-1) return $result; } // if we aren't a child of one of the subNodes, must be a child of current node return $treeIndexToStart; } else return $treeIndexToStart; } else { // we aren't a child of this node at all return -1; } } function addChildNodeToTree($comparisonValue, $value, &$tree) { $parentNode = findParentForChild($comparisonValue, 0, $tree); // create a new subNode $newNodeIndex = count($tree); $tree[$newNodeIndex]["value"] = $value; $tree[$newNodeIndex]["doIHaveChildren"] = false; if ($tree[$parentNode]["doIHaveChildren"] == false) { // make sure the parent knows it has children $tree[$parentNode]["subNodes"][0] = $newNodeIndex; $tree[$parentNode]["doIHaveChildren"] = true; } else { $nextSubNode = count($tree[$parentNode]["subNodes"]); // make sure the parent knows it has children $tree[$parentNode]["subNodes"][$nextSubNode] = $newNodeIndex; } } function walkTreeInPreOrderDeleteFolders($index, $imap_stream, $tree) { if ($tree[$index]["doIHaveChildren"]) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($tree[$index]["subNodes"]); $j++) { walkTreeInPreOrderDeleteFolders($tree[$index]["subNodes"][$j], $imap_stream, $tree); } sqimap_mailbox_delete($imap_stream, $tree[$index]["value"]); } else { sqimap_mailbox_delete($imap_stream, $tree[$index]["value"]); } } function walkTreeInPostOrderCreatingFoldersUnderTrash($index, $imap_stream, $tree, $dm, $topFolderName) { global $trash_folder; $position = strrpos($topFolderName, $dm) + 1; $subFolderName = substr($tree[$index]["value"], $position); if ($tree[$index]["doIHaveChildren"]) { sqimap_mailbox_create($imap_stream, $trash_folder . $dm . $subFolderName, ""); sqimap_mailbox_select($imap_stream, $tree[$index]["value"]); $messageCount = sqimap_get_num_messages($imap_stream, $tree[$index]["value"]); if ($messageCount > 0) sqimap_messages_copy($imap_stream, 1, $messageCount, $trash_folder . $dm . $subFolderName); for ($j = 0;$j < count($tree[$index]["subNodes"]); $j++) walkTreeInPostOrderCreatingFoldersUnderTrash($tree[$index]["subNodes"][$j], $imap_stream, $tree, $dm, $topFolderName); } else { sqimap_mailbox_create($imap_stream, $trash_folder . $dm . $subFolderName, ""); sqimap_mailbox_select($imap_stream, $tree[$index]["value"]); $messageCount = sqimap_get_num_messages($imap_stream, $tree[$index]["value"]); if ($messageCount > 0) sqimap_messages_copy($imap_stream, 1, $messageCount, $trash_folder . $dm . $subFolderName); } } function simpleWalkTreePre($index, $tree) { if ($tree[$index]["doIHaveChildren"]) { for ($j = 0; $j < count($tree[$index]["subNodes"]); $j++) { simpleWalkTreePre($tree[$index]["subNodes"][$j], $tree); } echo $tree[$index]["value"] . "
"; } else { echo $tree[$index]["value"] . "
"; } } ?>