', ".\r", ".\n", '. ', ' ', ')', '(', '"', '<', '>', '.<', ']', '[', '{', '}', "\240", ', ', '. ', ",\n", ",\r"); /** * rfc 2368 (mailto URL) preg_match() regexp * @link http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2368.txt * @global string MailTo_PReg_Match the encapsulated regexp for preg_match() */ global $MailTo_PReg_Match; $Mailto_Email_RegExp = '[0-9a-z%]([-_.+%]?[0-9a-z])*(%' . $Host_RegExp_Match . ')?@' . $Host_RegExp_Match; $MailTo_PReg_Match = '/((?:' . $Mailto_Email_RegExp . ')*)((?:\?(?:to|cc|bcc|subject|body)=[^\s\?&=,()]+)?(?:&(?:to|cc|bcc|subject|body)=[^\s\?&=,()]+)*)/i'; /** * Parses a body and converts all found URLs to clickable links. * * @param string body the body to process, by ref * @return void */ function parseUrl (&$body) { global $url_parser_poss_ends, $url_parser_url_tokens; $start = 0; $blength = strlen($body); while ($start < $blength) { $target_token = ''; $target_pos = $blength; /* Find the first token to replace */ foreach ($url_parser_url_tokens as $the_token) { $pos = strpos(strtolower($body), $the_token, $start); if (is_int($pos) && $pos < $target_pos) { $target_pos = $pos; $target_token = $the_token; } } /* Look for email addresses between $start and $target_pos */ $check_str = substr($body, $start, $target_pos-$start); if (parseEmail($check_str)) { replaceBlock($body, $check_str, $start, $target_pos); $blength = strlen($body); $target_pos = strlen($check_str) + $start; } /* If there was a token to replace, replace it */ if ($target_token == 'mailto:') { // rfc 2368 (mailto URL) $target_pos += 7; //skip mailto: $end = $blength; $mailto = substr($body, $target_pos, $end-$target_pos); global $MailTo_PReg_Match; if ((preg_match($MailTo_PReg_Match, $mailto, $regs)) && ($regs[0] != '')) { //sm_print_r($regs); $mailto_before = $target_token . $regs[0]; $mailto_params = $regs[10]; if ($regs[1]) { //if there is an email addr before '?', we need to merge it with the params $to = 'to=' . $regs[1]; if (strpos($mailto_params, 'to=') > -1) //already a 'to=' $mailto_params = str_replace('to=', $to . '%2C%20', $mailto_params); else { if ($mailto_params) //already some params, append to them $mailto_params .= '&' . $to; else $mailto_params .= '?' . $to; } } $url_str = str_replace(array('to=', 'cc=', 'bcc='), array('send_to=', 'send_to_cc=', 'send_to_bcc='), $mailto_params); $comp_uri = makeComposeLink('src/compose.php' . $url_str, $mailto_before); replaceBlock($body, $comp_uri, $target_pos - 7, $target_pos + strlen($regs[0])); $target_pos += strlen($comp_uri) - 7; } } else if ($target_token != '') { /* Find the end of the URL */ $end = $blength; foreach ($url_parser_poss_ends as $val) { $enda = strpos($body, $val, $target_pos); if (is_int($enda) && $enda < $end) { $end = $enda; } } /* Extract URL */ $url = substr($body, $target_pos, $end-$target_pos); /* Needed since lines are not passed with \n or \r */ while ( ereg("[,\.]$", $url) ) { $url = substr( $url, 0, -1 ); $end--; } /* Replace URL with HyperLinked Url, requires 1 char in link */ if ($url != '' && $url != $target_token) { $url_str = "$url"; replaceBlock($body,$url_str,$target_pos,$end); $target_pos += strlen($url_str); } else { // Not quite a valid link, skip ahead to next chance $target_pos += strlen($target_token); } } /* Move forward */ $start = $target_pos; $blength = strlen($body); } } ?>