* Tyler Akins * Brent Bice * (c) 2000 (GNU GPL - see ../../COPYING) * * This plugin filters your inbox into different folders based upon given * criteria. It is most useful for people who are subscibed to mailing lists * to help organize their messages. The argument stands that filtering is * not the place of the client, which is why this has been made a plugin for * SquirrelMail. You may be better off using products such as Sieve or * Procmail to do your filtering so it happens even when SquirrelMail isn't * running. * * If you need help with this, or see improvements that can be made, please * email me directly at the address above. I definately welcome suggestions * and comments. This plugin, as is the case with all SquirrelMail plugins, * is not directly supported by the developers. Please come to me off the * mailing list if you have trouble with it. * * Also view plugins/README.plugins for more information. * */ function start_filters() { global $username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, $imap, $imap_general, $filters, $imap_stream, $imapConnection, $UseSeparateImapConnection, $AllowSpamFilters; // Detect if we have already connected to IMAP or not. // Also check if we are forced to use a separate IMAP connection if ((!isset($imap_stream) && !isset($imapConnection)) || $UseSeparateImapConnection) { $stream = sqimap_login($username, $key, $imapServerAddress, $imapPort, 10); $previously_connected = false; } elseif (isset($imapConnection)) { $stream = $imapConnection; $previously_connected = true; } else { $previously_connected = true; $stream = $imap_stream; } if (sqimap_get_num_messages($stream, "INBOX") > 0) { // Filter spam from inbox before we sort them into folders if ($AllowSpamFilters) spam_filters($stream); // Sort into folders user_filters($stream); } if (!$previously_connected) sqimap_logout($stream); } function user_filters($imap_stream) { $filters = load_filters(); if (! $filters) return; sqimap_mailbox_select($imap_stream, 'INBOX'); // For every rule for ($i=0; $i < count($filters); $i++) { // If it is the "combo" rule if ($filters[$i]["where"] == "To or Cc") { /* * If it's "TO OR CC", we have to do two searches, one for TO * and the other for CC. */ filter_search_and_delete($imap_stream, 'TO', $filters[$i]['what'], $filters[$i]['folder']); filter_search_and_delete($imap_stream, 'CC', $filters[$i]['what'], $filters[$i]['folder']); } else { /* * If it's a normal TO, CC, SUBJECT, or FROM, then handle it * normally. */ filter_search_and_delete($imap_stream, $filters[$i]['where'], $filters[$i]['what'], $filters[$i]['folder']); } } // Clean out the mailbox whether or not auto_expunge is on // That way it looks like it was redirected properly sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imap_stream, 'INBOX'); } function filter_search_and_delete($imap, $where, $what, $where_to) { fputs ($imap, 'a001 SEARCH ALL ' . $where . ' "' . addslashes($what) . "\"\r\n"); $read = sqimap_read_data ($imap, 'a001', true, $response, $message); // This may have problems with EIMS due to it being goofy for ($r=0; $r < count($read) && substr($read[$r], 0, 8) != '* SEARCH'; $r++) {} if ($response == 'OK') { $ids = explode(' ', $read[$r]); if (sqimap_mailbox_exists($imap, $where_to)) { for ($j=2; $j < count($ids); $j++) { $id = trim($ids[$j]); sqimap_messages_copy ($imap, $id, $id, $where_to); sqimap_messages_flag ($imap, $id, $id, 'Deleted'); } } } } // These are the spam filters function spam_filters($imap_stream) { global $data_dir, $username; global $SpamFilters_YourHop; global $SpamFilters_DNScache; $filters_spam_scan = getPref($data_dir, $username, "filters_spam_scan"); $filters_spam_folder = getPref($data_dir, $username, "filters_spam_folder"); $filters = load_spam_filters(); $run = 0; foreach ($filters as $Key=> $Value) { if ($Value['enabled']) $run ++; } // short-circuit if ($run == 0) { return; } sqimap_mailbox_select($imap_stream, 'INBOX'); // Ask for a big list of all "Received" headers