"; echo "$errorNumber : $errorString
"; exit; } $serverInfo = fgets($imapConnection, 256); fputs($imapConnection, "1 login $username $key\n"); $read = fgets($imapConnection, 1024); fputs($imapConnection, "1 list \"\" *\n"); $str = imapReadData($imapConnection); echo ""; echo "
"; echo "Folders
"; echo "
"; echo "\n"; for ($i = 0;$i < count($str); $i++) { $mailbox = Chop($str[$i]); // find the quote at the begining of the mailbox name. // i subtract 1 from the strlen so it doesn't find the quote at the end of the mailbox name. $mailbox = findMailboxName($mailbox); $periodCount = countCharInString($mailbox, "."); // indent the correct number of spaces. for ($j = 0;$j < $periodCount;$j++) echo "  "; $mailboxURL = urlencode($mailbox); echo ""; echo readShortMailboxName($mailbox, "."); echo "
\n"; } echo "
"; fclose($imapConnection); ?>