn); if (preg_match('/^\+OK (\d+) (\d+)/',$response,$matches)) { return array('count' => $matches[1], 'size' => $matches[2]); } else { return $this->set_error('stat command failed'); } } /** * List mailbox messages * @param integer $msg * @return mixed array with message ids (keys) and sizes (values) or boolean false */ function command_list($msg='') { // add space between command and msg_id if(!empty($msg)) $msg = ' ' . $msg; fwrite($this->conn,"LIST$msg\r\n"); if($this->check_response()) { $ret = array(); if (!empty($msg)) { list($ok,$msg_id,$size) = explode(' ',trim($this->response)); $ret[$msg_id] = $size; } else { while($line = fgets($this->conn)) { if (trim($line)=='.') { break; } else { list($msg_id,$size) = explode(' ',trim($line)); $ret[$msg_id] = $size; } } } return $ret; } else { return false; } } /** * Gets message text * @param integer $msg message id * @return mixed rfc822 message (CRLF line endings) or boolean false */ function command_retr($msg) { fwrite($this->conn,"RETR $msg\r\n"); if($this->check_response()) { $ret = ''; while($line = fgets($this->conn)) { if ($line == ".\r\n") { break; } elseif ( $line{0} == '.' ) { $ret .= substr($line,1); } else { $ret.= $line; } } return $ret; } else { return false; } } /** * @param integer $msg * @return boolean */ function command_dele($msg) { fwrite($this->conn,"DELE $msg\r\n"); return $this->check_response(); } /** * POP noop command * @return boolean */ function command_noop() { fwrite($this->conn,"NOOP\r\n"); return $this->check_response(); } /** * Resets message state * @return boolean */ function command_rset() { fwrite($this->conn,"RSET\r\n"); return $this->check_response(); } /** * Closes POP connection */ function command_quit() { fwrite($this->conn,"QUIT\r\n"); fclose($this->conn); $this->conn = false; } // Optional RFC1939 commands /** * Gets message headers and $n of body lines. * * Command is optional and not required by rfc1939 * @param integer $msg * @param integer $n * @return string or boolean false */ function command_top($msg,$n) { fwrite($this->conn,"TOP $msg $n\r\n"); if($this->check_response()) { $ret = ''; while($line = fgets($this->conn)) { if (trim($line)=='.') { break; } else { $ret.= $line; } } return $ret; } else { return false; } } /** * Gets unique message ids * Command is optional and not required by rfc1939 * @param integer $msg message id * @return mixed array with message ids (keys) and unique ids (values) * or boolean false */ function command_uidl($msg='') { //return $this->set_error('Unsupported command.'); // add space between command and msg_id if(!empty($msg)) $msg = ' ' . $msg; fwrite($this->conn,"UIDL$msg\r\n"); if($this->check_response()) { $ids = array(); if (!empty($msg)) { list($ok,$msg_id,$unique_id) = explode(' ',trim($this->response)); $ids[$msg_id] = "$unique_id"; } else { while($line = fgets($this->conn)) { if (trim($line)=='.') { break; } else { list($msg_id,$unique_id) = explode(' ',trim($line)); // make sure that unique_id is a string. $ids[$msg_id] = "$unique_id"; } } } return $ids; } else { return false; } } /** * USER authentication (username command) * * Command is optional and not required by rfc1939. If command * is successful, pass command must be executed after it. * @param string $username * @return boolean true = success, false = failure. */ function command_user($username) { fwrite($this->conn,"USER $username\r\n"); return $this->check_response(); } /** * USER authentication (password command) * * Command is optional and not required by rfc1939. Requires * successful user command. * @param string $password * @return boolean true = success, false = failure. */ function command_pass($password) { fwrite($this->conn,"PASS $password\r\n"); return $this->check_response(); } /** * APOP authentication * * Command is optional and not required by rfc1939. APOP support * requires plain text passwords stored on server and some servers * don't support it. Standard qmail pop3d declares apop support * without checking if checkpassword supports it. * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return boolean true = success, false = failure. */ function command_apop($username,$password) { if (empty($this->timestamp)) { return $this->set_error('APOP is not supported by selected server.'); } $digest = md5($this->timestamp . $password); fwrite($this->conn,"APOP $username $digest\r\n"); return $this->check_response(); } // RFC2449 POP3EXT /** * Checks pop server capabilities * * RFC2449. Fills capabilities array. * @return void */ function command_capa() { fwrite($this->conn,"CAPA\r\n"); if ($this->check_response()) { // reset array. capabilities depend on authorization state $this->capabilities = array(); while($line = fgets($this->conn)) { if (trim($line)=='.') { break; } else { $this->capabilities[] = trim($line); } } } else { // if capa fails, error buffer contains error message. // Clean error buffer, // if POP3EXT is not supported, capability array will be empty $this->error = ''; } } // RFC2595 STARTTLS /** * RFC 2595 POP STARTTLS support * @return boolean */ function command_stls() { if (! function_exists('stream_socket_enable_crypto')) { return $this->set_error('Used PHP version does not support functions required for POP STLS.',true); } elseif (! in_array('STLS',$this->capabilities)) { return $this->set_error('Selected POP3 server does not support STLS.',true); } fwrite($this->conn,"STLS\r\n"); if (! $this->check_response()) { $this->command_quit(); return false; } if (@stream_socket_enable_crypto($this->conn,true,STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT)) { // starttls was successful (rfc2595 4. POP3 STARTTLS extension.) // get new CAPA response $this->command_capa(); } else { /** stream_socket_enable_crypto() call failed. */ return $this->set_error('Unable to start TLS.',true); } return true; } }