in the inbox with // flags for each message. Kinda big. fputs($imap_stream, 'A3999 FETCH 1:* (FLAGS BODY.PEEK[HEADER.FIELDS ' . "(RECEIVED)])\r\n"); $read = sqimap_read_data ($imap_stream, 'A3999', true, $response, $message); if ($response != 'OK') return; $i = 0; while ($i < count($read)) { // EIMS will give funky results $Chunks = explode(' ', $read[$i]); if ($Chunks[0] != '*') { $i ++; continue; } $MsgNum = $Chunks[1]; $IPs = array(); $i ++; $IsSpam = 0; $Scan = 1; // Check for normal IMAP servers if ($filters_spam_scan == 'new') { if (is_int(strpos($Chunks[4], '\Seen'))) { $Scan = 0; } } // Look through all of the Received headers for IP addresses // Stop when I get ")" on a line // Stop if I get "*" on a line (don't advance) // and above all, stop if $i is bigger than the total # of lines while (($i < count($read)) && ($read[$i][0] != ')' && $read[$i][0] != '*' && $read[$i][0] != "\n") && (! $IsSpam)) { // Check to see if this line is the right "Received from" line // to check if (is_int(strpos($read[$i], $SpamFilters_YourHop))) { // short-circuit and skip work if we don't scan this one if ($Scan) { $read[$i] = ereg_replace('[^0-9\.]', ' ', $read[$i]); $elements = explode(' ', $read[$i]); foreach ($elements as $value) { if ($value != '' && ereg('[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}', $value, $regs)) { $Chunks = explode('.', $value); if ("$SpamFilters_DNScache[$value]" == "") { $SpamFilters_DNScache[$value] = filters_spam_check_site($Chunks[0], $Chunks[1], $Chunks[2], $Chunks[3], $filters); } if ($SpamFilters_DNScache[$value]) { $IsSpam ++; break; // no sense in checking more IPs } } } } } $i ++; } // Lookie! It's spam! Yum! if ($IsSpam) { if (sqimap_mailbox_exists ($imap_stream, $filters_spam_folder)) { sqimap_messages_copy ($imap_stream, $MsgNum, $MsgNum, $filters_spam_folder); sqimap_messages_flag ($imap_stream, $MsgNum, $MsgNum, 'Deleted'); } } } sqimap_mailbox_expunge($imap_stream, 'INBOX'); } // Does the loop through each enabled filter for the specified IP address. // IP format: $a.$b.$c.$d function filters_spam_check_site($a, $b, $c, $d, &$filters) { foreach ($filters as $key => $value) { if ($filters[$key]['enabled']) { if ($filters[$key]['dns']) { if (checkdnsrr("$d.$c.$b.$a." . $filters[$key]['dns'], 'ANY')) { return 1; } } } } return 0; } function load_filters() { global $data_dir, $username; $filters = array(); for ($i=0; $fltr = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'filter' . $i); $i++) { $ary = explode(',', $fltr); $filters[$i]['where'] = $ary[0]; $filters[$i]['what'] = $ary[1]; $filters[$i]['folder'] = $ary[2]; } return $filters; } function load_spam_filters() { global $data_dir, $username; $filters['MAPS RBL']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_maps_rbl'; $filters['MAPS RBL']['name'] = 'MAPS Realtime Blackhole List'; $filters['MAPS RBL']['link'] = 'http://www.mail-abuse.org/rbl/'; $filters['MAPS RBL']['dns'] = 'blackholes.mail-abuse.org'; $filters['MAPS RBL']['comment'] = _("COMMERCIAL - This list contains servers that are verified spam senders. It is a pretty reliable list to scan spam from."); $filters['MAPS RSS']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_maps_rss'; $filters['MAPS RSS']['name'] = 'MAPS Relay Spam Stopper'; $filters['MAPS RSS']['link'] = 'http://www.mail-abuse.org/rss/'; $filters['MAPS RSS']['dns'] = 'relays.mail-abuse.org'; $filters['MAPS RSS']['comment'] = _("COMMERCIAL - Servers that are configured (or misconfigured) to allow spam to be relayed through their system will be banned with this. Another good one to use."); $filters['MAPS DUL']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_maps_dul'; $filters['MAPS DUL']['name'] = 'MAPS Dial-Up List'; $filters['MAPS DUL']['link'] = 'http://www.mail-abuse.org/dul/'; $filters['MAPS DUL']['dns'] = 'dialups.mail-abuse.org'; $filters['MAPS DUL']['comment'] = _("COMMERCIAL - Dial-up users are often filtered out since they should use their ISP\'s mail