_("Change Password"), 'url' => '../plugins/change_password/options.php', 'desc' => _("Use this to change your email password."), 'js' => FALSE ); // SM14 code: revert to squirrelmail domain for 1.4.x if (! check_sm_version(1,5,0)) { bindtextdomain('squirrelmail',SM_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain('squirrelmail'); } } /** * Displays information after "Successfully Saved Options:" * @since 1.5.1 */ function change_password_loadinfo() { global $optpage, $optpage_name; if ($optpage=='change_password') { // SM14 code: use change_password gettext domain binding for 1.4.x if (! check_sm_version(1,5,0)) { bindtextdomain('change_password',SM_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain('change_password'); } // i18n: is displayed after "Successfully Saved Options:" $optpage_name=_("User's Password"); // SM14 code: revert to squirrelmail domain for 1.4.x if (! check_sm_version(1,5,0)) { bindtextdomain('squirrelmail',SM_PATH . 'locale'); textdomain('squirrelmail'); } } } /** * Return version information * @return string version number */ function change_password_version() { return '0.2'; } ?>