"; echo "$errorNumber : $errorString
"; exit; } $serverInfo = fgets($imapConnection, 256); // login fputs($imapConnection, "1 login $username $key\n"); $read = fgets($imapConnection, 1024); if (strpos($read, "NO")) { error_username_password_incorrect(); exit; } return $imapConnection; } /** must be sent in the form: user.. **/ function createFolder($imapConnection, $folder) { fputs($imapConnection, "1 create \"$folder\"\n"); } /** must be sent in the form: user.. **/ function removeFolder($imapConnection, $folder) { fputs($imapConnection, "1 delete \"$folder\"\n"); } /** Sends back two arrays, boxesFormatted and boxesUnformatted **/ function getFolderList($imapConnection, &$boxesFormatted, &$boxesUnformatted) { fputs($imapConnection, "1 list \"\" *\n"); $str = imapReadData($imapConnection); for ($i = 0;$i < count($str); $i++) { $mailbox = chop($str[$i]); $mailbox = findMailboxName($mailbox); $periodCount = countCharInString($mailbox, "."); // indent the correct number of spaces. for ($j = 0;$j < $periodCount;$j++) $boxesFormatted[$i] = "$boxesFormatted[$i]  "; $boxesFormatted[$i] = $boxesFormatted[$i] . readShortMailboxName($mailbox, "."); $boxesUnformatted[$i] = $mailbox; } } function deleteMessages($imapConnection, $a, $b, $numMessages, $trash_folder, $move_to_trash, $auto_expunge, $mailbox) { /** check if they would like to move it to the trash folder or not */ if ($move_to_trash == true) { $success = copyMessages($imapConnection, $a, $b, $trash_folder); if ($success == true) setMessageFlag($imapConnection, $a, $b, "Deleted"); } else { setMessageFlag($imapConnection, $a, $b, "Deleted"); } } ?>