servers to send mail. Spammers typically get a dial-up account and send spam directly from there."); $filters['MAPS RBLplus']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_maps_rblplus'; $filters['MAPS RBLplus']['name'] = 'MAPS RBL+ List'; $filters['MAPS RBLplus']['link'] = 'http://www.mail-abuse.org/'; $filters['MAPS RBLplus']['dns'] = 'rbl-plus.mail-abuse.org'; $filters['MAPS RBLplus']['comment'] = _("COMMERCIAL - RBL+ is a combination of RSS, DUL, and RBL."); $filters['Osirusoft']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_maps_osirusoft'; $filters['Osirusoft']['name'] = 'Osirusoft List'; $filters['Osirusoft']['link'] = 'http://relays.osirusoft.com/'; $filters['Osirusoft']['dns'] = 'relays.osirusoft.com'; $filters['Osirusoft']['comment'] = _("FREE - Osirusoft - Very thorough, but also rejects replies from many ISP\'s abuse@domain.name email messages for some reason."); $filters['ORDB']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_ordb'; $filters['ORDB']['name'] = 'Open Relay Database List'; $filters['ORDB']['link'] = 'http://www.ordb.org/'; $filters['ORDB']['dns'] = 'relays.ordb.org'; $filters['ORDB']['comment'] = _("FREE - ORDB was born when ORBS went off the air. It seems to have fewer false positives than ORBS did though."); $filters['ORBZ']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_orbz'; $filters['ORBZ']['name'] = 'ORBZ List'; $filters['ORBZ']['link'] = 'http://www.orbz.org/'; $filters['ORBZ']['dns'] = 'inputs.orbz.org'; $filters['ORBZ']['comment'] = _("FREE - Another ORBS replacement (just the INPUTS database used here)."); $filters['Five-Ten']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_fiveten'; $filters['Five-Ten']['name'] = 'Five-Ten-sg.com Lists'; $filters['Five-Ten']['link'] = 'http://www.five-ten-sg.com/blackhole.php'; $filters['Five-Ten']['dns'] = 'blackholes.five-ten-sg.com'; $filters['Five-Ten']['comment'] = _("FREE - Five-Ten-sg.com has SPAM source, OpenRelay, and and Dialup IPs."); $filters['Dorkslayers']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_dorks'; $filters['Dorkslayers']['name'] = 'Dorkslayers Lists'; $filters['Dorkslayers']['link'] = 'http://www.dorkslayers.com'; $filters['Dorkslayers']['dns'] = 'orbs.dorkslayers.com'; $filters['Dorkslayers']['comment'] = _("FREE - Dorkslayers appears to include only really bad open relays outside the US to avoid being sued. Interestingly enough, their website recommends you NOT use their service."); $filters['ORBL']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_orbl'; $filters['ORBL']['name'] = 'ORBL Lists'; $filters['ORBL']['link'] = 'http://www.orbl.org'; $filters['ORBL']['dns'] = 'or.orbl.org'; $filters['ORBL']['comment'] = _("'FREE - ORBL is another ORBS spinoff formed after ORBS shut down. May be SLOOOOOOW!"); $filters['ORBZ-UK']['prefname'] = 'filters_spam_orbzuk'; $filters['ORBZ-UK']['name'] = 'ORBZ-UK Lists'; $filters['ORBZ-UK']['link'] = 'http://orbz.gst-group.co.uk'; $filters['ORBZ-UK']['dns'] = 'orbz.gst-group.co.uk'; $filters['ORBZ-UK']['comment'] = _("FREE - orbz.gst-group.co.uk lists not only open relays, but also mailservers that refuse or bounce email addressed to postmaster@."); foreach ($filters as $Key => $Value) { $filters[$Key]['enabled'] = getPref($data_dir, $username, $filters[$Key]['prefname']); } return $filters; } function remove_filter ($id) { global $data_dir, $username; while ($nextFilter = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'filter' . ($id + 1))) { setPref($data_dir, $username, 'filter' . $id, $nextFilter); $id ++; } removePref($data_dir, $username, 'filter' . $id); } function filter_swap($id1, $id2) { global $data_dir, $username; $FirstFilter = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'filter' . $id1); $SecondFilter = getPref($data_dir, $username, 'filter' . $id2); if ($FirstFilter && $SecondFilter) { setPref($data_dir, $username, 'filter' . $id2, $FirstFilter); setPref($data_dir, $username, 'filter' . $id1, $SecondFilter); } } ?>