'' ) { $bgc = " BGCOLOR=\"$bgcolor\""; } switch ( $align ) { case '': $alg = ''; break; case 'right': $alg = " ALIGN=\"$rgt\""; break; default: $alg = " ALIGN=\"$lft\""; } return( "<$tag DIR=\"$dir\"$bgc$alg $xtra>" ); } /* * Zookeeper * Copyright (c) 2001 Partridge * Licensed under the GNU GPL. For full terms see the file COPYING. * * $Id$ */ /** * ZkSvc_html * * The ZkSvc_html class manages html output. */ class ZkSvc_html { /* Constants */ var $name = 'html'; // Module name var $ver = '$Id$'; /* Properties */ var $buffer; // Buffered output var $htmlmod; // Module handler var $title; // Page title var $head_extras; // Extra header tags var $bgcolor; // Background color var $text; // Text color var $link; // Link color var $vlink; // Visited link color var $alink; // Active link color var $onload; // Onload event var $onunload; // OnUnload event var $dir; // Text direction var $tag_options; // Array of tag options array /** CONSTRUCTOR */ function ZkSvc_html() { GLOBAL $languages, $language; $this->spool = FALSE; $this->buffer = ''; $this->title = 'Default zkHTML Title'; $this->head_extras = ''; $this->bgcolor = '#FFFFFF'; $this->text = '#000000'; $this->link = '#3300CC'; $this->vlink = '#993333'; $this->alink = '#993333'; $this->onload = ''; $this->onunload = ''; /* To know if a tag exists we check that it has got a place in the following array */ $this->tag_options = array( 'table' => array( 'tag_name' => 'table', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'tr' => array( 'tag_name' => 'tr', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'th' => array( 'tag_name' => 'th', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'td' => array( 'tag_name' => 'td', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'li' => array( 'tag_name' => 'li', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'ol' => array( 'tag_name' => 'ol', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'form' => array( 'tag_name' => 'form', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'input' => array( 'tag_name' => 'input', 'tag_closed' => FALSE ), 'br' => array( 'tag_name' => 'br', 'tag_closed' => FALSE ), 'textarea' => array( 'tag_name' => 'textarea', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'p' => array( 'tag_name' => 'p', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'a' => array( 'tag_name' => 'a', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'center' => array( 'name' => 'center', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'img' => array( 'name' => 'img', 'tag_closed' => FALSE ), 'font' => array( 'tag_closed' => TRUE ), 'blockquote' => array( 'tag_name' => 'blockquote', 'tag_closed' => TRUE ) ); if ( isset( $languages[$language]['DIR']) ) { $this->dir = strtolower( $languages[$language]['DIR'] ); } else { $this->dir = 'ltr'; } } /** * Return the name of this service. * * @return string the name of this service */ function getServiceName() { return( $this->name ); } /** * Replace the Zookeeper html module loaded for this service. (no modules yet) * */ function loadModule(&$module) { $this->htmlmod = &$module; } /** * Outputs the buffer and re-initialize it. * */ function flush( $string = '' ) { echo $this->buffer . $string; flush(); $this->buffer = ''; } /** * Builds a header string * */ function header( $string = '' ) { // It initializes the buffer. $this->buffer = '' . "\n\n"; if( $this->head_extras <> '' || $this->title <> '' ) { $this->buffer .= "\n"; if( $this->title <> '' ) $this->buffer .= "$this->title\n"; $this->buffer .= "$this->head_extras\n"; } $xtra = ''; if ( $this->onload <> '' ) { $xtra .= ' onload="' . $this->onload . '" '; } if ( $this->onunload <> '' ) { $xtra .= ' onunload="' . $this->onunload . '" '; } $this->buffer .= "text\" BGCOLOR=\"$this->bgcolor\" LINK=\"$this->link\" VLINK=\"$this->vlink\" ALINK=\"$this->alink\" $xtra>\n"; /* See if we're asking for a closed strcuture */ if( $string == '' ) { $this->flush(); } else { $this->buffer .= $string . ''; } } /** * Builds a footer string * */ function footer() { $this->buffer .= "\n\n\n"; $this->flush(); } /** * Builds a tag string * */ function tag( $tag, $string = '', $options = '' ) { $ret = ''; if( $this->tag_options[$tag] <> NULL ) { if( $options == '' ) { $options = $this->tag_options[$tag]; } switch( strtolower( $tag ) ) { case 'td': case 'th': if ( $this->dir == 'rtl' && isset( $options['align'] ) ) { } case 'table': if ( $this->dir <> '' ) { $options['DIR'] = $this->dir; } break; } $ret = zkTag_html( $tag, $string, $options, $this->tag_options[$tag]['tag_closed'] ); } return( $ret ); } /** * Builds a header string * */ function h( $string, $level = '1' ) { $buffer = ""; /* See if we're asking for a closed strcuture */ if( $string == '' ) { $this->$buffer .= $buffer; } else { $buffer .= $string . ""; } return( $buffer ); } } /** * Converts an array into a parameters tag list. * */ function zkGetParms_html( $parms ) { $buffer = ''; foreach( $parms as $key => $opt ) { if( substr( $key, 0, 3 ) <> 'tag' ) { $buffer .= " $key"; if ($opt <> '' ) { $buffer .= "=\"$opt\""; } } } return( $buffer ); } /** * Composes a tag string with all its parameters. * */ function zkTag_html( $tag, $string, $options, $closed ) { /* We must check direction tag in case we have table, td or th */ $ret = "<$tag" . zkGetParms_html( $options ) . '>' . $string; if ( $closed ) { $ret .= ""; } return( $ret ); } function optionize( $name, $opts, $default, $xtra = '' ) { $ret = "\n"; return( $ret ); } ?>